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  • wow what a noob

    shnen: it's ok limi I was melodramatising a lot earlier due to being in semi depressed mood
    quitting mons is usually not work for most people

    may you do well in your future endeavors
    come by on irc sometimes maybe
    ok, I am on now as Pocket, chall me when you're ready (don't PM, cuz I wouldn't be notified).
    ok give me another 40 min to be on Showdown. If I can't make it on time, can we play tomorrow same time?
    we're matched for RU Mini-Tour (DURANT) R2, shnen. I'm usually available on Showdown after 11 PM (time zone EDT; currently 3:09 PM), will this work for you?
    neurotypical does not equate "conformist" at all, otherwise anybody without a disorder would be conformist, which is obviously not the case.

    don't take my playful mockeries too seriously. :[
    Neither of you were active, if I could I would have just disqualified both of you. Irc is by far the simplest ways to schedule battles, so not using it doesn't work in your favour. BROStime was on IRC and the forums every day. Also not giving a specific time doesn't help you either. Frankly, both of you had terrible activity but BROStime was slightly more active
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