National Dex Ubers Dragon Dance Necrozma Dusk Mane [QC 2/2] [GP 1/1]

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Primal Groudon used Overheat
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Name: Dragon Dance
Move 1: Dragon Dance
Move 2: Sunsteel Strike
Move 3: Earthquake
Move 4: Stone Edge / Photon Geyser
Item: Solganium Z
Ability: Prism Armor
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 132 HP / 252 Atk / 124 Spe or 20 HP / 252 Atk / 236 Spe

  • Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM is a ferocious wallbreaker and cleaner that finds a home on bulky offense and balance teams. Necrozma-DM is able to leverage its bulk, typing, ability, and the possbility of bluffing the threat of Ultra Necrozma to force a switch or absorb an incoming attack such as Primal Groudon's Precipice Blades or Arceus-Dark's Foul Play and then use Dragon Dance.
  • If Ho-Oh is sufficiently covered, Stone Edge can be substituted for Photon Geyser. This move still hits Ho-Oh hard while enabling Necrozma-DM to beat Dondozo, which would otherwise wall it. It has the added benefit of OHKOing Eternatus without the need to spend a turn stat boosting.
  • Solganium Z allows Necrozma-DM to OHKO common switch-ins such as Arceus-Dark, Yveltal, and Zygarde with +1 Searing Sunraze Smash mid-game, clearing the way for its teammates.
  • The extra bulk provided by 132 HP EVs allows Necrozma-DM to avoid OHKOs from some hits it otherwise wouldn't while still hitting important Speed benchmarks. For example, Necrozma-DM will survive Life Orb Marshadow's Poltergeist after Stealth Rock, defensive Primal Groudon's Precipice Blades after a single layer of Spikes, and defensive Primal Kyogre's +1 Scald. Additionally, with 124 Speed EVs, Necrozma-DM retains the ability to outspeed uninvested base 90s at neutral such as defensive Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh. At +1 Necrozma-DM outspeeds fully invested Yveltal and Xerneas. At +2 Necrozma-DM outspeeds the entire unboosted metagame, only fearing priority moves such as Marshadow's Shadow Sneak or Yveltal's Sucker Punch.
  • Alternatively, investing in 236 Speed EVs allows Necrozma-DM to outspeed fully invested base 120s at +1m such as Arceus-Ground and Mega Salamence If Necrozma-DM uses Dragon Dance on the switch-in, it retains the ability to OHKO Mega Salamence with Searing Sunraze Smash with minimal chip after Intimidate removes Necrozma-DM's Attack boost.
  • Due to a lack of recovery, Necrozma-DM needs to be cognisant of its HP, as any chip is permanent. Necrozma-DM frequently absorbs large hits while setting up or revenge killing certain threats, and taking chip may render it unable to do so. For example, Necrozma-DM always survives defensive Primal Groudon's Precipice Blades after a layer of Spikes but can be OHKOed if Stealth Rock is also on the field.
  • Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM should not be used to fulfill the defensive duties typically associated with Necrozma-DM such as switching into an unscouted Xerneas or Zacian-C, though it can revenge kill them. It excels when used as a secondary check to them, with teammates such as Ho-Oh and Primal Groudon serving as primary checks.
  • Necrozma-DM struggles heavily against offensive Primal Groudon, Marshadow, and physical Arceus-Ground. Offensive Primal Groudon is able to OHKO Necrozma-DM with its STAB moves. Marshadow is always able to revenge kill Necrozma-DM with Shadow Sneak and OHKO it with Poltergeist. Physical Arceus-Ground OHKOes Necrozma-DM with Tectonic Rage and is a threat to sweep if given the opportunity to use Dragon Dance. Zygarde is an excellent teammate on balance teams that can switch into all three of these Pokemon and provides valuable paralysis support, which allows Necrozma-DM to outspeed the entire unboosted metagame. Giratina-O is a good teammate on bulky offense teams that can switch into Primal Groudon and Arceus-Ground. Necrozma-DM appreciates the Defog and status support provided by Giratina-O.
  • Arceus-Fairy provides a Dark switch-in on balance teams, which helps mitigate the downside of misfiring Searing Sunraze Smash into the wrong target. It is a good check to Life Orb Yveltal, which is otherwise very threatening to balance teams and can revenge kill Necrozma-DM with Sucker Punch. Arceus-Fairy can also provide Stealth Rock and status support in the form of Will-O-Wisp and Toxic to chip opposing Pokemon into range of Necrozma-DM's attacks such as Primal Groudon, Zacian-C, and Arceus-Ground.
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Hi, this isn't a QC check or anything, but before anyone does check this, I'd like you to edit this analysis to put it more in-line with the current mini format that we're using. Here it is below:
move 1:
move 2:
move 3:
move 4:
tera type:

