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  • Ok cool, I think I'll be available to play on Sunday since 11 PM at my timezone. If you can't, just gimme a nudge.
    Hello, I'd like to inform you that, if you don't PM me your Strikeout Pokémon for the Round 1 of Strikeout Tournament: Black/White edition within approximately 20 hours, you are going to be replaced with a substitute.
    I seem to be missing you the last 2 days, not sure if this came trough properly, but I sort of only have time for sure between 6 and 8 pm these days (due to work mostly). I might be on later, but I cannot say with certainty due to some family affairs. Guess that might be why i miss you
    Hey, I think the easiest way to get this rolling and for you to get most involved in the community is to use irc. There are various clients to use, but you can also use the online mibbit if you want. You can find me in #dreamworld amongst others. Theres more info here:
    just read some of the tutorials there if you run into trouble. I'll be on there alot, so you can just pm me trough there whenever you find the time.
    Okay. I am -7 EST, which I think means we're 8 hours apart, so here on out until Wednesday at 7 am (my time) I am free. After that, 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m. everyday I am available, until Saturday where I'm available 2:00 p.m., so whenever works best I can do. I don't mind waking up in the morning or whatever to battle.
    Hey, we're opponents in the next round of the Smogon Tournament. WHens a good time for you?
    Hey, when can you play the Random Pokemon tournament game? Weeknights 4:30-10 CST or Sundays are best for me.
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