Draft Uxie

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bellibolt saleswoman
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**Draft order**: Round 4 onwards

**Price range**: 11-12

**Overview**: Uxie makes up for its modest HP with enormous Defense and Special Defense. Known as the "bringer of knowledge," Uxie requires you to bring your own knowledge to make the most of its nearly limitless pool of utility moves. A relatively high Speed allows it to naturally outrun other defensive or utility Pokémon it might come up against. Access to Levitate allows it to run almost any item it wants to without needing Heavy-Duty Boots against entry hazard stacking teams, and it also helps it serve as a fantastic pivot. Uxie offers a large amount of role compression, able to be utilised in a variety of ways to enable your team. However, pitiful offensive stats make it fairly passive and reliant on strong teammates to do the heavy lifting.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Defensive pivot**: U-turn, Knock Off, and Future Sight make Uxie very capable of switching in to take a hit and disrupting an opponent's positioning. Yawn, Thunder Wave, or Encore is common as a final move to dissuade foes from setting up on the relatively unthreatening Uxie.

**Utility**: Uxie comes from a very small pool of non-Rock- or Ground-type Pokemon capable of using Stealth Rock, making it useful as a secondary Stealth Rock setter if your primary is needed to perform a different role in battle. This set can also be run as a sacrificial lead with Memento to generate a large amount of offensive momentum. With access to dual screens, Uxie can leverage its above-average Speed and large bulk to set them up with ease. A Mental Herb can be used to prevent Taunt or Encore users from exploiting Uxie's poor offensive capabilities.

**Wall**: Alternatively, Uxie can be utilized as a wall thanks to its fantastic mixed defenses. Uxie can take advantage of Pain Split or Leftovers to maximize its staying power.

**Bulky sweeper**: A good Speed tier, enormous bulk, and a diverse move pool allow Uxie to comfortably set up late-game, having access to both Nasty Plot and Calm Mind. These sets usually run a resistance Berry, Sitrus Berry, Leftovers, or Mental Herb.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Psychic, Psyshock, Psychic Noise, Future Sight, Stored Power, Mystical Power, Zen Headbutt

**Setup moves**: Calm Mind, Nasty Plot, Amnesia

**Utility moves**: Stealth Rock, Knock Off, U-turn, Encore, Yawn, Trick, Thunder Wave, Pain Split, Rest, Reflect, Light Screen, Memento, Baton Pass, Foul Play

**Coverage**: Draining Kiss, Drain Punch, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Thunder Punch, Play Rough, Iron Tail, Ice Punch, Giga Drain, Fire Punch, Dazzling Gleam

Niche Moves
**Trick Room**: Trick Room is useful on slower teams or as a surprise strategy to catch opponents off guard. This is useful in combination with Memento to quickly bring in a beneficiary.

**Sunny Day / Rain Dance / Sandstorm**: Uxie is a reliable weather setter due to it not being bound to specific items, allowing it to freely hold weather-extending items. Its bulk allows it to come in and set up weather multiple times, and U-turn allows it to pivot into teammates that benefit from weather. This can also be useful when battling opposing weather-reliant drafts.

Common Items
**Leftovers**: Uxie can wield its large defenses to have a lot of staying power in battle. Leftovers helps to bolster this, providing Uxie with passive recovery.

**Resistance Berry**: Uxie can use a resistance Berry as a tool to lure in a threatening Pokemon, allowing it to survive a super effective hit and hinder the foe in return with its wide array of utility moves.

**Rocky Helmet**: Rocky Helmet is used as a tool to punish physical attackers, as Uxie can typically take many hits before being knocked out.

**Mental Herb**: Mental Herb can be used to prevent foes with Taunt or Encore from disrupting it, allowing Uxie to remain unbothered.

**Light Clay**: Light Clay extends the duration of dual screens, providing teammates more time to set up and sweep.

Niche Items
**Red Card**: Red Card can be used as a quick way to deal with a threatening set up sweeper or to disrupt opposing momentum.

**Terrain Seeds**: Terrain seeds are excellent for Terrain strategies as a tool to strengthen Uxie's sweeping power with Calm Mind and Stored Power while also providing it additional defenses in its setup turns.

**Weather-extending items**: Weather-extending items are used in conjunction with a manual weather setting move to enable teammates that better utilize the weather.

