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  • ROFLOL your ct! I'll avenge Birkal! Or you'll avenge Jelli... haha.

    Okay that'll be cool. Thanks! :)
    oh. hahaha. Okieeee! That time is fine for me if it's fine for you too~ I sent that at like 9.30pm and that's uh 8.30 am for you isn't that too early ?_???? 10.30 is fine with me too though.

    oh dear... since we can only play on weekdays (unless your thurs / fri mornings are free) then we're overshooting the march 15 deadline ahhhhh >_>

    also oh dear the match up is gonna be annoying... LOL double gyarados x)
    just spent like 15 minutes reading through your scms changes what am I doing with my life
    Wow so much mafeking hahahahaha. Next week would be fine ! :) but you vmed me at 3-4am lol! xD

    Back to arranging time. I'm GMT +8, What's your timezone? :O!
    okay~~~~ thanks again I ruv roo

    also sorry for creeping and liking one of your profile pictures early but I totally thought I had liked it before then

    so many gifs omg <3
    I did know that n____n

    yeah I have 150x150 but even the small sad Brittany gif had a filesize too large I'm gonna try cropping in gimp
    oh much better lea avatar

    kind of want to make mine Brittany but I can't find one small enough :<
    I seriously can't get over Sam's mouth it really needs to be smaller I just can't

    it was literally the first thing I thought about him, well before Santana began making trouty mouth jokes

    I don't think I dislike any of the characters though (Rory is pushing it by being so unbelievably uninteresting but I think he's only in season 3 so w/e)
    wait really Rachel is your favorite character? O_o

    Brittany is obviously my favorite but after that it's probably either Santana or Kurt (maybe Blaine on a weird day)
    ugh really? I just can't mentally separate her from Rachel (though Rachel has gotten a lot better recently and her dropping out of the senior class campaign to support Kurt was A++)
    I'm hoping that since most of the new McKinley cast members are still credited as Guest Stars that once Brittany/Blaine/Artie/Tina/(and Sam, whatever) graduate this year they'll all end up in New York somehow and then the show will not bother with McKinley any more and it'll be good again
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