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  • Alright, hit me up with a vm whenever you have a nickname or want to trade.
    Ill get to work on the Shiny Adamant and Careful Tyranitar w/ Pursuit you wanted to help me get that Jirachi, would you mind moving my Tyranitar from Diamond version to Heart Gold for me? I need it for the move.
    hey um still waiting for a reply... ive looked at golduck a little better and have some questions/ requests...
    first of all modest is not a good nature for him?? perhaps try timid or mild (or naive) .. modest would be good with a speed boost golduck but you didnt want that

    second due to my inability to catch flawless pokes in paltinum or SS i have to catch him in black.. but every place he is located is crawling with wandering npc's so im not able to hit my seed on a reoccuring SSF.. so could i perhaps breed it for you instead which would give you cross chop for a mixed version

    so idk right now im not having much success perhaps another CP recommendation instead..
    yes i dont want redis rights for the toads.. i just need them to breed with.. but im probably going to put the golduck as non redis on my page but you can put it for semi if you want.. did a couple long searches and the best sofar is this:

    Shiny golduck
    30/ x / 31 / 30 / 31 / 30
    HP Fire 70 (like you asked for)
    Dive Ball

    um yeah not THAT great but still esentially flawless spread: its hard to find one for him as he only has one encounter slot in each location in pokemon black! (encounter slot 0)

    actually i just checked a little bit better and realized that he does have two other usuable encounter slots but the spread i posted in easy and also on frame 54 so if that is acceptable then ill do that but if not ill widen the search and find one you prefer.. please vm me soon.. ill just assume that the one i posted above is acceptable and do that one.. if not ill be glad to retry later!
    Bleh, hey sorry but I won't be able to finish the project. Some life things have come up recently and don't have time to mess around in Pearl. Sorry!
    I can do any 5th gen breeding project provided I have the necessary parents. Meaning if say you want a shiny flygon, I can do that, but currently I don't have anything from the flygon family. Or say you need certain egg moves, especially from 4th gen tutors/TMs that are egg moves in 5th gen, then chances are I don't have the parents. Besides that, I can complete any sort of BP if I have the parents available (Or I can go get the parents in some way). BPs are quick and easy.

    Non-shiny capture projects are more or less just as easy for me as BPs are.

    Shiny capture projects will depend as I look for seeds after I get the specifics on the CP. Luckily my computer can search for seeds pretty quickly (< 5min for 2 keypress) so it's not that bad.

    If you feel I may be shady due to the fact I don't have a trade thread, I'll complete a BP for you and if you're unhappy with it, you can keep it without owing me anything in return.
    It's fine you can take the male and I'll keep the female. Like in that Lindsay Lohan movie where she plays twins separated at birth by their divorced parents. Anyways, any preferred hatching location or nickname?
    Darn it, I was already breeding for a female one because its seed is on my birthday. I'll just breed an extra one hehe
    i can't do australorp, but buckeye maybe (austra is in my r4 which is missing)

    also you just caught me when i was about to leave lol. it's 1:00 now and fuck am i tired
    4th first. Also, remember to trade me two Toxicroaks for 5th gen since I can't clone on my Black. The UT Poliwags will be on my white.
    Hmm i was gonna do a flawless (bar attack) shiny Slowbro anyway. Thanks for giving me options :)
    I have done one normal capture project on Black, so anything else I would need to learn. I used to mow through Heart Gold breeding projects but seem to have lost my touch, sadly I cant gurantee you anything but if I figure out whats been going wrong you can have pretty much anything you want. Catching projects were even easier.
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