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  • Yo Pocket, I removed Meloetta & Chandelure from the revamp list.
    1. Meloetta (Shrang was supposed to revamp it, he gets first dibs)
    2. Chandelure (it doesn't need a fullblown revamp)
    oh, sorry about posting right after your thread xD didn't see it. Good thread though, and hopefully we can have two decent discussions at once...
    Pocket, the last week is up ;( I hope that this ends like we started. Here week 7.
    smogon media isn't that hard to achieve you're super close to it too, but trophy is ours :P thanks man awooooooooo
    I'm going to throw Darkmalice's Leftovers post into the Leaderboard post since I think it fits there better; sound good?
    damn Pocket, I leave for 3 months, come back, and you aren't super mod? you are clearly a noob :P
    Of course, I can at this hour. I will VM you when I see you online at this hour since today or tomorrow. See you!
    i'm glad you've been working on this for a year and absolutely nothing got done. kd24 took over the reigns and we had a qc session with some of the best adv players in the game. sorry that that doesn't meet qc member pocket's master adv standards.
    Nah, not really interested in ladder challenges and stuff and I haven't really played anything lately. Gotten bored of it I guess! Though officially I am quitting due to it no longer being called smogdubs! :@
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