  • 1-2 bullets on moves / items / abilities if they’re not self-explanatory, no need to explain if not
  • Bullet on EV spread if it’s not 252/252
  • Bullet on Tera type and usage (if applicable) - would recommend keeping this one in most cases due to it being a new mechanic
  • 1-2 bullets on general usage tips
  • 1-2 bullets for teammates (if applicable)

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Please make sure to include the correct spelling of each section's header tag (e.g. [SET COMMENTS] should be spelt exactly as it is, same goes for [CREDITS] and [SET], etc), and keep things brief and concise. Once you're finished condensing the info, condense the analysis into a single paragraph so it's ready for checking. Thanks for your contributions!
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Name: Dragon Dance
Move 1: Dragon Dance
Move 2: Sunsteel Strike
Move 3: Earthquake
Move 4: Stone Edge / Photon Geyser
Item: Solganium Z / Weakness Policy
Ability: Prism Armour
Nature: Adamant / Jolly Nature
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe or 128 HP / 252 Atk / 128 Spe
Tera Type: Fire / Water

  • Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM is a ferocious wallbreaker and cleaner which finds a home on bulky offence offense and balance teams. Necrozma-DM is able to leverage its bulk, typing, ability, and the threat of Ultra Necrozma to force a switch or absorb an incoming attack and Dragon Dance.
  • Solganium Z allows Necrozma-DM to OHKO common switchins with +1 Searing Soulgaze Smash in the midgame, clearing the way for its teammates. I would mention specific targets for Solganium Z here
  • Weakness Policy turns Necrozma-DM into a lategame sweeper which can end games quickly upon activation. When / against what Pokemon does weakness policy usually activate?
  • With speed investment and a Jolly nature, Necrozma-DM is capable of outspeeding Eternatus and Mega Mewtwo Y at +1.
  • An Adamant nature ensures that Necrozma-DM can OHKO several common switchins with +1 Searing Sunraze Smash such as Arceus-Dark, Defensive Yveltal, and untransformed Zygarde.
  • If Ho-Oh is sufficiently covered Stone Edge can be substituted for Photon Gesyer. This still hits Ho-Oh hard while enabling Necrozma-DM to beat Dondozo which would otherwise wall it. It also has the added benefit of OHKOing Eternatus without the need to spend a turn boosting.
  • Tera Fire provides Necrozma-DM a crucial burn immunity while retaining a resitance resistance to Xerneas and Zacian-C's STABs.
  • Tera Water removes Necrozma-DM's weaknesses Primal Groudon's STABs and provides a resistance to Primal Kyogre's powerful water STABs. In a pinch it can also allow Necrozma-DM to surive survive and revenge the incredibly threatening Tera Blast Ground Zacian-C.
  • Alternatively, Necrozma-DM can run a bulkier EV spread of 128 HP / 252 Atk / 128 Spe with an Adamant nature. The extra bulk investment allows it to avoid KOs from some hits it otherwise wouldn't whilst still hitting important speed benchmarks. For example, Necrozma-DM will survive Life Orb Marshadow's Poltergeist after Stealth Rocks, Defensive Primal Groudon's Precipice Blades after a spike, and Defensive Primal Kyogre's +1 Scald
  • Due to a lack of recovery, Necrozma-DM needs to be cognisant of its HP as any chip it is permanent. Necrozma-DM frequently absorbs large hits while setting up or revenging certain threats and taking chip may render it unable to do so. For example, bulkless Necrozma-DM is OHKO'd by any attack invested Primal Groudon Precipice Blades after Stealth Rocks.
  • Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM is here for a long time, not a good time and should not be used to fulfill the defensive duties typically associated with Necrozma-DM such as switching into an unscouted Xerneas or Zacian-C, though it can revenge them. It excels at this when used as a secondary check with teammates such as Ho-Oh and Primal Groudon serving as primary checks.
  • Necrozma-DM struggles heavily against Primal Groudon and Marshadow which makes Zygarde a fantastic teammate as it is an excellent switch into both of them. The paralysis support provided by Zygarde also allows Necrozma-DM to outspeed the entire unboosted metagame which can allow for an extra Dragon Dance or the ability to throw out an extra attack when it would otherwise be unable to.
  • Arceus-Fairy provides a Dark resist on balance teams which helps mitigate the downside of misfiring Searing Sunraze Smash into the wrong target. It is a good Life Orb Yveltal check which is very threatening to balance teams and can revenge Necrozma-DM with Sucker Punch.
  • Giratina-O is a good teammate on bulky offence offense teams as it is a great Primal Groudon switchin and offers defog and status support.
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Notes for proofreaders / quality control:

