Le Sabreur
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  • salut on joue r3 nu open, jsuis dispo entre jeudi (demain quoi) et samedi à peu près n'importe quand entre l'après-midi et le milieu de la nuit
    Hey man, we play for NU Open. I come back from vacations on sunday, so i can play sunday or monday, let me know if u can play then, or i can ask for a day or two extension. gmt+3
    Le Sabreur
    Le Sabreur
    I might be able to play on sunday afternoon (GMT +2) and I can play the evening on weekdays, it's probably safer to ask for an extent just in case.
    Mysterious M
    Mysterious M
    Both days sunday and monday work for me. If u are not sure you can do sunday we post for extension. Imo check your program and let me know around staaturday?
    Le Sabreur
    Le Sabreur
    I'd like to play asap, I'm on main rn.
    The RU Open VII - Round 2
    - I can play every day of the week from 18:00 to 00:00.
    - Saturday and Sunday my hours are 16:00 to 00:00 .
    - GMT -3
    - I'll be on Overused / Ubers / Neverused rooms on PS with nick CaCaTuA
    Le Sabreur
    Le Sabreur
    Ok, is thursday around 6-7 PM fine for you?
    okay fine
    Hi! We’re paired up for RU Open. My time zone is GMT-3. I can play 7PM to 2AM everyday except today. Let me know if it works for you.
    Hi, we play for BW Cup. I'm GMT +12 free at 8am Thu/Fri/Sat. Can also do about 2pm-9pm any day except Sat. Lmk which of these times you can play.
    Le Sabreur
    Le Sabreur
    Ok let's try on monday so we can play before the r4 deadline. Otherwise I have much more free time next week and I should bé able to play almost every day.
    Ok. If I can't do Monday 8am (GMT +12), I'll do my best to let you know.
    on main
    BW cup, can you play any time tomorrow?
    Le Sabreur
    Le Sabreur
    yeah I can play today around the same time you wrote this message
    Okay Im available now, ill be on smogtours as Cynara
    We gatta play for rby cup I'm gmt+3. Wanna get this done on Saturday? Friday prolly works too
    Le Sabreur
    Le Sabreur
    Sorry, I had problems with my computer so i couldn't play this week, let's play today if you can, otherwise just take the win.
    Golden Gyarados
    Golden Gyarados
    Did this battle happen?
    Le Sabreur
    Le Sabreur
    unfortunately not, you can the give the win to ckw
    gsc cup, I'm gmt +2 can you play next week
    oh my god, I'm sorry I had forgotten with so many cups I had to play in, are you avaliable and can play now?
    Le Sabreur
    Le Sabreur
    sorry I came back an hour ago, i can play rn if you want, tommorow after midnight or this weekend.
    Weekend might be better
    yo when play for oras tour? gmt -3
    Le Sabreur
    Le Sabreur
    I'm free this weekend and monday in the afternoon/evening gmt +2
    we cant play on monday cause of deadline and im busy tomorrow. can you play today or sunday?
    Le Sabreur
    Le Sabreur
    Yeah I should be able to
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