**Lagging Tail / Choice Scarf**: Against threatening setup sweepers, Lagging Tail or Choice Scarf can be used with the move Trick to stifle a foe. Lagging Tail is usually used to deny faster foes, whereas Choice Scarf is typically used against slower, bulkier foes.

**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Heavy-Duty Boots can be good specifically in matches where Uxie will need to frequently switch into Stealth Rock. This is largely overshadowed by Leftovers, as Uxie normally has the longevity to recover from entry hazard damage.

**Weakness Policy**: Uxie's bulk pairs nicely with its weaknesses to common, weaker attacks like U-turn and Knock Off, providing it many opportunities to activate Weakness Policy. Its wide array of coverage and setup options can turn Uxie into a fearsome setup sweeper.

Uxie should not be drafted with the intention to be used as a Tera Captain. Uxie's main goal is to perform as a bulky utility wall, lacking immediate damage, and as such, it does not benefit from Terastallization. Uxie has a comically large wealth of coverage options and does not notably benefit from Tera Blast. Making Uxie a team's primary Tera Captain can actually inhibit it from performing in its best roles, as it might feel forced to use more offensive sets in order to take advantage of Tera. However, as a secondary Tera Captain, it can certainly function as one with its sweeping sets. Tera Fairy and Water are two of the best choices for a defensive Tera. Tera Fairy removes Uxie's weakness to Knock Off and U-turn, allowing it to switch in more frequently, and also boosts the damage of Draining Kiss on sweeper sets. Tera Water is one of the only types that Uxie lacks effective coverage in, so Tera Blast Water has use in niche matchups. Tera Electric pairs nicely with Levitate, giving Uxie no weaknesses against most foes, increasing its longevity. Overall, these perceived benefits do not outweigh the problems in making Uxie a Tera Captain, and it is better used as a facilitator for a Pokemon that would benefit from Tera more readily.

Draft Strategy
Uxie is a highly versatile glue Pokemon, and as a result, it can be drafted on nearly every team archetype. It provides a large amount of role compression, leaving room to draft around other, more potent threats. Uxie is less viable on drafts that already possess a lot of utility and perhaps are lacking in offensive presence. Uxie cannot provide meaningful damage output without setting up itself, so it may find itself unable to do so without help.

**Entry hazard setters**: Uxie can function as a secondary Stealth Rock setter, relieving the necessity of Pokemon like Great Tusk, Garchomp, and Iron Treads running Stealth Rock, allowing them greater set variety and flexibility.

**Wallbreakers / setup sweepers**: Uxie fits well on offensive teams, as its enormous movepool allows it to be fine-tuned to provide Pokemon like Darkrai, Iron Valiant, and Gouging Fire the opportunity and room to set up or find their win conditions.

Checks and Counters
**Taunt**: Taunt from Pokemon like Tornadus-T, Palafin, and Ogerpon-W can be extremely inhibiting for Uxie to contest, preventing it from utilizing its wide utility coverage. As Uxie lacks reliable damage output, Taunt forces Uxie to pivot out of battle, allowing foes to set up.

**Mental Herb**: Mental Herb is a one-time use item that can be utilized on a setup sweeper like Sneasler, Latias, or Ursaluna-B, protecting them from the effect of Taunt or Encore.

**Fast Substitute users**: Substitute blocks most of Uxie's utility options, and its low offenses inhibit its ability to break a Substitute. Encore is Uxie’s best answer to Substitute, leaving it vulnerable to faster foes like Palafin, Enamorus, and Iron Moth, which can avoid becoming locked into Substitute if you predict incorrectly.

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**Draft order**: Round 4 onwards

**Price range**: 11-13 11-12

**Overview**: Uxie makes up for its modest base HP with enormous defence Defense and special defence Special Defense. Known as the "Bringer of Knowledge", Uxie requires you to bring your own knowledge to make the most of its nearly limitless pool of utility moves. A uniquely high base speed allows it to naturally outrun other defensive or utility Pokémon it might come up against. Access to Levitate allows it to run almost any item it wants to without needing Heavy-Duty Boots against hazard stacking teams, and also makes it a fantastic pivot against many of the meta’s staple ground types. Every opponent you face will likely have a ground type, so it makes for great role compression being able to cover a wide variety of key traits every draft needs to succeed. However, pitiful offensive stats make it one of a very small list of Pokémon where it is justifiable to run no attacking moves on occasion. just talk about how it's pretty passive as a negative cause it has very little damage threat level

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Defensive Pivot**: U-turn, Knock Off, and Future Sight make Uxie very capable of switching in to take a hit and disrupting an opponents board positioning. Yawn, Thunder Wave, and Encore are common as a final move to dissuade opponents from setting up on the relatively unthreatening Uxie.

