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  • First, happy birthday man !

    Secondly, I can play until today (until 11 pm by me). I don't know if I'm going to be avaible tomorrow so I'd prefer to play this game today or on Saturday/Sunday
    I'm GMT+1.
    Yeah lol. Since I'm in different tourneys I keep forgetting to check all of them. So yeah gl on the tourney and maybe we can BW NU battle someday =P
    Hey hantsuki its seems they gave you the win in the BW NU tourney do to me not posting in the thread. I should have posted an activity post =[
    Hey are you on now? If not I should be available in smogon server till midnight =]
    hey , i'm gmt +0 :) , and i'm frequently on the french time server .

    soo tomorrow night is good for you ?
    sorry I kept missing you every time I logged on. Will you be available during the same times tomorrow?
    I'm gonna wait until it finishes. I've played through the game twice, though.
    Umm, I shouldn't have a problem being on between 2 and 6. Just let me know what day you want to play and I can be on.
    I believe you have home field for this week. What tier are we going to be playing? And I live in PST and can get to a computer most of the day if necessary, although I would prefer it to be later in the day for me. Sometime between like 8 PM and 2 AM. It looks like we have a ...six hour difference I believe.
    I'm currently watching Boku wa Tomodachi Ga Sukunai, and I just happen to see your avatar afterwards? What a funny day.
    Hello you are my new opponent for the BW NU tourney(my opponent was subbed out). Our deadline is on Monday so tell me when you want to battle ^_^. Im gmt-6
    ei Teta você conhece algum server de NetBattle que ainda funciona? preciso de um pra jogar o camp de rby/gsc/adv
    (Right now I can't.) This week-end I'll only be able to get online on friday but I'll catch you whenever I can.
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