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  • are you familiar with japanese ska?

    Specifically, Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra?

    I'm ASSUMING you know about Streelight Manifesto, Big D and the Kids Table and Planet Smashers? FUCK I LOVE SKA man lets talk about SKA SKA SKA
    Questions from yer pal! 1) WTF was greysongs giveaway? and 2) Which copy should I get...Black or White?


    hi whenever you have the time, can i have Eevee,Teddiursa,Togepi and Entei for the graysong's giveway? i am on IRC nick same as on the forum.
    You're right, that is really easy ^^ I'll take a look for you tomorrow night then, thanks!
    Hey man. So I totally understand your frustration about distributing for Greysong's giveaway, but I'm not really familiar with IRC, and wouldn't know where to go or what to do. Is there any other possible way? If not, sorry to bother you!

    Ubisoft tipped us off to a new Flash game they've made to promote Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands. Now, it may just be that I've been playing a lot of Tomena Sanner lately but I think this is damn good.

    You can check out the game here. I do recommend it. A surprisingly fun diversion, this.

    Flash Games for Teenagers
    Games for Kids
    Arcade games
    Adventure games
    Casino games
    I was once dead....BUT NOW I AM ALIVE ONCE AGAIN!!!! MOOOWAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! Thanks to the new distrebutions I will be dusting off the DSi and gettin pumped for the 59 remaining days till english release!!!! In the mean time...HAPPY NEW YEAR! MERRY CHRISTMASS!!!
    Hey, sorry to bother you, but do you think you could teach me to RNG Abuse 5th gen? Sorry if you don't have the time, but you seem to be really good at it. I already know how to RNG Abuse in 4th gen, so I sort of know the basics.

    Thanks in advance, and sorry if I'm being a pest!
    And I've been telling the guys that have been messaging me that if they want the pokemon from ME, they have to clone and send them back to me.
    Cool! Getting ready to go on IRC right now. Before we do the white trades, is it alright if you pokeshift 4 more pokes?
    No problem dude! I've been incredibly busy the last couple of days doing make-up work and such from the time I was grieving. But besides that, I've just been chilling at home. I'll be available tonight to trade. :D
    lol Hey bro. I'm getting ready to go on IRC right now. I didn't know I was going to be so busy today. -___-
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