  • The Jolly spread can run 232 speed and still outspeed MMY at +1.
  • Similarly, the fast Admant spread can run 236 speed and still outrun base 120 at +1. There is not anything between 372 and 379.
  • Not 100% sure about what I've written for the Tera typing as I've only sun Sol G and used tera grass when I've used defensive DD sets
  • With regard to the 128 HP / 252 Atk / 128 Speed spread. It can drop to 124 speed, but I have seen 330 speed support Arceus forms. I'll be fiddling around in the damage calc to optimize the 128 HP EVs as it is likely that allocating some of those to Def or SpD allow it to avoid the ohko or 2hko from some hit after hazards.
  • Additionally the bulkier spread can run 176 Speed to outrun Adamant Marshadow. I don't know if this would clog things up too much to mention or how important it is. I don't personally think so which is why I've suggested 128 speed, but it was the suggested spread for offensive DD before the last revision in the strategy dex
  • If Defensive DD is something that is being considered I'd be happy to write an analysis for it. It is different enough in how it plays that it is worthwhile considering.

Should be QC 1/2 when implemented
The EV section was rather messy, please apply the stuff below then notify me to corroborate if it can pass to get QC 2/2 then move to GP stage:

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Name: Dragon Dance
Move 1: Dragon Dance
Move 2: Sunsteel Strike
Move 3: Earthquake
Move 4: Stone Edge / Photon Geyser
Item: Solganium Z / Weakness Policy
Ability: Prism Armour Armor
Nature: Adamant / Jolly Nature
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe or 128 HP / 252 Atk / 128 Spe
Tera Type: Fire / Water

  • Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM is a ferocious wallbreaker and cleaner which finds a home on bulky offense and balance teams. Necrozma-DM is able to leverage its bulk, typing, ability, and the threat of Ultra Necrozma to force a switch or absorb an incoming attack such as? and then use Dragon Dance.
  • Solganium Z allows Necrozma-DM to OHKO common switchins with +1 Searing Soulgaze Sunraze Smash in the midgame mid-game such as Arceus-Dark, Yveltal, and Zygarde, add comma clearing the way for its teammates. "m" added, mention the downside of being unable to Terastallize if ran
  • Weakness Policy turns Necrozma-DM into a lategame sweeper which can end games quickly upon activation due to its ability Prism Armor allowing to live super effective hits from full health such as Precipice Blades or Overheat from Defensive defensive Primal Groudon, Sacred Fire from Ho-Oh bad example as it it's burned it can't do much, or Foul Play from Arceus-Dark.
  • With speed Speed investment and a Jolly nature how much investment exactly?, Necrozma-DM is capable of outspeeding Eternatus and Mega Mewtwo Y at +1.
  • An Adamant nature ensures that Necrozma-DM can OHKO several common switch-ins hyphen added with +1 Searing Sunraze Smash such as Arceus-Dark, Defensive defensive Yveltal, and untransformed Zygarde. add period
  • If Ho-Oh is sufficiently covered, add comma Stone Edge can be substituted for Photon Gesyer Geyser. This move still hits Ho-Oh hard while enabling Necrozma-DM to beat Dondozo which would otherwise wall it. It has the added benefit of OHKOing Eternatus without the need to spend a turn stat boosting.
  • Tera Fire provides Necrozma-DM a crucial burn immunity to handle burns from who? while retaining a resistance to Xerneas and Zacian-C's STABs STAB moves. Mention the downside of becoming weak to Stealth Rock
  • Tera Water removes Necrozma-DM's weaknesses to Primal Groudon's STABs STAB moves and provide a resistance to Primal Kyogre's powerful water STABs Water-type STAB moves. In a pinch it can also allow Necrozma-DM to survive and revenge the incredibly threatening Tera Blast Ground Zacian-C.
  • Alternatively, Necrozma-DM can run a bulkier EV spread of 128 HP / 252 Atk / 128 Spe with an Adamant nature. The extra bulk investment allows it to avoid KOs from some hits it otherwise wouldn't whilst still hitting important speed Speed benchmarks. For example, Necrozma-DM will survive Life Orb Marshadow's Poltergeist after Stealth Rocks Stealth Rock, Defensive defensive Primal Groudon's Precipice Blades after a spike single layer of Spikes, and Defensive defensive Primal Kyogre's +1 Scald. add period, also move this bullet point next to the other EV bullet points
  • Due to a lack of recovery, Necrozma-DM needs to be cognisant of its HP as any chip it is permanent. Necrozma-DM frequently absorbs large hits while setting up or revenging certain threats and taking chip may render it unable to do so. For example, bulkless Necrozma-DM is OHKO'd by any attack Attack invested Primal Groudon's Add "'s" Precipice Blades after Stealth Rocks. Remove "s"
  • Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM is here for a long time, not a good time what does this mean? Is this filler or a verbose way of saying it should be preserved long term? Please reword to something shorter and direct or remove it and should not be used to fulfill the defensive duties typically associated with Necrozma-DM, add comma such as switching into an unscouted Xerneas or Zacian-C, though it can revenge kill them. It excels at this when used as a secondary check with teammates add "m" such as Ho-Oh and Primal Groudon serving as primary checks.
  • Necrozma-DM struggles heavily against Primal Groudon and Marshadow, add comma which makes Zygarde a fantastic teammate add "m" as it is an excellent switch-in into both of them. The paralysis support provided by Zygarde also allows Necrozma-DM to outspeed the entire unboosted metagame, add comma which can allow for an extra Dragon Dance or the ability to throw out an extra attack when it would otherwise be unable to.
  • Arceus-Fairy provides a Dark-type resist switch-in on balance teams which helps mitigate the downside of misfiring Searing Sunraze Smash into the wrong target. It is a good Life Orb Yveltal check, add comma which is very threatening to balance teams and can revenge Necrozma-DM with Sucker Punch. Does it do anything else for NDM than acting as a Yveltal check?
  • Giratina-O is a good teammate on bulky offense teams as it is a great Primal Groudon switch-in hyphen added and offers defog Defog and status support such as? And to what foes that NDM can struggle with?.
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Notes for proofreaders / quality control:

  • The Jolly spread can run 232 speed and still outspeed MMY at +1.
  • Similarly, the fast Admant spread can run 236 speed and still outrun base 120 at +1. There is not anything between 372 and 379. Would be nice to mention as an alternate option in the EV bullet point, seems more relevant than the one above
  • Not 100% sure about what I've written for the Tera typing as I've only sun Sol G and used tera grass when I've used defensive DD sets
  • With regard to the 128 HP / 252 Atk / 128 Speed spread. It can drop to 124 speed, but I have seen 330 speed support Arceus forms. I'll be fiddling around in the damage calc to optimize the 128 HP EVs as it is likely that allocating some of those to Def or SpD allow it to avoid the ohko or 2hko from some hit after hazards. Sample sets can only speed creep for speed tiers that are either with no investment or fully invested, so...
  • Additionally the bulkier spread can run 176 Speed to outrun Adamant Marshadow. I don't know if this would clog things up too much to mention or how important it is. I don't personally think so which is why I've suggested 128 speed, but it was the suggested spread for offensive DD before the last revision in the strategy dex Most Marsh are Jolly, so it's be unecessarily risky
Please apply the stuff below then let me know, to corroborate before letting it go to QC 2/2, especially as you skipped some changes in the previous QC check.

