craing ;_;
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  • Yo I should be subbing in for Yogi for circlejerk. Im GMT+1, typically more available on evenings. When are you able to play?
    craing ;_;
    craing ;_;
    gmt-7, you're 8 hrs ahead. is today good for you like 10-11 pm your time
    That time today sounds good, I have another match just before so I should be online and ready
    when do you wanna play for spl, btw
    craing ;_;
    craing ;_;
    c u thurs :p
    Would prefer to play from like 7-8pm (GMT-4, EST), but anytime before like 11pm can work (don't want to play too late as I have class the next morning) - if you aren't going to be able to earlier in the time frame, if you could lmk when you see this, that'd be appreciated - nbd tho, gl
    Yo were paired for ost r4 and i wanted to ask u which timezone u live in and when u can play.
    i could any day of the week from 10am cet til 8pm cet
    you literally broke the bank for mid season auction

    congratulations lel
    sorry for saying that shit on the ladder yesterday. honestly had a really shifty day
    Hey when can you you play for OST ? I'm gmt +1 and available monday/tuesday/wednesday/thursday between 8pm and midnight.
    Yeah February 5th sure. If you can 1-2pm your time I prefer tbh, but 3pm sounds possible.
    I'm on smogtours server.
    craing ;_;
    craing ;_;
    do you mind if we play on main? i'm in the lobby as ben gay
    fwiw if it was up to me id have banned trapping including pursuit but i guess that's not possible
    craing ;_;
    craing ;_;
    agreed, get that garbage out asap pls
    i am a pyukumuku. i have no attacking moves and i pick mon out of the tier with toxic stalling. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will float into your battle tonight and make a mess of your pokemon that dont carry taunt
    craing ;_;
    craing ;_;
    you're a month too early, stop revealing my sets hoarse
    are you playing SM yet
    craing ;_;
    craing ;_;
    oops sorry for the late reply, it's been a while man. I am actively playing sumo actually, but I try to keep a low profile in hopes of making a comeback in the tour scene. how have you been? i'd like to play ketchup, but you don't drop by anymore fsr :(
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