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  • Hey, we have to play for the farm league. I'm gmt +1, tell me when you're able to play.
    lily [old]
    Hey, I'm GMT+11. How does saturday 6am my time sound? So that friday at 8pm your time.
    Sounds perfect!
    That's too early for me, can you be between 1pm and 11pm GMT+1 tomorrow?
    lily [old]
    7:30 pm Sunday gmt+1 would be a good time for me
    I'm GMT+1, it's gonna be hard..when are you ready ?
    lily [old]
    Not really, I can play at the time you sent me that vm tonight. Otherwise I'm going to be available Sunday morning and night and Monday morning my time
    mmmh timezone sucks... anyway i guess we'll be able to play from 2 pm to 6/7 pm in gmt +2 during saturday and sunday
    hi we have to fite for ghosting tour. we are from italy (gmt +2). when are you guys up for battle? id suggest to schedule a time. see ya
    hi we are opponents for r2 of UU open, Im +10 GMT and can most days between 2pm - 2am, let me know when you're available to play
    Lily, we have to play for UU Tournament, if you prefer add me to skype, is zwynhunt@hotmail.com.
    Sorry, dumb mistake - the alarm didnt go off basically because the clock was not set right for an obscure reason (i came back home yesterday)... I'm in holidays now, i should be able to play during your evenings/mornings.
    I'm gmt+2 but i should be flexible on times. Thursday or during the week end would be the most convenient, probably during the week end if we have to change teams. Is it ok ?
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