Yes, two different sorts of text are used to highlight removal, you'll see why soon.
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Name: Dragon Dance
Move 1: Dragon Dance
Move 2: Sunsteel Strike
Move 3: Earthquake
Move 4: Stone Edge / Photon Geyser
Item: Solganium Z / Weakness Policy There was some talk in the QC chat for a bit and yeah, WP would be best as its own set, if it's even sufficiently good
Ability: Prism Armor
Nature: Adamant / Jolly Nature
EVs: 24 HP / 252 Atk / 236 Spe or 20 HP / 252 Atk / 236 Spe or 132 HP / 252 Atk / 124 Spe
Tera Type: Fire / Water Out of the above it can't Terastallize at all, so this section is just skipped

  • Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM is a ferocious wallbreaker and cleaner which finds a home on bulky offense and balance teams. Necrozma-DM is able to leverage its bulk, typing, ability, and bluff the threat of Ultra Necrozma to force a switch or absorb an incoming attack such as Primal Groudon's Precipice Blades or Arceus-Dark's Foul Play and then use Dragon Dance.
  • Solganium Z allows Necrozma-DM to OHKO common switch-ins hyphen added with +1 Searing Sunraze Smash mid-game such as Arceus-Dark, Yveltal, and Zygarde, add comma, this was in the previous QC and skipped somehow clearing the way for its teammates. If , but if Solganium Z is equipped Necrozma-DM is unable to Terastallize. As the set will make it self evident by having no visible Tera type, out no other item option, it's unecessary to bring up now.
  • Weakness Policy turns Necrozma-DM into a lategame late-game sweeper which can end games quickly redundant upon activation due to Prism Armor allowing it to live super effective hits from full health such as Precipice Blades or Overheat from defensive Primal Groudon or Foul Play from Arceus-Dark. Remove all of this, I'd just label it all as red, but I think showing how to improve here is nice
  • With 236 Speed EVs and a Jolly nature, Necrozma-DM is capable of outspeeding Eternatus and Mega Mewtwo Y at +1.
  • An Adamant nature with full EV investment ensures that Necrozma-DM can OHKO several common switch-ins with +1 Searing Sunraze Smash such as Arceus-Dark, defensive Yveltal, and untransformed Zygarde. With 236 Speed EVs Necrozma-DM can outspeed base 120s at +1. remove period, replace with comma , and with 236 Speed EVs and a Jolly nature, Necrozma-DM is capable of outspeeding Eternatus and Mega Mewtwo Y at +1. Has a better flow by moving that here
  • Alternatively, Necrozma-DM can run a bulkier EV spread of 132 HP / 252 Atk / 124 Spe with an Adamant nature. The extra bulk investment allows it to avoid KOs from some hits it otherwise wouldn't whilst still hitting important Speed benchmarks. For example, Necrozma-DM will survive Life Orb Marshadow's Poltergeist after Stealth Rock, defensive Primal Groudon's Precipice Blades after a single layer of Spikes, and defensive Primal Kyogre's +1 Scald.
  • If Ho-Oh is sufficiently covered, Stone Edge can be substituted for Photon Gesyer Geyser. This move still hits Ho-Oh hard while enabling Necrozma-DM to beat Dondozo which would otherwise wall it. It has the added benefit of OHKOing Eternatus without the need to spend a turn stat boosting. Move this bullet point above the Solgalium Z one
