Forever July
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  • You have your own style if art, to me, that is better then mine. :)
    You seem to prefer soft colors, and smoothed out crisp kind of painting. But me, I like hard lines, detailed, and as realistic as possible. But it is so hard to do. Sometimes, Simplicity in drawing often refelects complexity of the picture, if that makes any sense.

    I saw your art album, and It looks pretty good. Might I suggest: Try drawing people in diffrent poses, instead of stagnant. That is the biggest hurdle most manga-ka's face. Is going from still to animated. You are getting there already. Great. :)
    Thank you. THat's good. :D
    Did you make your avatar?
    Welcocome back! And thank you gor liking my art. I have been inactive in the art world as of late, and its very nice tjat you helped me back into it, by finding the time to compliment my work. :)

    And how are you, by the way? :)
    Here's my current team if you want to know it:
    -Samurott, level 39
    -Unfezant, level 35
    -Sawk, level 35
    -Scolipede, level 35
    -Krokorok, level 35
    -Archen, level 35

    I decided to take a break from the main storyline and go on a Litwick hunt (I'm in Mistralton now). After that, it's off to Drilbur and Ferroseed breeding before I get back to the story.

    I see you changed your avatar. Did you find it/do it yourself?
    RNGing is hard. Even though it's hard, I asked Princess of Johto to help me.

    By the way, who's your team that you beat B/W with?
    There are other places in PC where you can hang out in besides the trade forums, you know.

    Cool, are you aiming for any particular egg moves?
    I was wondering about our trade. What mew nature would you like? I can trade all this week. Vm me when I am online and you are ready!
    IF you ever do learn, there is a lot of pokemon in it for you!
    I am in deperate need of a converter. :/

    And no problem!

    Are you going to start RNG'ing again?
    I am in wifi!

    By any chance, do you file trade, or convert?
    Yes of course. My FC has not changed!
    Give me 5 mins to enter wifi! :)

    If you ever need anything from me just ask!
    Oh... :(
    Would you like a clone of your wurmple?
    My 2nd favorute month. Besides August.
    So... Hopefully we can trade tommorow. I guess. Goodnight! :)
    Or you should ask the guy below me. Hes cool! :)
    Ask xElite he is a really cool guy...He us just awesome! :D
    So yeahz he encouraged me when i needed it. And he was nice enough to give me my favorite pokemons! :)
    Thats not cool!
    You should be more persistant! Try RNG capturing with a G-Shock watch! :3
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