taxi driver
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  • hey bw cup, gmt-4. very hectic schedule this week, would prefer to either play today or next weekend.
    hey apparently the dl isn't until next sunday, so we can just schedule for then (it works better for me tbh).
    taxi driver
    taxi driver
    okay i can do next sunday 8pm your time
    that should work. i'll see you then !_!
    Hello, we're paired for OST r1. I'm GMT +0, free most afternoons on weekdays and p much all day during weekends. When do you wanna play? :]
    taxi driver
    taxi driver
    okay so 8pm your time so 2pm mine sounds good to me
    Ok, see you then!
    Hey, I'm online on both main and smogtours as mfjk so whenever you get on you can just chall.
    when do you wanna adv cup

    (we're same timezone :o)
    taxi driver
    taxi driver
    is saturday around 3 good
    ite i inted tour - can fite now
    hey, gotta play for bw cup. I'm east coast, looks like you're dallas so 1 hour back. good generally after 9 pm my time on weekdays and most weekends. ready now so let me know whenever you want to play, thanks.
    taxi driver
    taxi driver
    whatup is monday or tuesday at 9 your time good
    Tuesday good, see you then gl
    waiting on you on smogtours
    Hey, when do you wanna play for ost? I am gmt +1 :)
    I'll log on later from phone again to respond to you, cya :o
    taxi driver
    taxi driver
    tomorrow at 10:30am or after smog tour around 2-3pm my time
    Guess i'd prefer the first time but idk, today is a lot more difficult for me than yesterday was, just try to hit me up when i am on stours pls :)
    When do you wanna play for OST (Round 3)? I'm GMT -3
    taxi driver
    taxi driver
    yo im on showdown as 36 winters if u see this
    Sorry, arrived from the movies with my girlfriend a bit later than I expected. Is there any way you can play rn or tomorrow?
    taxi driver
    taxi driver
    i can battle after 2pm my time today
    Hey, we are paired for gsc cup. Im gmt +2. I would prefer to play in my late evening this or next weekeng. During the week could be a problem bc our 8 hours difference. And u want to play on ps or is po okay for u too?
    Sunday 1 pm your time sounds good:) and ps is fine
    hey, we wanted to play 2 1/2 hours ago. i wont be online for a long time today anymore, so we have to reschedule. when are u free again?
    taxi driver
    taxi driver
    sorry take the win im to busy rn to do this
    Hey, we're paired up for OST R2, I'm GMT -4 (EST), when can you play?
    taxi driver
    taxi driver
    hey sorry went to get food im on the rei miyamoto alt
    Hey taxi driver, thank you for the series, please forgive me about any hax that was present during the games :/

    I hope that this series could be called a good game.
    taxi driver
    taxi driver
    yah thats how pokemon goes I thought it was a good a series if you take out the hax we both played pretty well and it couldve gone either way it came down to a few key turns ggs dude and gl in future rounds you can make a deep run in this tourney if you take it serious enough
    can you play tomorrow afternoonish for me, if im available to play ill be on irc in a bunch of channels eg(#wcop, #rarelyused)
    rip I know deadline is today so seeing as it's coming to that, how about in 8hours from now?
    taxi driver
    taxi driver
    U can take the win not motivated enough and just really busy
    ok then, thanks
    we're paired for the rby cup. i'm gmt +12 and usually available on my afternoons (4-7) or the whole weekend, usually the afternoon there or the beginning of the 2nd tour
    have class tomorrow since in nz its monday then. available times would be from 3 hours from now on any weekday till about 6 hours from now unless we want to wait until next weekend (i think the deadline is after that)
    taxi driver
    taxi driver
    I can battle tonight at 9pm my time if that works for you
    cant srry have to do weekend =/
    Can you give me a time to battle? I don't want this to go to activity(I don't think they even count activity calls in farm league)
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