  • Tera Fire provides Necrozma-DM a crucial burn immunity from Ho-oH's Sacred Fire or Arceus-Dark's Will-O-Wisp while retaining a resistance to Xerneas and Zacian-C's STAB moves. This does have the downside of becoming weak to Stealth Rock if Necrozma-DM is forced out.
  • Tera Water removes Necrozma-DM's weaknesses to Primal Groudon's STAB moves and provide a resistance to Primal Kyogre's powerful Water-type STAB moves. In a pinch it can also allow Necrozma-DM to survive and revenge kill the incredibly threatening Tera Blast Ground Zacian-C. Unecessary commentary Yeah, this'd be outdated now
  • Due to a lack of recovery, Necrozma-DM needs to be cognisant of its HP as any chip is permanent. Necrozma-DM frequently absorbs large hits while setting up or revenging revenge killing certain threats and taking chip may render it unable to do so. For example, bulkless Necrozma-DM is OHKO'd OHKOed by any Attack invested Primal Groudon Precipice Blades after Stealth Rock.
  • Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM should not be used to fulfill the defensive duties typically associated with Necrozma-DM such as switching into an unscouted Xerneas or Zacian-C, though it can revenge kill them. It excels when removed extra space at "excels when" used as a secondary check with teammates such as Ho-Oh and Primal Groudon serving as primary checks.
  • Necrozma-DM struggles heavily against Primal Groudon and Marshadow, add comma which makes Zygarde a fantastic teammate as it is an excellent switch into both of them. The paralysis support provided by Zygarde also allows Necrozma-DM to outspeed the entire unboosted metagame, which can allow for an extra Dragon Dance or the ability to throw out an extra attack when it would otherwise be unable to.
  • Arceus-Fairy provides a Dark switch-in "c" added on balance teams which helps mitigate the downside of misfiring Searing Sunraze Smash into the wrong target. It is a good Life Orb Yveltal check, which is very threatening to balance teams and can revenge Necrozma-DM with Sucker Punch. Arceus-Fairy can also provide Stealth Rock and status support in the form of Will-O-Wisp and Toxic to chip opposing pokemon into range of Necrozma-DM's attacks. mention some foes that can be crippled by Arc-Fairy that NDM can abuse for it
  • Giratina-O is a good teammate on bulky offense teams as it is a great Primal Groudon switch-in to absorb its powerful Fire- and Ground-type hyphens added attacks aimed at Necrozma-DM. Giratina-O's Thunder Wave also allows Necrozma-DM to outspeed any unboosted pokemon Pokemon and provides the potential for free setup while also providing Defog support.
  • Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM struggles against most variants of Primal Groudon, Arceus-Ground, Arceus-Dark, Yveltal, and Marshadow. Additionally, if Necrozma-DM opts to use Weakness Policy it becomes setup fodder for Zygarde. Mention allies that mitigate the above, this is a teambuilding tips section, not a checks and counters one per-say, you may also specify if some allies support better a certain set involved in this analysis of NDM, and if you think what other sections above already explored that and would be redundant, then you can also remove this bullet point instead.
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Notes for proofreaders / quality control:

