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  • hey I have a qeustion about the ban on vulpix in little cup, why not just ban drought+chlorophyl on the same team? Just a thought
    hey, I have a qeustion about the Vulpix ban ing little cup, why not just ban drought+chlrorphyl on the same team. just a thought
    Soooo I just got back lol (from Spain) so I'll be free tomorrow afternoon perhaps? I'll make time for this very important tutoring session ;)
    Alrighty, sounds good. I´ll talk to you when I´m back in the US tomorrow xD
    Yes, I do have IRC, I actually just got it, so I´m kinda new to it. What times work best for you?
    Aw yea totallyyy I love LC so much fun xD OU´s just freakin Sand, rain, sand, rain etc..... and UU... well screw staraptor lol
    Has LC suspect test voting started yet? I haven't seen/heard anything about it yet :(
    Thanks! I feel much better now. I also had a dream that I had an artist badge, and raindrop badge. I was half expecting it when I came on.
    I'm about done. How large do you want the fangs? There are 1x1s with a little point, then there are long, huge talons that I can connect. Also, It might not look as good as the duskull because I have next to zero 1x2s and 1x1s.
    Well, I have little pieces to make a full Gilgar. I decided to make his face. Is that okay?
    Hey, I'm working on it now, but I need to take a break. I don't have enough pieces, so I'm going tto this of a diffrent way to use them. (there's a recolor I made of the duskull, I followed it by pixel. For yours, I'll just put it together looking like that)Sounds Good?
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