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  • Hey Quanyalis-

    I'm the lead developer for Pokemon Zeta/Omicron, and was interest in including some of the XY pokemon in the game. Would it be alright with you if I used the sprites you contributed to the XY Sprite project? Credit will be given.

    Thanks :)
    Yes, you may with credit. :)
    hey, i know you dont know me, but im from serebii.... and i love your sprite work... I want to ask you a quick question, if its not too much... would you be able to come to xat of the guild im in?
    Not possible through PMs or IRC? o3o
    oh, you are on IRC? what channel?
    I'm usually in #CAP, most of the time in #insidescoop and #smeargle. But just /query me if you'd like to discuss something just between us.
    Fuck. Your sprites are brilliant.

    Do you secretly work for GF?
    I wish! XD My sprites are my sprites, and how 'brilliant' they are depend on their intention. If you're referring to those X/Y sprites, I'd say that they're not all that so compared to people who can sprite closer to the in-game style.
    Soul Fly
    Soul Fly
    'In-game style' is more a matter of perception. I like yours just fine. No one else has shown such level of attention to detail.

    Ah, yes, detail is one thing I like. :D Stylization, not so much.

    I could animate them if I had the time. D:
    Cripes quany your pyroar sprites are so much better than my front one it's frustrating, I doubt you'll mind though that I'm looking at tweaking them a bit from the Quany style to a further pokemon style, only because I love them so much and hate my own work. It's a weird world I live in I know.
    I like yours, honestly. They're much closer to the in-game style than my stuff. X3 Your sprites have more naturalness to them than the stiff poses mine have. (I made Pyroar sprites because I felt like being a completionist, not to supersede you in any way. >>)
    Such a shame your art didn't make it because it was really good! And thanks for commenting on my name submission! I need help doing IPA pronunciation because I don't know how to do it. Thanks
    Hey there

    thanks for everything you did (the compilation and your excessive amount of comments)

    your art is beautiful, good luck in the polls
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