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  • yes i can this was our trade incase you forgot :P
    griffard's Kakaber's Gallade for my stormftw's hitmontop
    GG my bad for the pointless stall war at the end. I thought I could play around Tangrowth but I could'nt GG anyways.
    I'll be on in a second. If you get to the room before I do, can you set the rules to level 100 singles? I have an ev trained pokemon that isn't 100 yet.
    hey super sorry about that, but my internet went wonky right after i posted that. probably good we didn't start a battle or else i would have been disconnected and unable to apologize about it. we'll have to do NU sometime soon.
    gg. entry hazards are vital for this team to be effective. also Tangrowth is a big fat asshole and i hate him. ;)
    LOL i know how you feel with the way you walked through my milotic. I thought you had me all the way up untill the end, it felt alot like chess to me. I had a choice alakazam still left that would have been a bitch to take down, but i think lick still won me that.
    Awesome game dude, i wasnt sure witch way it was gonna go. I heading back to call of duty now, im all pokemoned out lol
    damn, i think that was my shity internet, let my restart it and we'll try again, that was getting too intense
    If you can clone some pokemon, I would like around 12 of my Staryu and 6 of my Dratini as they seem to be pretty popular right now. I would like 10 of the Numels if possible.
    Well be better for me if you can trade with me tomorrow.
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