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  • I need a shiny modest/timid hp grass dw poliwag and a non shiny adamant/jolly dw dratini.
    I was interested in the adamant one, the eevee is lvl one, UT, no good stats, but I have some male wish eevees with a perfect stat or two
    Sorry, I had to go at that time, personal stuff :S Tell me if you can trade tomorrow
    Perfect. we'll trade tomorrow then :) Unless I forget xD. BTW, what's the time in your country? Here it's 2:52 am. Just asking in order to be "synchronized"
    I have a 4 day weekend from work, I think I'll be up and running by next week. At that point, I'll make it semi-redis with a couple of caveats such as board linkage or something since Zekrom is the first thing I RNG'ed this gen.
    Once I get up and running again, I'm sure I'll make it semi-redis. I just need to re establish myself. When I do, you'll be the first to know :)
    As far as redis rights, I'd like for that Zekrom not to be traded. I'm using him in a pinch to get myself up and running again. FC: Bryan 4212 8833 6463
    I could really use one for breeding purposes. The only thing I have worthwhile is a Zekrom I just rng'ed. It's 31/31/31/2/31/31 Jolly caught in a Dusk Ball a few hours ago.
    awww, here's hoping you slept well then. But if anything you could always hop on irc and have a chat with people, plus I need some copany during the graveyard shift XD :P
    still awake? wow, was browsing and saw your username in the whose online list. My commendations for being able to stay up this late.
    seems like I dont have a female DW marill so it seems, but I promise ill get you one if you dont get it yourself before that. I really thought I had one, but alas.
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