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  • Good Game Harvey! Thanks for the "Sweet Kiss" lol. I had to reassure myself as to how that was possible. Thanks for team testing with me :)
    gg man. i was like hmm my scizor can probs take a surf n then CRIT FFFFFFF MEGARAGE LOL
    nothing to worry about my last 2 pokes had a huge weakness to rocks, which is why I kept leaf in plus he had those two sword dances would have been a waste to switch him out.
    she was my only hope to beat you at the moment lol;

    all my pokemons were very weak to dugtrio's earthquake, and scarfed mismagius was the only pokemon that could out run it (i had steelix/drapion/ninetales left, and they are all slower then dug :/)
    Hey thanks for being understanding about this. Seems like everyone else here isn't :/
    sorry about that parahax on dragonite and foretress, but thats how jirachi plays :P . Id have ran aswell, GG nonetheless.
    Good Game, I did a pretty stupid play at the end there. I could have gone into gliscor to take the ice shard and die, and have hitmonlee without defense drop and would've won
    Your weavile with low kick will kill my heatran.
    My scizor witch Bullet Punch will kill your weavile.
    And only one pokemon left for your side and theree for my side.
    Yeah, it was a good game. My scizor has that effect on people haha. You gave me a lot to think about. (still kind of new to this ^^;) Great game overall.
    yea i was half asleep that entire match, during one part i waited 2 minutes before one of my moves.. i feel asleep and then a loud part of george lopez came on lol, i had a ton of plays i couldve done better but it is what it is
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