**Hazard Control / Uxie does not have hazard control Utility**: Uxie comes from a very small pool of non-Rock- or Ground-type Pokemon capable of using Stealth Rock, making it useful as a secondary Stealth Rock setter if your primary one is needed to perform a different role in battle. This set can also be run as a suicide lead with Memento to generate a large amount of offensive momentum.

**Dual-Screen Setter**: With access to both screens, Uxie can leverage its above average speed and large bulk to set up screens with ease. A Mental Herb can be used to prevent Taunt or Encore users from exploiting Uxie's poor offensive capabilities.

**Wall**: Alternatively, Uxie can be utilised as a wall thanks to its fantastic mixed defences. Uxie can take advantage of Pain Split, Leftovers, or a Sitrus Berry to maximise its staying power.

**Bulky Sweeper**: Good speed tier, enormous bulk and a diverse move pool allow Uxie to comfortably set up in the late game with access to both Nasty Plot and Calm Mind. These sets usually run a Resistance Berry, Leftovers or Mental Herb.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Psychic, Psyshock, Future Sight, Stored Power, Psychic Noise, Zen Headbutt

**Setup moves**: Calm Mind, Nasty Plot, Amnesia

**Utility moves**: Stealth Rock, Yawn, Trick, Thunder Wave, Rest, Reflect, Light Screen, Memento, Encore, Baton Pass, Rest, Pain Split, U-turn, Foul Play, Knock Off

**Coverage**: Draining Kiss, Drain Punch, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Knock Off, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Thunder Punch, Thunder, U-Turn, Solar Beam, Play Rough, Iron Tail, Ice Punch, Giga Drain, Fire Punch, Dazzling Gleam, Acrobatics, Water Pulse, Foul Play

Niche Moves
**Trick Room**: Trick Room is useful on slower teams or as a surprise strategy to catch opponents off guard. Add a mention of using this in combinationg with Memento

**Sunny Day / Rain Dance / Sandstorm**: Uxie is a reliable weather setter due to it not being bound to specific items allowing it to freely hold weather extending rocks. Its bulk allows it to come in and set up weather multiple times and U-Turn allows it to pivot into other users of the weather. This can also be useful when battling opposing weather-reliant drafts.

**Expanding Force**: Expanding Force can be useful in scenarios where your draft either contains or wants to run Psychic Terrain.
Uxie is Levitating so it doesn't benefit from Psychic Terrain

**Imprison**: Imprison is only ever used as part of a specialised plan for nullifying an opposing Pokemon, blocking their can be used in an attempts to either set screens, or Stealth Rock, for example.
I think this is too niche, but if QC2 decides to add it back that's fine

Common Items
**Leftovers**: Uxie can wield its large defences to have a lot of staying power in battle. Leftovers helps to bolster this, providing Uxie with passive recovery.

**Resistance Berry**: Uxie can use a resistance berry as a tool to lure in a threatening Pokemon, allowing it to survive a super effective hit and cripple the foe in return with its wide array of utility moves.

**Rocky Helmet**: Rocky Helmet is used as a tool to punish physical attackers, as Uxie can typically take many hits before being knocked out.

**Mental Herb**: Mental Herb can be used to prevent foes with Taunt or Encore from hindering it, allowing Uxie to remain unbothered. Happy. In their lane. Flourishing.

**Light Clay**: Light Clay extends the duration of screens, allowing teammates more time to set up and sweep.

Niche Items
**Red Card**: Red Card can be used as a pinch way to deal with a threatening set up sweeper or to disrupt opponent momentum

**Terrain Seeds**: Terrain seeds are excellent on terrain strategies as a tool to strengthen Uxie's sweeping power with Calm Mind and Stored Power, while also providing it additional defences in its set up turns.

