Recent content by Shotoetoe

  1. CAP 13 CAP 2 - Part 5 - Flavor Ability Discussion

    I'd say forewarn of anticipation. I think anticipation could fit it very well, shuddering when "the spirits" tell it that the foe has SE moves on it.
  2. Battle Subway

    I need some help for a sand double team, because my sunny day team keeps getting it's bum handed to them by aerodactyls and any flash fire pokemon at the 7th streak. :( My leads will be T-tar and Excadrill This, however, leaves me very exposed to a. water b. fighting c. ground (in a way)...
  3. Battle Subway

    After being too annoyed by singles I'm currently tackling 2vs2 and I'm having good results with a sunny day team. Ninetails @ focus sash Drought Flamethrower Solarbeam Hypnosis Protect Typhlosion @ choice scarf Blaze Eruption Heat wave Extrasensory Focus Blast Salamence @ Life orb Intimidate...
  4. In-Game Tier List Discussion

    Sure it OHKO's. But it always goes last. It takes tons of potions to keep it going. And it does generally take a lot of damage. Dark and bug being such popular types doesn't help it either. Well I'm happy yours swept Caitlin, but mine couldn't overcome a single shadowball, at lv 52. Of course I...
  5. In-Game Tier List Discussion

    But the problem with Escavalier and Accelgor are: A. You can't even get them unless you can trade. B. Shelmet come really late C. Escavalier really wants megahorn, which you have to breed. That means a GTS trade is out of the question too (unless you're lucky) (This somewhat wants to make me put...
  6. Battle Subway

    We're up to 35 in super singles now. I realise this isn't much considering the streaks people here get, but I'm pretty excited nonetheless. Hopefully I can take it up to 49 :) Sigilyph is mostly my 'meh' pokemon. At times it performs beautifully, sometimes it's supposed physical bulk is a real...
  7. In-Game Tier List Discussion

    I did :p It was an amazing pokemon, but considering what you must go through, and evolution requires both trade and a shelmet..yea I'd say low tier.
  8. Battle Subway

    15 Thats the number of times a sodding yanmega flinched my chansey in a 'row'. If it wasn't for the occasional detect, I would have never been able to wish and live. Each and every air slash flinched, EVERY ONE OF THEM! Then I finally fire off a toxic and the dragonfly of doom has a lum berry...
  9. In-Game Tier List Discussion

    Well then I want to plead for Pidove in mid tier again. It's easily as useful as ducklett by the time they are acquired. Arguments: Very early capture. Decent ingame ability in Super Luck Air cutter @lv15, with super luck, makes critical hits cover for low sp.att. focus lens ups crit rate even...
  10. Battle Subway

    New approach: Speed boost swords dance blaziken Eviolite chansey Max defense psycho shift Sigilyph Wonder how they'll do :p
  11. Pokémon Black/White in-game discussion

    That's what I say about Pidove, but see how that goes. I ditched mine at level 32. I couldn't stand it anymore. Base stats mean nothing when you can't do anything decent. So it learns grass knot? For all it's worth, there's almost no water types to use it on, the roggenrolla family just stomps...
  12. In-Game Tier List Discussion

    You can't access resort desert until you beat the 3th gym. I also want to add that if Yamask becomes mid tier, Pidove should most definitely be mid tier.
  13. Battle Subway

    Sigh, stranded at 24 wins in the super singles again -.-' I was really confident too, until a Donphan took out my Quagsire with seed bomb. I didn't even remember it learned seed bomb until I saw it happening. Oh well, they did do a good job until I misjudged... Salamence Jolly Dragon Claw...
  14. Pokémon Black/White in-game discussion

    I really don't understand why victini is so widely accepted as a good fire or psychic type. In game the little bugger plainly sucks. It has to make do with confusion until lv.49 (!!!) before it learns zen headbutt. It has ember and flame charge, until you relearn searing shot (5PP), learn it...