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  • Greetings Mr. Knees, we are paired up for bssc. I'm GMT -5 and am free pretty much all day most days.
    Oh :O
    I'm fucking all over the place with uni and some other commitments, so It's going to be difficult for me to be flexible unfortunately. Currently Sunday 9:51pm, I can do Friday 9am / Anything between 9am - 5pm Saturday, and 9am - 10pm Sunday (all my times). Hope that can give you something to possibly work with
    The Squash
    The Squash
    Ok, lets battle between 9am - 11am Saturday (your time). I'll meet you in the Battle Spot room. Best of luck friend :)
    The Squash
    The Squash
    So it turns out that I have something planned during our scheduled time, but Sunday 10am (your time) should work for me
    Listened to LP for as long as I can remember, from Hybrid Theory to One More Light. Rest in peace Chester, we'll leave out all the rest.
    Hey there, got paired for PSPL. What times you available? I'm GMT -6, usually pretty flexible with my schedule
    Hey mate, I'm gmt+10 so god knows what time we'll figure out lol... it's currently 3:38am my time when sending this, can you tell me what time it is for you when you reply?
    My internet has not been working recently, sorry. Right now, it's 12:24 for me (noon). We may have a hard time setting this up :
    currently 12:35pm for me, so I can do from now up until pretty much whenever you want to sleep (though I'm out today so tomorrow would be better)
    hey, just wanted to let you know that I took your advice with changing the reed/mouthpiece/ligature on my Alto, and I'm extremely happy with it! Thanks for the help man, I really appreciate it. Also, I may be getting a Soprano over summer. Any suggestions on reeds/mouthpieces for that? Thanks man
    For now, im not buying one. Im taking one that my school has over the summer. But if I really enjoy it I'll buy my own. Not sure on an exact brand or model yet, do you recommend any specific one? Preferably one thats less than 1k since i dont want to pay TOO much lol
    You'd be lucky to find a good one for less than 1k. Yamaha YAS-475II is why I play, though a bit costly :x You might prefer a selmer sop
    Yeah thats kinda what I was thinking. Ill test out the schools one and see from there
    bssc when? I'm gmt-7 free weekday nights and weekends
    Monday / Sunday is probably best for me, what about you?
    ye those should be ok, hows my ngiht work for either of those?
    The best boss is a dog that can dog, because a dog can dog more than any other dog. Dog the dog to boss the boss. Dog is damage. Damage is dog.
    we both changed our avi's to something sax related at like the same time lmao thats great
    ill be trying that set up out, thanks! everything seems nicer, and its not overly expensive :D
    whoa more sax players here :o mainly alto, but played soprano, tenor and bariton before
    (currently Yanagisawa 990, Selmer s90 with Vandoren Java 3 reeds)
    Thats awesome :]
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