**Weather Rocks**: Weather rocks are used in conjunction with a manual weather setting move to enable teammates that better utilise the weather.

**Lagging Tail / Choice Scarf**: Against threatening set up sweepers, Lagging Tail or Choice Scarf can be used with the move Trick to stifle a foe. Lagging Tail is usually used to deny faster foes, whereas Choice Scarf is typically used against slower, bulkier foes.

**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Heavy-Duty Boots can be good specifically in matches where Uxie will need to frequently switch into stealth rocks. Will this happen? Probably not. But it could. Scary.

Uxie should not be drafted with the intention to be used as a Tera captain. Uxie's main goal is to perform as a bulky utility wall, lacking immediate damage, and as such it does not benefit from Terastalisation. Uxie has a comically large wealth of utility options and does not notably benefit from Tera Blast. Making Uxie a teams primary Tera Captain can actually inhibit it from performing in its best roles as it might feel forced into building more offensive sets, to take advantage of Tera. However, as a secondary Tera Captain it can certainly function as one with its sweeping sets. Fairy- and Water-Type are two of the best choices for a defensive Tera. Fairy-Type removes Uxie's weakness to Knock Off and U-turn, allowing it to switch in more frequently, and also boots the damage of Draining Kiss on sweeper sets. Water-Type is one of the only Types that Uxie lacks in effective coverage in, so Water Tera Blast has use in niche matchups. Uxie also enjoys the defensive profile that it provides. Electric-Type pairs nicely with Levitate to allow Uxie to have no weaknesses, increasing its longevity. Overall, these perceived benefits do not outweigh the problems in making Uxie a Tera Captain and it is better used as a facilitator for a more Tera hungry Pokemon.

Draft Strategy
Uxie is a highly versatile glue Pokemon, and as a result, it can be drafted on nearly every team archetype. It provides a large amount of role compression, leaving the room open to draft around other, more potent threats. Uxie is less viable on drafts that already possess a lot of utility and perhaps are lacking in offensive presence. Its relatively high cost can feel like it’s being wasted if a majority of its use cases are covered by other Pokemon, and vice versa. Uxie cannot provide meaningful damage output without setting up itself, so it may find itself unable to do so without help.

**Hazard Control setters**: Uxie can function as a secondary Stealth Rock setter, relieving the necessity of Pokemon like Great Tusk, Garchomp, and Iron Treads running Stealth Rock, allowing them greater set variety and flexibility.
"hazard control" only refers to hazard removal/Magic Bounce type stuff.

**Wallbreakers / Setup Sweepers**: Uxie fits well on offensive teams, as its enormous move pool allows it to be fine tuned to enable Pokemon like Darkrai, Iron Valiant and Gouging Fire the space and room to set up or find their win conditions.

Checks and Counters
**Taunt**: Taunt from Pokemon like Tornadus-T, Palafin, and Ogerpon-Wellspring can be extremely inhibiting for Uxie to contest, preventing it from utilising its wide utility coverage. As Uxie lacks damage, Taunt forces Uxie to pivot out of battle, allowing opposing foes to set up.

**Mental Herb**: Mental Herb is a one time use item that can be utilised on a set up sweeper like Sneasler, Latias, or Ursaluna-Bloodmoon, protecting them from the use of Taunt or Encore.

**Fast Substitute Users**: Substitute blocks most of Uxie's utility options, and its low offences inhibit its ability to break a Substitute. Encore is Uxie’s best answer to Substitute, leaving it vulnerable to faster foes like Palafin, Enamorus, and Iron Moth who can avoid becoming locked into Substitute without a prediction from Uxie.

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Good overall, but please use spellcheck.

**Draft order**: Round 4 onwards

**Price range**: 11-12

**Overview**: Uxie makes up for its modest base HP with enormous Defense and Special Defense. Known as the "Bringer of Knowledge", Uxie requires you to bring your own knowledge to make the most of its nearly limitless pool of utility moves. A uniquely relatively high base speed allows it to naturally outrun other defensive or utility Pokémon it might come up against. Access to Levitate allows it to run almost any item it wants to without needing Heavy-Duty Boots against hazard stacking teams, and also makes it a fantastic pivot against many of the meta’s staple ground types. Every opponent you face will likely have a ground type, so it makes for great role compression being able to cover a wide variety of key traits every draft needs to succeed. However, pitiful offensive stats make it fairly passive, reliant on strong teammates to do the heavy lifting. (you can mention the role compression in another way if you want, I just dont think talking about most drafts having a ground type is necessary)

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Defensive Pivot**: U-turn, Knock Off, and Future Sight make Uxie very capable of switching in to take a hit and disrupting an opponents board positioning. Yawn, Thunder Wave, and Encore are common as a final move to dissuade opponents from setting up on the relatively unthreatening Uxie.

