Sweet Jesus
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  • Hey I love Ferrothorn too! He works great with a Tapu Fini and Giratina core. May I suggest adding pictures to your sets? It helps break up the text between each Pokémon and helps people stop and read. No biggie, but I notice it gets more Likes, and attention when I do it.
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    Yeah I used that same core too but trying to bring it to something more offensive. I used to put pictures before I quit and came back, but I'm lazy and I'm too old to care what people think of me on smogon.
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    Believe it or not, I use to be a community contributor but then I slacked and they told me they'd remove my badge if I didn't contribute more (this was before CC alumn existed) and I figured slaving to keep a little badge on a pokemon forum was not worth it. I just play for fun and share sets for fun, if they don't get attention, it's their loss :p.
    Champion Leon
    I’m sorry if I came across as obligatory. I completely understand and appreciate your decision. Thanks for letting me know.
    Cityscapes is that guy who is insecure, but thinks people view him as “smart”, so that becomes a niche. He even refers to himself as a GOAT for Gen 7. Whenever I beat him in battle, he throws a big hissy-fit, and says how disappointed he is due to hax, or me winning with a HO idea. I am glad you made it clear how ridiculous he looks.
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    Thanks, happy to know someone's on my side. Unfortunately, most have already made up their mind and upvote anything that supports their opinion regardless of if the arguments are actualuy good. They'll end up banning something anyway. But oh well, I guess I'll be building pp stall teams in the next meta.
    Champion Leon
    To be honest... That’s exactly what Jesus would do
    bh open when gmt +6 free at nights til 10pm
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    Alright, well I'm EST so that's my morning. Let's say we fix this at 8pm your time, so 10am my time. I could do monday, tuesday, thursday and friday (probably any other day after that too, but let's try to get this done asap). So just choose of those 4 days.
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    I'm on showdown as sweet jesus, hit me up when ready
    Hey, Swanna can't learn Hydro Pump, so I'd get rid of that slash, or replace it with Surf if you feel the 10 bp boost is really worth it.
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    Yeah sorry plugged that without thinking. Usless to say, I used scald :p
    yo we're up for DOU open r3. when can u play?
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    Yo, IM GMT-4 (EDT). I can play pretty much every evening of the week or monday/friday morning. I'm also free all week-end. I'll suggest tomorrow (monday) 9pm my time, if that doesn't fit your schedule feel free to suggest another time.
    Ok. I'd like to battle this weekend, I have a very busy week. Where can I find you on PS? Whenever I'm online im hanging out in UU room, under this alt or the alt Shadestep.
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    Weekend is fine with me. How about saturday 4pm EDT? I chill in NU room under +sweet jesus or steel jesus
    Hey, we're paired for NU open round two. I'm GMT + 10 and it looks like you're GMT - 4, so we can play at about 10 PM your time (midday for me) or at about 8-9 AM for you (10-11 PM for me). Happy to play at another time, but some time close to one of those seems the most reasonable. After Monday would be better for me
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    Cool, orry for the late answer, I had no internet for the weekend. 10pm my time monday would be a good time for me
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    Tom Bus
    Tom Bus
    10 PM Monday (GMT - 4) sounds fine
    paired for RU OPEN im gmt +2, i have no life s u can put yur time
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    Satruday 3pm EDT so like 9pm your time I believe is that good?
    where u been ;; can u go tomorrow
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    Yo I was on at that time and hoped for a confirmation. Anyway, yeah tomorrow around 3-4pm EDT (9-10 your time), is that good?
    <CDXCIV> Raseri: 3007 - 8426 - 0262

    mah fc. i added you :)
    Sweet Jesus
    Sweet Jesus
    it says it's not valid :(
    o ill check and make sure i put it in right
    thats the right code i checked :(
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