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Deck Knight
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  • I feel obliged to give one last good bye to you Deck Knight before I leave for good. Somehow, you have managed to capture my imagination so quickly over the past two/three weeks that I feel obligated to say good bye to you specifically and wish you luck.

    I wish I knew you IRL but I must say good bye to you for good. It is the only way that I can proceed from here.
    Deck Knight
    Deck Knight
    Why are you going, though?
    A number of factors; I planned to leave during the SuMo era after participating in about 2 or 3 more CAP projects, but things broke down a little too quickly in the past month regarding my posting and behavior onsite. In reality, I should have never returned to Smogon after I was unbanned (not necessarily pertaining to the ban but personal reasons and decisions I had made unrelated to the ban) in 2014, but I knew that I, to some degree, wanted to attempt re-establishing myself in the Smogon community.

    For the most blunt reasons why I am leaving:
    1) No point in participating in a competitive Pokemon community when I swore off competitive Pokemon battling (reasons why I swore off of it I will not divulge)
    2) I knew that I was never realistically going to be able to continue much CAP progress after the beginning of SuMo considering reason one
    3) I knew for certain that I did not want to continue involving myself in competitive Pokemon once I became an adult (which I will become soon) for a number of personal reasons

    Good bye now friend
    Deck Knight
    Deck Knight
    Cool. Just remember that most of the people with big reps in Smogon now are all adults because we started here 10 years ago. Everyone's entitled to their own hobby.

    Also, Don't let the stink from Firebutt drive you away if that's a part of it. TBH I don't battle nearly enough anymore anyway but that's because I have tons of administrative and mod stuff to do.
    I will not be revealing my moves to you sir.
    Deck Knight
    Deck Knight
    You say this as if I do not already know them and have intricate counter-strategies for each.

    Also you haven't even submitted in the thread so eh.
    OLD GREGG (im back baby)
    OLD GREGG (im back baby)
    I'm not so keen at the creation aspect. I just like to fight. I hadn't even considered the thread to be the reason your CT says Show me yo moves. I was just communicating that even if I did, in fact, have moves to show that I wouldn't reveal them.
    Deck Knight
    Deck Knight
    Then you shall be defenseless against my assault. En Garde!
    Yo im gmt-8 and we gotta cap bw for the TT (my leader clearly doesnt care about losing this week lol.) I can definitely play late afternoon-evening on wednesday and also all day thursday
    Hey if you need a good CAP dubs player, I'm your guy. Message me if you want to know more
    What are your opinions on Trump as a presedential candidate and who would you consider a smart choice for him to delegate as a Vice President and why?
    Deck Knight
    Deck Knight
    Generally I keep a safe distance from enthusiastically supporting him because he says and does things that are off the wall, like his most recent move to poison the well with the Trump U judge.

    But I will vote for him. Trump is a gamble and his official written policies are well-thought out and align with what I think needs to be done. Hillary is absolutely unfit for any office, having already let an ambassador and servicemen die under her care. Then she lied about the cause for over a week in public. All while communicating during her entire tenure via an illegal, unapproved method which has been proven to be easily hacked.

    Johnson/Weld are clowns - Weld a backstabbing clown - with no shot who think conscience rights are a lower priority than legalizing weed. They can and should pull votes from the left, which I'm fine with strategically.
    Do you believe in the American Dream? Legitimately curious, since you painted Bernie as a "literal bum before he got elected to Congress (where he remains a bum)". Isn't going from coming from a poor ass family to being a senator the kind of thing you would applaud?
    Do you have a hidden message you leave when your trolling and when you aren't? Please I need help understanding you.
    Deck Knight
    Deck Knight
    In Firebot politics threads I make arguments with the same vehemence and venom that is accepted in Congregation of the Masses for opinions the mods agree with - except they will disagree with the opinions I post in Firebot.

    Cong has a policy where "wrong" opinions (determined through the lens of the mod's personal biases) are "oppressive" or "hate" and get deleted. Cong is basically the "Safe Space" Eric Cartman sang about on South Park. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXQkXXBqj_U

    Every time I post in Firepot politics threads I am effectively mocking Congregation of the Masses in the only discussion forum that actually allows open discourse. That Firebot keeps posts up that use words like "shitlord" is a bonus because I get to use slang humor too.

    Am I trolling? Am I serious? Like a magician, I never reveal my secrets!
    does that customized meta get a ladder on PS as the CAP is being made?

    if not, maybe it should
    Deck Knight
    Deck Knight
    That is the intent, yes. Last time during the Suspect Test we had the Suspect Ladder run concurrently with the CAP Metagame ladder.
    What are your thoughts on Rand Paul? I know you like Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul seems to be quite similar but for the complete abolishment on spying on individuals and less likely to go to war with Iran. He also will surge in Iowa, because he has some of the best grassroots in Iowa EVER. (1000+ prestinct chairman, with 10,000 students voting) So I certainly see him as having a chance.
    Deck Knight
    Deck Knight
    Generally I like Paul and suspect he will do better than people think because of ground game in IA and especially NH (which trends libertarian, not "moderate"), but just like Ron Paul did in 2012, he has the opposite problem of most candidates.

    Most candidates have the problem that their support is a mile wide and an inch deep. Paul's problem is his support is a mile deep and an inch wide, i.e. his supporters are the most zealously committed to him but, by comparison to others, they are few in number.

    Rand has also been very bad at surrounding himself with the right influencers. For example his argument is that he expands the party to new constituencies but one of his photo ops was with Al Sharpton . He has also sided at various times with Mitch McConnell which undercuts a lot of his anti-establishment credentials. Both of those guys are Kryptonite in this GOP primary cycle.

    Finally, he's a bit of a victim of circumstance because this cycle has had more emphasis on ISIS and terrorism than on the NSA, and Paul has never been effective at neutralizing the argument those two issues aren't linked. Throw in immigration and the basic calculation of Cruz has been this: "Paul is right on spying, mostly correct on national security, and wrong on amnesty. Rubio is wrong on spying, mostly correct on national security, and wrong on amnesty. Cruz is right on all three."
    Deck Knight
    Deck Knight
    tl;dr campaign analysis version is that Cruz got in very early (March 2015), specifically targeted Ron Paul type voters as well as evangelicals and Tea Party voters, and as other candidates with those bases (Scott Walker first, Ben Carson more recently,) faded he made the most gains among their supporters. That strategy left Rand with a shadow of Ron's support, which is still significant, motivated, and politically effective, but not enough to project that force into the kind of primary polling numbers you need to obtain to build momentum.

    I could go on but I've given you enough of an essay for now.
    Deck Knight
    Deck Knight
    Yes. Let us condemn people for what their supporters say/do.

    By this standard, Barack Obama has bombed the Pentagon because he launched his political career in Bill Ayers' house and Hillary... well, you don't need to reference her supporters because her negligence already got four people under her authority killed while she lied about it (to their families, not hers), and domestically broke every law about US national security document security on the books.

    But you didn't read about any of that on addictinginfo because they are leftist bootlickers.
    I know you probably get really annoyed by constant political questions on your wall, but what pair would you like to see win the presidency and vice presidency, not necessarily just he president

    I like Cruz and Rubio
    If a Democrat were to become POTUS, which of the current demo candidates would you prefer take that position?
    Deck Knight
    Deck Knight
    Bernie Sanders. He's not a criminal and he maxes out at one term.
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