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  • I defriended all my 70 friends because there are no true friends on the Internet
    haxed by ballin gr8astard. had to use other peoples ballin teams because the ones i already balled him with he ballin knew because of the BALLIN so hard rule and my oppo being a baller. gg
    This is what EW told me "As long as neither of you dispute the outcome that is fine, just don't post the result until predictions end." and I don't think either of us 'dispute' the outcome considering we both know that I won the game fairly so what's the point of redoing it? Also neither of us posted the results until 24 hour period was up. Though I'm going to post the results now that 24 hour deadline is up.
    Hey we are paired for OST9 tourney and I'm gmt -5 and during mon-Friday I'll be available 5 pm-10pm my time. Though on Friday Im leaving to Jamaica and won't return until January 1st. Will you be available any of those times.
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