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  • Salut ! C'est qui le Johary Rakotoarivony qui m'a ajouté sur facebook et qu'on a en ami commun ?
    My schedule is pretty flexible (GMT +2) so I can probably make it to most times, but I don't have a team for eo's tour yet so if you want to play both at once it'd have to be on thursday/friday. I can play bw2 any time though. If you use irc just contact me there.
    Je joue ma demi-finale dans moins de 15 minutes sur FT dawg, ne rate pas ça. é,è
    viens sur irc, je vais bientot disputer mes RU matchs, ça risque d'etre tres drole !
    when did you wanna play im free on irc most days in the afternoon GMT -4, give me a time and let you know if its good
    Actually, I have to download PO2... again. My computer decided to delete it yesterday, so I'm going to need a bit more time. I'll VM you when it's done downloading.
    If I did the math right, that would be right now. Am I correct or horribly off (sorry, I'm terrible at timezones)
    I'm subbing you into the Unscrupulous TD Tournament. Your opponent is NidokingKing. Please schedule a match promptly; thanks!
    Je sais pas par quel hasard je tombe contre un FR, mais bon.. Tu peux me trouver la nuit sur FT sous rhp31/Bledman. (pour le BW2) Faut que je build aussi. :V
    So what's your timezone. We're opps for no Johns. So stop johning and tell me when we can battle.
    groudon grotto set down, j'ai joué et suis sur le serf sky colloseum et j'ai gagné ! et toi ?
    j'ai pu inner. je reprends mon a sur gg mais reste à l'affut just in case R1 !
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