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  • hi, we're paired for the "once upon a team" tournament. I'm gmt+1 and I can play almost every day. when would you prefer to play?
    hey i'm gmt -5 and i'm usually able to play between 12 and 3 pm my time. i usually hang around smogon irc on #spl
    ok i'll be there at 1 pm (your time)
    you can find me on #spl as hideous
    I think you're getting your timezone calculations wrong cos you were vming me at 2am / 4.30am... I'll be around idling on irc today and tomorrow (probs not during the night but day / afternooon at least). For reference the time now is 10:05am
    i'm +10, friday I'm free all morning + arvo (not night), fairly flexible on weekends too if I get some notice in advance. Does friday work for you, either way let me know
    i may have the higher win % but i think you definitely read me better than i read you. are you gonna try for a top 16 tour spot this season? cuz you can definitely make it hehe. i can help you with your adv, you seem good at dpp already and bw is easy.
    never said ggs, but they were. if i had let tran die and gone to zapdos on rotom in game 1, then used agility, i woulda won, but i fucked it up as usual lol. regardless, holy shit you played great in game 3. i have to ask, was the eq on skarm predicting roost? or did you actually predict me to scout for fire blast and switch back to tran o.o
    hey, you were not on in the time I said I would be back. ?__?
    try to get on in like 6 hours for us to DS play.cry
    I just found out I have a change in plans, I'm going to be away thursday/early friday. Would you be good to play tomorrow (wednesday) instead? If not, what about friday night or some time on the weekend?
    Hi Louise, we can probably play this wednesday night, (i'm gmt-6), around 11pm your time?
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