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  • Good luck with your exams. I live in Holland btw :) but maybe you already knew that bc of my social group 'The Dutch' lol.
    Yeah cool and why do your exams last 4 weeks or something, mine only one week. Which country do you live btw?
    haha yea i know traditional, it's better than simplified :P

    I go to school in Seattle :P
    HSC = High School Certificate (end of year exams and shiz, idk) and yeah, Technitop lead has been working :D Gets the jump on tons of stuff (has trouble with Gross and Azelf though :L).

    Yeah, I'm on my phone in class :D (I already know everything they're teaching me -.-) and "they" is whoever could make a PL phone app :p of course I know its hard, yeah, it was just a passing fantasy xD I meant tourneys on PL! When its at its peak for the day I see em holding tourneys on another channel, would love to participate in that!

    Admins of PL! I didnt know there was just one :L Aren't Hawntah, Seriousssss, Pizza Fish, etc Admins? @.@ I could try help with fixing this stuff soon :) Im taking Technology as a class next year, we have to create our own game; could learn some programming stuff from that (hopefully :L)
    Yeah, I always end up against some crazy good player :L Watswrong must have some kind of supernatural luck.. I have Registeel, altaria, quags and gardevoir.. waaaay too much support :L Technician hitmontop is a wunderkind lead though :D and lucky with the week.. I'm a special provisions assistant reader and English tutor. HSCs are on, so I always have to read em. it hurts my head @.@

    Yeah, enjoying the stayocers while they last :L will be all grown up soon enough. Yeah, I'm often on Smogon instead of PL because I'm on my phone at school (like right now!) if they made PL for the phone it would be SO AWESOME!

    Yeah, thanks man :D gonna enter one of those tourneys soon, I'd love to see how I fare. Do the admins play? And woohoo! If you kkeep that up, PL will be perfect before we know it :)
    Yesss that's what I like too (but you already knew that XD). Stalling when needed and sweeping when possible! You will also see this style back into my new team :)
    Okay to be sure I don't care if your VMs fill my page lol, I just like having a convesation with someone about our teams. Pretty cool you are able to effectively use four UU pokes in an OU battle :) Is it btw another defensively based team like your last one?
    Yeah I understood you used it first; thats why you suggested it to me since you knew which set would be good :). I am really looking forward to your team since I think it has some original sets that work ;)
    Lol okay nice to know Venusaur can. Funny you use one in your team just like me, now I understand why you came with Venusaur as suggestion in my team XD. Is your Lanturn team an OU team btw? I only have 2 threats atm (probably more), but since my team is finished I didn't want to make time doing a big threat list (I am planning it to do for my next team I think).
    course you did :) Been attempting to get up a ladder account, but every time I got.2 matches in I would lose to someone like rainbow :L Testing out a full UU team; not for lols or anything, bit to get a feel for them. really like the look of Altaria :D how are the exams going mate? I'm sure you've aced em ;D

    anyways, I'm sleeping over at watswrongs tomorrow so I can tutor him :D not sure when you'll be on pl next, but hopefully we can catch you. :)
    aaand i'm a girl :p it's actually not that far away for you either! my sec school / jc were affiliated so classmates and etc were honestly largely the same, but it might be a pretty new experience for you too so hey.
    hahah sorry to disappoint, but I'm in Hong Kong :p I was born in and went to sec school + a few months of jc in Singapore before my family moved though, currently doing the IB in an international school. I prefer smogon and mainly play OU but I haven't laddered seriously for awhile. go study, you D<
    No it doesn't have a FWG core but you will see in about 2 weeks. The set up is kinda weird though, but it worked :).
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