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  • I already responded on two of your battle requests in the topic. I accepted for an OU battle but you didn´t respond. Do you wand to battle now or not?
    I am on but you are not showing up. I don't know what's going on sorry bro.
    that jolteon is 100% legal. i dont mind showing you. its mad bulky. its also ev'd in defense and sp. defense. and some hp. it can take an outrage by adamant flygon, plus rocks.
    haha good game, i was just using some of my favs, they mite work better in there respective tiers.... btw how much hp did your spirit tomb live with?
    cya on, my team only has 2 OU's lol, im just testing out some of fav pokes
    That's why I like Entei...It is one of the Under-Uber pokemon on my team that actually does a lot of demolishing...I mean it was the one that SMACKED hippowdon...My one brief moment of victory...
    For 4 or 5 battles i have had just 1 or 2 have finished without my internet getting stupid
    it's cool man, i dont care about the win since i always delete ppl right after i battle/trade with them
    what makes it even stranger is that the amount of HP it had left is as if it was defensive, but it had enough power to OHKO my Manectric and to be faster than it.
    Max d, max speed, that team was a status trick team that relied on jumpluff, g-voir, dusclops, lickylicky,. Espeon was defensive bulky, choice specs trickster. :) epic battle my dude!!!
    BTW, what kind of Espeon was that? It shouldn't have been able to survive that boosted waterfall unless it was defensive.
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