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  • lol okay, i have all the tms on diamond, and it should take me about a day to finish, i'll let you know as soon as

    it's fine really :)
    Hallo again :).

    Sure I can clear up some things for you. I was a distributor for lOlpO's giveaway until my r4i met a certain doom and all of my games deleted including the pokemon file with the pokemon in it. I had told pO and he said that he was sorry for my loss and then found another distributor. I have the pokes but only a copy of each for myself :(. I can't really remember who the other distributor is but if you look on pO's page a few days back you can find his name.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.
    hey, sorry, lolpo and i aren't done trading yet and mence is nnable if you get it from him
    here's my fc: 1377 1339 4950
    hi, we should definitely do something tomorrow evening, but there's always the weekend if that doesn't work out. Sorry, school's a bitch :<
    sorry I was at my cousin's house. We'll definitely do soemthing tomorrow. Congratulations!
    Yes, I'll trade with you as soon as I finish trading with Deschain and also NickNaming which won't take long :)
    Yes yes! I totally agree with you :)

    as for the battling, sure thing! Whenever you are ready to battle test, just shoot a VM. I'm always up for a battle. Looking forward to battling you and have a nice evening :)
    You're welcome! Heracross happens to make a pretty awesome pokemom when it's shiny and not to mention it's caught in a Love Ball so that makes her even more awesome!

    I'm glad I was able to get her to you and thanks for being a winner in the giveaway hosted by ZeroHorus. Hope ya have a nice Evening and that we soon battle :).
    Not a problem. See you on wifi and I hope you enjoy the Heracross :).

    Ugh sorry. It should be 2622-7856-8709.
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