Sweet Jesus
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  • I am available to fight tomorrow either from 9:15am-1pm, or after 6:30pm
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    tomorrow I start school at 9:30 am and have an exam at 6:30 pm which ends at 8:30 pm and it takes one hour for me to go to school so yah... wednesday I don't have school, can you fnd some time that day ?
    aerialace TM40
    aerialace TM40
    yeah wednesday I can fight from 9:15-11:45am, or after 6:30pm
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    Wednesday morning it will be, I'll be on at 10 am and at other times in the day if you miss me.
    hey I have a bunch of school work to do today, let's reschedule for friday or this weekend
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    it might get complicated, since you're on right now, we could just get this done in 20 minutes live
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    so... I guess I missed you by 5 minutes. Friday I can only do in the morning (before 11am). Saturday evening is probably possible, or sunday morning (before 11am too)
    aerialace TM40
    aerialace TM40
    Sunday morning sounds good to me. I'll just get on here when I wake up (usually around 8am)
    We are matched up in the nu tour, when can you play ? :)
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    friday morning, saturday morning sunday (best day), tuesday evening (EST)
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    (sunday all day)
    Sunday probably is best then.
    Saturday pls
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    good, well I'll be on (#neverused) most of the time from 3-5 PM EST if you want some other time than tell me asap, just not after 6:30 pm
    we can play tomorrow (friday) i get home around 2:30 pm pst
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    the whole week end includes friday I'll be gone for a while, find some times after monday, that'll be the best times. If you can be online sunday evening that would be cool too
    We got matched up in Ubers Round 2 Tell me when can you come on.
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    Hi, I'm EST and I'm a pretty busy man. I can be on tomorrow around 4:30-5pm until 11am, wednesday really late (around 10-10:30pm) maybe thursday afternoon but it might be complicated and friday morning (before 11:00 AM). After that it would have to go to next week cause I'm away all weekend
    Hey SJ we're opponents for NU STABmons. I'm GMT +8, when are you free to battle?
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    I include friday in the weekend, but hey if you're onine now how about you get on irc and we do this live ?
    Sorry, I'm not free to do a battle right now :s

    I think I MIGHT be able to find time to battle on Tuesday night my time, and possibly Thursday night as well. I'll see how it goes. How does that sound to you? It should be around the same time as now for tuesday, about an hour later on Thursday

    I hope I said it in a way that made sense :3
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    ok that'd be good, otherwise I might find you on irc before then if not I could be able to battle friday or saturday a bit later than the time it is atm if that suits you, I just hate being stuck on my computer waiting for opponents in the morning (like I am right now)
    Hey SJ we're opponents for NU STABmons. I'm GMT -5 (and apparently so were your other two opponents O__o)
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    Yup i'm currently out of town, if you could make it before 11am saturday or sunday, that would be great otherwise i'll give you some other times when i come back
    Sure, I'll be on prolly most of Saturday morning
    I am free for the rest of the day, so if you want to play now or later, just vm me :o
    hey, we're opponents for the NU Minitour. We're both on irc a good amount so this shouldnt be a huge problem but jw when you wanna get this done? I'm GMT -5 and am also on #doubles alot if im not on #neverused
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    can you do this wednesday ? any hour ? Otherwise you can alsway try to catch me sooner on irc I'm usualy on from early in the morning to 11 am but after that I have to go to work. We have the same timezone
    Yeah, I'm good for wednesday. Sounds good
    Oh hey Sweet J, I'll need your opinion/input on my Liepard analysis, regarding your Dread Plate + U-turn set.
    I don't mind which day we play, and 5pm est is 10pm for me, so whenever you want to play is fine.
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    ok well I only have one team atm so unless I get really productive tomorrow, I might prefer playing next week.
    That's fine for me. Just let me know when you're ready.
    i am available tuesday. i am gmt-5. on tuesday if i see u on irc maybe we can battle.
    ok, im finishing up my new team for this right now anyways, so its nice to get a bit more time XD. ill VM later about when im open for battling.
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