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  • gg yeah ik threw off my typhlosion for the game its alright though stuff happens, gl. you can rematch me whenever
    Sorry this is a few weeks late but yes GG! My wifi has been acting weird lately...I apologize for the long drawn out match
    I haven't gotten my wifi back up yet, but it should be fine within a couple of days. Sorry for the wait.
    Great battle. I've become unused to playing against opponents able to predict, it makes the game so much more fun. The hax in the battle doesn't really bother me either, I had fun which is what matters, and I feel priveliged to have battled you.

    Scarf Slaking has worked wonders the few battles I've used him. His build is,

    EQ (he cannot learn Superpower)

    I run a build hitting an exact speed number so he has incredible bulk with the leftover EVs.

    I certainly hope to battle you in the future, great game.
    SOOO AGREE!!! Ahhh okay, I'm going out to have lunch with friends now. ^.^
    Cya during the weekend!
    Haha okay! Thanks ^.^ School is fun, but Physics is my absolutely most hated subject. Urgh. :p
    No, sorry, I'm in school now! Waiting for....Physics remedial... xD
    I'll be home in around 5 hours, though, would you still be online?
    Hey, don't want you to think I forgot about that Lucario. I don't have wi-fi at my house and my friends are all gone back to school already. I don't head back till the 28th, but once I get there I'll have wi-fi all day every day and I'll be sure to get you that Lucario!
    Lol, my DS... I dropped it over my stairs a couple of feet onto a wooden floor because I'm an idiot. Dx I'd have had to have gotten a new one soon anyways if I wanted to keep RNG Abusing, because the L button didn't work very good at all.
    Thanks. :) I broke my DS (again), but just got a new one, so I'll be able to pick it up in few days.
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