**Hazard Setting Utility**: Uxie comes from a very small pool of non-Rock- or Ground-type Pokemon capable of using Stealth Rock, making it useful as a secondary Stealth Rock setter if your primary one is needed to perform a different role in battle. This set can also be run as a suicide lead with Memento to generate a large amount of offensive momentum.

**Dual-Screen Setter**: With access to both screens, Uxie can leverage its above average speed and large bulk to set up screens with ease. A Mental Herb can be used to prevent Taunt or Encore users from exploiting Uxie's poor offensive capabilities. (merge with utility to be more general)

**Wall**: Alternatively, Uxie can be utilised utilized as a wall thanks to its fantastic mixed defences defenses. Uxie can take advantage of Pain Split, (rc) or Leftovers, or a Sitrus Berry to maximise maximize its staying power.

**Bulky Sweeper**: Good speed tier, enormous bulk and a diverse move pool allow Uxie to comfortably set up in the late game with access to both Nasty Plot and Calm Mind. These sets usually run a Resistance Berry, Sitrus Berry, Leftovers or Mental Herb.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Psychic, Psyshock, Psychic Noise, Future Sight, Stored Power, Mystical Power, Psychic Noise, Zen Headbutt

**Setup moves**: Calm Mind, Nasty Plot, Amnesia

**Utility moves**: Stealth Rock, Knock Off, U-turn, Encore, Yawn, Trick, Thunder Wave, Pain Split, Rest, Reflect, Light Screen, Memento, Encore, Baton Pass, Pain Split, U-turn, Foul Play, Knock Off

**Coverage**: Draining Kiss, Drain Punch, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Thunder Punch, Play Rough, Iron Tail, Ice Punch, Giga Drain, Fire Punch, Dazzling Gleam, (rc)

Niche Moves
**Trick Room**: Trick Room is useful on slower teams or as a surprise strategy to catch opponents off guard. This is useful in combination with Memento, to quickly bring in a beneficiary.

**Sunny Day / Rain Dance / Sandstorm**: Uxie is a reliable weather setter due to it not being bound to specific items allowing it to freely hold weather extending rocks. Its bulk allows it to come in and set up weather multiple times and U-Turn allows it to pivot into other users of the weather. This can also be useful when battling opposing weather-reliant drafts.

**Imprison**: Imprison is only ever used as part of a specialised plan for nullifying an opposing Pokemon, blocking their can be used in an attempts to either set screens, or Stealth Rock, for example. This is mainly utilised when facing Trick Room teams as they struggle to function without it.

Common Items
**Leftovers**: Uxie can wield its large defences defenses to have a lot of staying power in battle. Leftovers helps to bolster this, providing Uxie with passive recovery.

**Resistance Berry**: Uxie can use a resistance berry as a tool to lure in a threatening Pokemon, allowing it to survive a super effective hit and cripple the foe in return with its wide array of utility moves.

**Rocky Helmet**: Rocky Helmet is used as a tool to punish physical attackers, as Uxie can typically take many hits before being knocked out.

**Mental Herb**: Mental Herb can be used to prevent foes with Taunt or Encore from hindering it, allowing Uxie to remain unbothered. Happy. In their lane. Flourishing.

**Light Clay**: Light Clay extends the duration of screens, allowing teammates more time to set up and sweep.

Niche Items
**Red Card**: Red Card can be used as a pinch way to deal with a threatening set up sweeper or to disrupt opponent momentum. (ap)

**Terrain Seeds**: Terrain seeds are excellent on terrain strategies as a tool to strengthen Uxie's sweeping power with Calm Mind and Stored Power, while also providing it additional defences defenses in its set up turns.

