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  • Looking at its stats, I thought a mixed set would be viable:

    Magmar @Eviolite
    Trait: Vital Spirit
    EVs: 84 Atk/172 SpA/252 Spe
    Hasty Nature (+Spe, -Def)
    -Heat Wave
    -Mach Punch
    -Hidden Power (Ice)
    Shadow Tag Gothitelle was released?! :O Well, I haven't tested it yet. Doing this week's research group and using Magmar, though.

    And lucky you! ^_^ Having fun?
    In July 5 Japan announced a Shadow Tag Gothorita. I'm with a set in my head

    Gothitelle @Choice Scarf
    Shadow Tag
    EVs according to the metagame it may become

    - Trick
    - Psychic / Psyshock
    - Shadow Ball or Dark Pulse / Signal Beam / HP Fighting
    - Calm Mind / Shadow Ball or Dark Pulse / Signal Beam / HP Fighting

    That works with Darkrai in Ubers, so in NU with something with Shadow Tag may work. Basically, Trick the scarf is a wall or in something that can't hurt you, CM till +6, and then sweep.

    This set has flaws, but I'm willing to test it once Smogon accepts it!!!
    Hey, when can you battle for the Neverused Mini-tournament? I'm GMT -8 but I'm attending Comic-Con for the next four days so I can't battle too early.
    Say what ? Ps itself says the ladder is kinda broken atm but your still number 5 ! (and I'm number 6) congrats and keep it up! It'll be reset soon though
    Thanks. I'm just glad we have interested and enthusiastic people like you that can help our community grow.
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