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  • Yup I need Gen V pokes!
    Especially ones with 252 Speed/252 Attack or Sp.Atk./6 Whatever (HP, Def, Sp.Def.)
    Please enumerate ^^
    I finally got Volcarona. What a nightmare...
    I can probably trade today about the same time that we traded yesterday if that works for you.
    i like defensive pokes lol^^ i look forward to trade i wont be home till like 7pm eastern tonight but ill deffently be on tonight
    oh good luck with your speech :D,well if non c-gear abuse is out by that time ill deff be breeding cause,if i breed i want to breed prefect shiny :P
    umm id still like to know those two reuniclus evs? and then ill be in a happy mindset ^_^ thanks lab
    lol okay ty :P i apprciate that also id still like to know the evs of the others tommorrow :P you can redo the turtle for me .. as 252hp/252attk/6def. cause hes super slow and he has 252 speed evs for sum reason lol nnight :)
    so this fenix 54s Karablast had this spread 176 HP/152 ATK/182 SDEF uhh its not terrible but you thought it was 252speed/252attk/4hp. I would realy appricate if you could tell me the exact evs on the other mons we traded tonight :P so i dont give them the wrong move set and or item lol ty
    hehe easier said than done lol maybe you can try your hand at it,and enjoy some brain rape lol :P
    Hey dude since you are trading now,can I be next in line for my pokemons the ones from G5 pokes
    Hey dude can we trade the G5 pokes now look at your thread and once again thanks for those pokes
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