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  • The deadline for the Gauntlet Tournament is approaching.... Are you ready to play yet?
    Hi, I am your opponent for round 1 of the VGC 2012 tournament. When would you like to battle? I am pretty free this Saturday and Sunday, if that would work for you. If you are busy, we can play next week as well, but I am a full-time college student and thus have a fairly busy schedule during the week, so it will be more difficult. I am in CST time zone (GMT -6).
    Hey, sorry I did not answer you, I was travelling.... I will try, but I am not sure if it will be possible. Friday I am pretty open though
    Hi dude, we are paired for the DPP OU tournament. I'm ready, tell me when you want to battle (not now, it's late here). If you want to catch me up, i'm Ro² on French Time.
    Hello, let me know when you're ready. When you are... I'm on the smogon po server from time to time as "Irrelevant" and I'm also on the smogon irc channel #dreamworld often.
    I can play anytime today most likely if youre free. Otherwise, I can usually play anytime after 6 pm cst on weekdays, though I'm fairly flexible.
    Sorry about not getting back with you. My internet has been down for like 5 days -_-. I'm on the EST. Hopefully I'll be able to battle today just gotta get some stuff done first. I'll let you know though.
    Don't john until the deadline please. I can be online this afternoon, this evening, but tomorrow i'm out.
    Hey dear,
    We're paired for No Johns (R2)
    I'm GMT+2 ; what about this evening? I'll be connected on IRC if you try to search for me.
    I'll be able to battle around 9 pm my time on monday, or otherwise, basically any time thursday or friday
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