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  • That's awesome dude I'm currently programming this year for the team good luck as well!
    Hey dude i see your in robotics too man whats up? I'm from team 395 also i see marth told you about the accident at kickoff :(
    hey thanks so much for the rate. yea i used the ev spread from the analysis which i assume you wrote? again thanks
    I know, I don't mind =).

    Life is good...everything's going well, although I have both a chemistry exam and a physics practical exam tomorrow...why the fuck am I online? What about yourself?
    Unisex in the UK...all the cool people have unisex names.

    What campaign? =(
    Ah. You see, there was this show in Australia. It was called Everyone hates Chris. Then a guy in Melbourne, called Chris Taylor, had a go at it. From then on, it was a running joke in the series to have a sign somewhere saying I hate Chris.
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