**Weather Rocks**: Weather rocks are used in conjunction with a manual weather setting move to enable teammates that better utilise utilize the weather.

**Lagging Tail / Choice Scarf**: Against threatening set up sweepers, Lagging Tail or Choice Scarf can be used with the move Trick to stifle a foe. Lagging Tail is usually used to deny faster foes, whereas Choice Scarf is typically used against slower, bulkier foes.

**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Heavy-Duty Boots can be good specifically in matches where Uxie will need to frequently switch into stealth rocks. Will this happen? Probably not. But it could. Scary.

**Weakness Policy**: (something like "uxie's bulk, weakness to common attacks like knock/uturn, and wide array of coverage make weakness policy a decent option, giving it more earlygame power than it would usually have or speeding up setup")

Uxie should not be drafted with the intention to be used as a Tera captain. Uxie's main goal is to perform as a bulky utility wall, lacking immediate damage, and as such it does not benefit from Terastalisation. Uxie has a comically large wealth of utility coverage options and does not notably benefit from Tera Blast. Making Uxie a teams primary Tera Captain can actually inhibit it from performing in its best roles as it might feel forced into building more offensive sets, to take advantage of Tera. However, as a secondary Tera Captain it can certainly function as one with its sweeping sets. Fairy- and Water-Type are two of the best choices for a defensive Tera. Fairy-Type removes Uxie's weakness to Knock Off and U-turn, allowing it to switch in more frequently, and also boots the damage of Draining Kiss on sweeper sets. Water-Type is one of the only Types that Uxie lacks in effective coverage in, so Water Tera Blast has use in niche matchups. Uxie also enjoys the defensive profile that it provides. Electric-Type pairs nicely with Levitate to allow Uxie to have no weaknesses against most foes, increasing its longevity. Overall, these perceived benefits do not outweigh the problems in making Uxie a Tera Captain and it is better used as a facilitator for a more Tera hungry Pokemon.

Draft Strategy
Uxie is a highly versatile glue Pokemon, and as a result, it can be drafted on nearly every team archetype. It provides a large amount of role compression, leaving the room open to draft around other, more potent threats. Uxie is less viable on drafts that already possess a lot of utility and perhaps are lacking in offensive presence. Uxie cannot provide meaningful damage output without setting up itself, so it may find itself unable to do so without help.

**Hazard setters**: Uxie can function as a secondary Stealth Rock setter, relieving the necessity of Pokemon like Great Tusk, Garchomp, and Iron Treads running Stealth Rock, allowing them greater set variety and flexibility.

**Wallbreakers / Setup Sweepers**: Uxie fits well on offensive teams, as its enormous move pool allows it to be fine tuned to enable Pokemon like Darkrai, Iron Valiant and Gouging Fire the space and room to set up or find their win conditions.

Checks and Counters
**Taunt**: Taunt from Pokemon like Tornadus-T, Palafin, and Ogerpon-Wellspring can be extremely inhibiting for Uxie to contest, preventing it from utilising utilizing its wide utility coverage. As Uxie lacks damage, Taunt forces Uxie to pivot out of battle, allowing opposing foes to set up.

**Mental Herb**: Mental Herb is a one time use item that can be utilised utilized on a set up sweeper like Sneasler, Latias, or Ursaluna-Bloodmoon, protecting them from the use of Taunt or Encore.

**Fast Substitute Users**: Substitute blocks most of Uxie's utility options, and its low offences offenses inhibit its ability to break a Substitute. Encore is Uxie’s best answer to Substitute, leaving it vulnerable to faster foes like Palafin, Enamorus, and Iron Moth who can avoid becoming locked into Substitute without a prediction from Uxie.

