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  • omg sorry very busy week
    i can battle tomorrow after 5 PM GMT -5 but if that's too late you can have the activity
    would you play RBY OU if not BW2 OU
    maybe youre there now? come to the pokemonexperte server if you are id like to get this done very soon ^^
    maybe you are available now? then we could do it ???? find me on PO on the pokemonexperte uepc server
    Hi, we're paired for the adv uu mini-tourney. I'm in gmt -3, and i can play p much anytime. I'm v active on irc (#spl). Let me know when you want to play.
    Read my first vm again. I said my timezone there. Today it's pretty late for me, we'll do it tomorrow.
    you can find me on irc as robert, im usually on #pokemon, #spl and #suspect. i have to go to some place but you can find me there at the time we schedule
    since it seems as we could get some timezones issues, are you available at the weekend?
    Well if you really can't, it's ok. It's just that your nights are way too late for me...
    Hey we have to battle for the Home Field Tour. I'm gmt and can play during the night. What tier do you wanna play?
    We have to battle for the Home Field Advantage Week 8. As you are the home player you will have to choose the tier for our game. When can you battle? I'm GMT-6 and I can battles all the days after 1pm GMT-6.
    Hey, I feel like the "gg I guess" and "sorry for victimizing you" I said on NBS might've come across the wrong way. I wasn't taunting, I was disparaging the agiliwrap combo because I feel it's... less than suitable for competitive play (as you may or may not have noticed :P). Sorry if I made you feel shitty.
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