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  • I learned using the on site guide but I'm having a tough time finding one that isn't horribly outdated. Being on my phone makes it that much harder so I'll try to find something for you in the morning.
    I'm thinking we might have different schedules. I have to get to bed right now. Only got a couple hours yesterday. What exactly are you wanting? I'm generally pretty busy so if you're looking for a walkthrough, I just don't have the time. There are quite a few people that have made guides for that though. If you just have questions, feel free to ask whenever.
    I'll have to catch up with you about it tomorrow. Not sure what time zone you're in though.
    In the adjacent seeds window right after the seed it's located there is a little square where you can set a target frame. Set it to 50, it'll be easier to work with since you won't have to set your clock a minute earlier. Everthing else seems fine. You need to hit your delay since otherwise you'll never get the IVs nature and everything else you want. :/ Don't worry tough we're making this just be patient.
    535 is a tad low compared to what you're supposed to be getting. How about Eontimer, how did you set it up? Calculated delay should be around 480~500 and calculated seconds at 14. Another thing, what's your target second?
    So there are no Wandering NPCs around that's good. I believe you're calling ELM to verify your seed right? Did you make sure show him togepi? Show a pokemon with pokerus to the nurse? Visit kanto? There. Are no roamers out. How Are you advancing your frames? There is something I don't get tough, every year you are supposed to get either odd or even delays only. Since you are after an odd delay you probably on tthe right year. There is something that messes the results for new RNGers quite often and that is the range they set for THe dalays/seconds in the adjacents (generate more times pop up window) you should set the delay range at +-99 and the seconds at +-1,otherwise you could be getting false positives. So far, which is the delay you have hit more often?
    Why don't you tell me what are you exactly trying to RNG:
    Pokemon game:
    You mean you keep getting even/odd delays all the time? Add or subtract a year to the date on your DS.
    I guess there's nothing wrong with it exactly. With the way the game is seeded though, it can be easier to see a solution with something that's not 0 or 59.
    I thought I remembered the hour rolling over screwing me up before but I can't seem to prove anything, atm. My suggestion to you would be to just pick something that's not second 0 and isn't on the 59th minute. Either one could have the potential to screw you up. I'll let you know if I find out anything else.
    I have an idea of what is causing your problem but I can't test it at the moment. I'll get back to you in an hour or 2.
    yes but they´re not ready (yet), a shiny jellicent, non shiny dratini, and a non shiny eeve.
    Can you trade tomorrow?.
    And thank you very much for your services
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