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**Draft order**: Round 4 onwards

**Price range**: 11-12

**Overview**: Uxie makes up for its modest base HP with enormous Defense and Special Defense. Known as the "bringer of knowledge," moved comma Uxie requires you to bring your own knowledge to make the most of its nearly limitless pool of utility moves. A relatively high base Speed allows it to naturally outrun other defensive or utility Pokémon it might come up against. Access to Levitate allows it to run almost any item it wants to without needing Heavy-Duty Boots against entry hazard stacking teams, and it also makes it helps it serve as a fantastic pivot against many of the metagame’s staple Ground-types (ah). Every opponent you face will likely have a Ground-type (ac), so it makes for great role compression, (ac) being able to cover a wide variety of key traits every draft needs to succeed. However, pitiful offensive stats make it fairly passive (rc) and reliant on strong teammates to do the heavy lifting. (you can mention the role compression in another way if you want, I just dont think talking about most drafts having a ground type is necessary) girl.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Defensive pivot**: U-turn, Knock Off, and Future Sight make Uxie very capable of switching in to take a hit and disrupting an opponent's (aa) positioning. Yawn, Thunder Wave, and Encore are or Encore is common as a final move to dissuade opponents foes from setting up on the relatively unthreatening Uxie.

**Utility**: Uxie comes from a very small pool of non-Rock- or Ground-type Pokemon capable of using Stealth Rock, making it useful as a secondary Stealth Rock setter if your primary one is needed to perform a different role in battle. This set can also be run as a suicide sacrificial lead with Memento to generate a large amount of offensive momentum. With access to both dual screens, Uxie can leverage its above-average (ah) Speed and large bulk to set them up screens with ease. A Mental Herb can be used to prevent Taunt or Encore users from exploiting Uxie's poor offensive capabilities.

**Wall**: Alternatively, Uxie can be utilized as a wall thanks to its fantastic mixed defenses. Uxie can take advantage of Pain Split or Leftovers to maximize its staying power.

**Bulky sweeper**: A good Speed tier, enormous bulk, (ac) and a diverse move pool allow Uxie to comfortably set up in the late-game, (ah, ac) with having access to both Nasty Plot and Calm Mind. These sets usually run a resistance Berry, Sitrus Berry, Leftovers, (ac) or Mental Herb.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Psychic, Psyshock, Psychic Noise, Future Sight, Stored Power, Mystical Power, Zen Headbutt

**Setup moves**: Calm Mind, Nasty Plot, Amnesia

**Utility moves**: Stealth Rock, Knock Off, U-turn, Encore, Yawn, Trick, Thunder Wave, Pain Split, Rest, Reflect, Light Screen, Memento, Baton Pass, Foul Play

**Coverage**: Draining Kiss, Drain Punch, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Thunder Punch, Play Rough, Iron Tail, Ice Punch, Giga Drain, Fire Punch, Dazzling Gleam

Niche Moves
**Trick Room**: Trick Room is useful on slower teams or as a surprise strategy to catch opponents off guard. This is useful in combination with Memento (rc) to quickly bring in a beneficiary.

**Sunny Day / Rain Dance / Sandstorm**: Uxie is a reliable weather setter due to it not being bound to specific items, (ac) allowing it to freely hold weather-extending (ah) rocks items. Its bulk allows it to come in and set up weather multiple times, (ac) and U-turn allows it to pivot into other users of the weather teammates that benefit from weather. This can also be useful when battling opposing weather-reliant drafts.

**Imprison**: Imprison is only ever used as part of a specialized plan for nullifying an opposing Pokemon, blocking their can be used in an attempts to either set screens, or Stealth Rock, for example as it can block them from attempting to either set up dual screens or Stealth Rock, for example. This is mainly utilized when facing Trick Room teams, (ac) as they struggle to function without it.

Common Items
**Leftovers**: Uxie can wield its large defenses to have a lot of staying power in battle. Leftovers helps to bolster this, providing Uxie with passive recovery.

**Resistance Berry**: Uxie can use a resistance Berry as a tool to lure in a threatening Pokemon, allowing it to survive a super effective hit and cripple hinder the foe in return with its wide array of utility moves.

**Rocky Helmet**: Rocky Helmet is used as a tool to punish physical attackers, as Uxie can typically take many hits before being knocked out.

**Mental Herb**: Mental Herb can be used to prevent foes with Taunt or Encore from hindering disrupting it, allowing Uxie to remain unbothered.

**Light Clay**: Light Clay extends the duration of dual screens, allowing providing teammates more time to set up and sweep.

Niche Items
**Red Card**: Red Card can be used as a pinch quick way to deal with a threatening set up sweeper or to disrupt opponent opposing momentum. (ap)

**Terrain Seeds**: Terrain seeds are excellent on for Terrain strategies as a tool to strengthen Uxie's sweeping power with Calm Mind and Stored Power (rc) while also providing it additional defenses in its setup (rs) turns.

