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  • I don't plan on staying up forever so it'd be nice if you contact me immdiately when you get on so we can finally get this done; I'll be gone in 1-2 hours
    Friday late afternoon or evening-night (my time) would be good if you can make it, preferably tell me a time so I don't miss your VM
    Sorry, I'm off out on day trip tomorrow and then to football tomorrow evening, so I won't have the chance to battle sorry. I'll hopefully be available 5pm-8:30pm on Saturday.
    Lets play this weekend. I can play at night EDT (late afternoon for you I think), if that works.
    yeah that time didn't work, but I'm ready to play within the next 2 hours if you're on
    I wasn't sure if I can make it but yeah I can play from now on, either send me a VM or PM on the grotto (PO1) if/when you get on
    Yo. We got until Saturday now. I'm availabale to battle Wednesday onwards. Please state a time and day and I'll see if I can make it.
    Ok the deadline is in 2 days, when do you want to play? I'm in the next days probably between 8 and 10 pm on if my pc doesn't crash like today night.
    Are you ready to play already? If so in 1-2 hours or around the same time tomorrow would be most comfortable for me, if not I'll see what I can do
    Hi, we're matched up for the UU open. I'm GMT +2, when do you want to play/do you use irc?
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