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  • STOP abandoning the internetSTOP abandoning the internetSTOP abandoning the internetST
    what if words stopped working the way they would normally, what if yours was the acrid tongue of a dead dog, a putrefying disaster, prose decomposing seven sorrowful times faster than a human cadaver because "that's just the way dogs work"
    what if you semantically satiated your brother's name to the point where he no longer existed
    No, there isn't anyplace you can listen to my experimental music. I haven't been composing it for very long, and most of it isn't all that good.
    Fuck younicorn, lol. Sorry, I was going through old art threads and I came across yours. You should probably update it.... lol
    Just thought I'd post on how awesome the Little Minotaur thread was. If you have some sort of site you keep stuff like that on, I'd like to see it. ;o
    i like ur your blood pici hav a band called the"blooders" wanna be invited to in it
    Pretty shitty, mom got sick and I had to take a semester off. We may need to swap some music considering you have pretty stellar taste, just saying
    oh my god

    Classic lucalibur:

    power rangers never used chickens to beat the evil ya know? i would rather get inside zekrom head and drive him like a robot firing lazers around the city and stepping on schools than raise a oversized white chicken with a butt that fart explosive gas.
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