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  • Sounds about right, I'm just going to try battling some drizzil teams before then.
    I've got a way to go if I'm going to have even a chance in OU.
    Talk in 3 days time about when?

    Edit; I'm going to need to get a better compter & mouse for that day too...
    "Hey there, we are paired for the official smogon tour.
    My timezone is gmt +1. Ur´s?"

    gmt +0 timezone. I can do 1:00-9:00 pm but not tuesday or today.
    My head just keeps thinking of double battles. :(
    landorus was scarfed. haha gg, even with all the hax. As soon as I hit thunderbolt, i knew I should've subbed. But the FB miss didn't matter, as Thundereus should've been dead already.
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