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  • Ugh, they're hell. Of course, I've decided to improve my posts, and I've gotten a few VMs from people on there saying how much they respect me trying to improve. But you really shouldn't be intimidated by them. As long as you don't look stupid, you'll be fine.

    Trust me, I know from experience.
    I am in love with your avatar c:

    btw, you seem like a really nice person! ^.^ I just found out about you from the "what were you first like" topic, which is bad because you're a mod. What forums do you moderate?
    Thanks, I really wanna qualify for next year's Worlds - hope nats go well for me :) Hope job hunting goes well - I start work from next month :( I fly off to Japan tomorrow, so maybe trade later today around 9pm GMT (5pm EST). Also, would definately agree to a meet up (we'll msg each other), who knows maybe Vancouver ;)
    It's for a HGSS CP, and it's a Adamant and Jolly No Guard Machop, in a Heavy Ball. Would you be able to do that?
    Sure you can have the shiny Horsea ("Queendra"), but I'll put it as semi-redis since its my first BW breed and kinda has some value to me. My FC is 3052-8790-3261, VM/PM me with a time you can trade =)

    EDIT: It'll be cloned via AR, is that okay with you?
    Seeing as that someone helped my team by giving me a Timburr, I was just wondering if we could switch it to your Cofagrigus? Thanks
    I know Generation 4 Wondercard RNG abuse, but I'd like to learn Breeding and Capture RNG abuse.
    No worries mate, hope your well ;) I can trade now + the next 2hrs if your available. Worlds was AWESOME! Managed to make it to top 8 at LCQ & would have made it to top 4, had I not changed a move on one of my pokemon on the morning of the event. Anyway, so excited for next year - really wanna make it to Vancouver 2013!
    Ah yeah, that's it! Forgot about those shiny frames lol. And for the egg IV's, the frame should be between 14 and 20, because of the calls you have to make, right?

    Damn it's been too long since I've bred a Pokémon on 4th gen.. xD
    Shii ^^ Could you refresh my RNG abuse skills please? I'm going to RNG abuse a Shiny Growlith, in Goldenrod's Daycare.

    So, I save in front of the lady, then turn off. Hit the delay, drop the parents and then walk arround until an egg appears, then I have to save again in front of the day care man. Hit another delay, pick up the egg and hatch it and then it'll be shiny and flawless and shit? :P
    Heyyy! I saw your trade thread, I'm a generation 4 addict, so I absolutely loved all your generation 4 pokemon! Also, I have just started a generation 4 trade thread, so I was wandering if you'd do me some CPs and BPs for some credits? (thread is being updated, I have lots of generation 4 flawless event pokemon.)
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