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  • It's fine, but please don't post in my thread again, lol. Just VM me. Yeah, you can get the Mesprit instead of Hypno.The EVs are fine with me. I'm in the middle of an RNG right now though, so I can't trade right now. I'll let you know when I can.
    Responding to your CMT, I'd like the Careful Muk, Bold Weezing, and Naive Sceptile, all UT please. Let me know when you can trade.
    well third gen only has cute charm as an ability.

    but if you evolve it, it will turn into magic guard, as there is a 50% chance that the ability will change.
    well the fact is, I dont trade any eevee's.

    just because it gives anyone the opportunity to evolve it in any evolution eevee has.

    which are 7, so i would be giving away 7 pokemon instead of 1

    anyway im ready to trade, add my platinum FC
    yeah it took a little longer but im here now D:

    anyway 4 credits, so it depends what you want.

    if you pick normal pokemon, you can pick 4 but the clefable are worth 2 credits....
    Oh, phew, it worked. I managed to keep the problem with the USB under control, only for my computer's internet to crash >_>. Anyway, thanks for the trade :)
    Right, I think I've got it working. Let's get this done quick before it starts playing up again. My new FC is 5113-7917-1219. I'll just add you, then see you on.
    Sorry, my fucking USB connector is screwing up. I'll try get back to you if I can get it to work.
    Abomasnow. And it's the nonshiny HP Fighting Mismagius. I should be on very soon, I just need to get my FC again (this is my first time on Wi-Fi since I restarted my game) My FC might have changed, so wait before you add me :)
    Shit sorry, I thought I'd replied. I can probably trade in around ten minutes, unless my USB connector starts playing up. I'll VM you again either when I'm free or if I'll have to delay further.

    Sorry for the late reply.
    Howdy. Sorry about the randomness, but I just wanted to say you have a cool user name and pic, my fellow sun-loving friend XD
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