**Weather-extending items Rocks**: Weather-extending items rocks are used in conjunction with a manual weather setting move to enable teammates that better utilize the weather.

**Lagging Tail / Choice Scarf**: Against threatening setup (rs) sweepers, Lagging Tail or Choice Scarf can be used with the move Trick to stifle a foe. Lagging Tail is usually used to deny faster foes, whereas Choice Scarf is typically used against slower, bulkier foes.

**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Heavy-Duty Boots can be good specifically in matches where Uxie will need to frequently switch into Stealth Rocks. This is largely overshadowed by Leftovers, (ac) as Uxie normally has the longevity to heal off the recover from entry hazard damage.

**Weakness Policy**: Uxie's bulk pairs nicely with its weaknesses to common, weaker attacks like U-turn and Knock Off, (ac) provide providing it many opportunities to activate Weakness Policy. It's Its wide array of coverage and setup options can turn Uxie into a fearsome setup sweeper.

Uxie should not be drafted with the intention to be used as a Tera Captain. Uxie's main goal is to perform as a bulky utility wall, lacking immediate damage, and as such, (ac) it does not benefit from Terastalisation Terastallization. Uxie has a comically large wealth of coverage options and does not notably benefit from Tera Blast. Making Uxie a team's (aa) primary Tera Captain can actually inhibit it from performing in its best roles, (ac) as it might feel forced into building to use more offensive sets (rc) in order to take advantage of Tera. However, as a secondary Tera Captain, (ac) it can certainly function as one with its sweeping sets. Fairy- and Water-Type Tera Fairy and Water are two of the best choices for a defensive Tera. Fairy-Type Tera Fairy removes Uxie's weakness to Knock Off and U-turn, allowing it to switch in more frequently, and also boots boosts the damage of Draining Kiss on sweeper sets. Water-Type Tera Water is one of the only types that Uxie lacks in effective coverage in, so Water Tera Blast Water has use in niche matchups. Electric-Type Tera Electric pairs nicely with Levitate, (ac) to allow giving Uxie to have no weaknesses against most foes, increasing its longevity. Overall, these perceived benefits do not outweigh the problems in making Uxie a Tera Captain, (ac) and it is better used as a facilitator for a more Tera hungry Pokemon that would benefit from Tera more readily.

Draft Strategy
Uxie is a highly versatile glue Pokemon, and as a result, it can be drafted on nearly every team archetype. It provides a large amount of role compression, leaving the room open to draft around other, more potent threats. Uxie is less viable on drafts that already possess a lot of utility and perhaps are lacking in offensive presence. Uxie cannot provide meaningful damage output without setting up itself, so it may find itself unable to do so without help.

**Entry hazard setters**: Uxie can function as a secondary Stealth Rock setter, relieving the necessity of Pokemon like Great Tusk, Garchomp, and Iron Treads running Stealth Rock, allowing them greater set variety and flexibility.

**Wallbreakers / setup sweepers**: Uxie fits well on offensive teams, as its enormous movepool (rs) allows it to be fine-tuned (ah) to enable provide Pokemon like Darkrai, Iron Valiant, (ac) and Gouging Fire the space opportunity and room to set up or find their win conditions.

Checks and Counters
**Taunt**: Taunt from Pokemon like Tornadus-T, Palafin, and Ogerpon-Wellspring can be extremely inhibiting for Uxie to contest, preventing it from utilizing its wide utility coverage. As Uxie lacks reliable damage output, Taunt forces Uxie to pivot out of battle, allowing opposing foes to set up.

**Mental Herb**: Mental Herb is a one-time (ah) use item that can be utilized on a setup (rs) sweeper like Sneasler, Latias, or Ursaluna-Bloodmoon, protecting them from the use effect of Taunt or Encore.

**Fast Substitute users**: Substitute blocks most of Uxie's utility options, and its low offenses inhibit its ability to break a Substitute. Encore is Uxie’s best answer to Substitute, leaving it vulnerable to faster foes like Palafin, Enamorus, and Iron Moth, (ac) who which can avoid becoming locked into Substitute without a prediction from Uxie. do you mean this bolded part? or do you mean "can avoid becoming locked into Substitute with a prediction of Encore being used"

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