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  • grr unfortunate time schedules

    okay I have time this week but I get really nervous and then put it off until later but I guess that cant happen now >:I

    I'll get on when I feel ready. It will most likely be sometime today or tomorrow.
    i guess.. i mean i really want to get it done today or tomorrow. if you can't do it today (which i would prefer :s) tomorrow at like 5 PM EST sound good?
    oh wow i didnt realize that.

    i'll have time though, no worries. i'll go on #spl when im rdy :I
    Hey qt when do you wanna battle for SPL? I'm gmt-5 and i dont want to play sunday.
    Hey I'm GMT-8, but I'm available quite a lot as well. My semester at school ends this week so I won't have a ton of time, but I'm free after that.
    Sorry, I was just messaging a few opponents before I logged out for the night. Same time tomorrow should be good though.
    Hi there. I'm Brap from England (GMT). You're at home for our home stadia advantage match. I see you seem to prefer ADV, however I only have acces to Showdown which only has 5th gen tiers right now.
    Hey I am gonna be online all day today. If you have anytime we can play ADV UU this would be good. Sorry I mised other time. Just VM me when you will be on.
    crap, missed things. Sorry, hopefully we will play soon. The Weekend good for ya?
    sorry, in school right now. im okay with the same time when you sent me the VM today. I'll try to be on Grotto/PS then
    sorry i was afk on IRC, well, tuesday i'll be all day long on my desk/in front of computer studying, so any time you want

    let's say 10PM for me, it would do 6PM for you, and why not being on grotto at this time, it's really for example, if you want to change, just warn me
    i'm GMT+1, i would like ADV OU, or BW Uber if you disagree

    Honestly i prefer to play this evening or tuesday, i've got the whole day off, i can't play the other days cause i've got huge exams

    i'm connected on IRC #spl this evening if you want, or tell me which time you prefer tuesday, anytime works for me ( till it's not really really late like 3AM )
    Hey, we are opponents in week 2 of the home field advantage tournament. im gmt+8 and can play around 5pm-9pm weekdays and 2-9pm weekends my time. You are also the home player so you may pick the tier. If you go on irc, ill just try to hit you up at #pokemon.
    Man VM's should alert you, sorry about that. I'll be on Grotto for a while so PM if you see me there. I'll also try be online till midnight tonight, which is your morning so just in case you're up early I'll be on and we don't do it today.
    Hey man we're opps for R3 of OST, I'm GMT+13 and I'm free pretty much all the time atm so tell me what works for you, thanks.
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