  • I've updated the two spreads but I'm not sure if it clogs it up having 3 different spreads.
  • I have adjusted the bulky spread to 132 HP / 252 Attk / 124 speed. It has a couple of extra EVs at +1/2 to outspeed what it needs (yveltal at +1 deo-a at +2) but going lower means it no longer outspeeds uninvested base 90 without a boost.
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Okay, apply this and then it's good to go to QC 2/2 and then GP phase

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[Set] Lion King Can cause confusion when uploading
Name: Dragon Dance
Move 1: Dragon Dance
Move 2: Sunsteel Strike
Move 3: Earthquake
Move 4: Stone Edge / Photon Geyser
Item: Solganium Z
Ability: Prism Armor
Nature: Adamant Nature
EVs: 132 HP / 252 Atk / 124 Spe or 20 HP / 252 Atk / 236 Spe

  • Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM is a ferocious wallbreaker and cleaner which finds a home on bulky offense and balance teams. Necrozma-DM is able to leverage its bulk, typing, ability, and bluff the threat of Ultra Necrozma to force a switch or absorb an incoming attack such as Primal Groudon's Precipice Blades or Arceus-Dark's Foul Play and then use Dragon Dance.
  • If Ho-Oh is sufficiently covered, Stone Edge can be substituted for Photon Geyser. This move still hits Ho-Oh hard while enabling Necrozma-DM to beat Dondozo which would otherwise wall it. It has the added benefit of OHKOing Eternatus without the need to spend a turn stat boosting. Add period
  • Solganium Z allows Necrozma-DM to OHKO common switch-ins with +1 Searing Sunraze Smash mid-game such as Arceus-Dark, Yveltal, and Zygarde, clearing the way for its teammates.
  • The extra bulk provided by 132 HP Evs EVs allows Necrozma-DM to removed extra space before "to" avoid OHKOs from some hits it otherwise wouldn't whilst still hitting important Speed benchmarks. For example, Necrozma-DM will survive Life Orb Marshadow's Poltergeist after Stealth Rock, defensive Primal Groudon's Precipice Blades after a single layer of Spikes, and defensive Primal Kyogre's +1 Scald.
  • Alternatively, investing in 236 Speed EVs allows Necrozma-DM to outspeed fully invested base 120s at +1. Arceus-Ground and Mega Salamence are the main targets Necrozma-DM is looking to outspeed. If Necrozma-DM Dragon Dances uses Dragon Dance on the switch-in it retains the ability to OHKO Mega Salamence with Searing Sunraze Smash after minimal chip and if Intimidate isn't a factor. Worth mentioning
  • Due to a lack of recovery, Necrozma-DM needs to be cognisant of its HP as any chip is permanent. Necrozma-DM frequently absorbs large hits while setting up or revenge killing certain threats and taking chip may render it unable to do so. For example, Necrozma-DM always lives defensive Primal Groudon's Precipice Blades after a single spike, but can be OHKOed if Stealth Rock is also on the field.
  • Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM should not be used to fulfill the defensive duties typically associated with Necrozma-DM such as switching into an unscouted Xerneas or Zacian-C, though it can revenge kill them. It excels when used as a secondary check with teammates such as Ho-Oh and Primal Groudon serving as primary checks.
  • Necrozma-DM struggles heavily against Primal Groudon and Marshadow, which makes Zygarde a fantastic teammate as it is an excellent switch into both of them. The paralysis support provided by Zygarde also allows Necrozma-DM to outspeed the entire unboosted metagame, which can allow for an extra Dragon Dance or the ability to throw out an extra attack when it would otherwise be unable to.
  • Arceus-Fairy provides a Dark switch-in on balance teams which helps mitigate the downside of misfiring Searing Sunraze Smash into the wrong target. It is a good Life Orb Yveltal check, which is very threatening to balance teams and can revenge Necrozma-DM with Sucker Punch. Arceus-Fairy can also provide Stealth Rock and status support in the form of Will-O-Wisp and Toxic to chip opposing pokemon into range of Necrozma-DM's attacks such as Primal-Groudon, Zacian-Crowned, and Arceus-Ground.
  • Giratina-O is a good teammate on bulky offense teams as it is a great Primal Groudon switch-in to absorb its powerful Fire- and Ground-type attacks aimed at Necrozma-DM. Giratina-O's Thunder Wave also allows Necrozma-DM to outspeed any unboosted Pokemon and provides the potential for free setup while also providing Defog support.
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Notes for proofreaders / quality control:

  • The bulky spread is now the primary spread
  • I've added the speedy spread to the list of EV spreads but it would be better off as a bullet imo. It is definitely viable, but should only be used on teams that are worried about very specific threats since you lose the ability to live all of the hits mentioned. MMence is probably the biggest one (z move is a 93.8% chance to ko at neutral which is another reason to run adamant) and max speed dd z ground groundceus being the other which is fairly uncommon as most of them run bulk since they outspeed everything at +1 anyways and the 124 Spe spread outspeeds this at +1.
  • I havn't been able to find a case where the extra evs you could invest into bulk from running +Spe allow NDM to live a hit it otherwise wouldn't compared to the fast spread even if it dips down to outspeeding eternatus at +1
  • I've removed the last bullet point. The biggest issues for this set are Marshadow (particularly choice choice band), offensive Primal Groudon, and max speed Arceus Ground. Zygarde covers the former two and tauntless Arc Ground while Giratina O covers Primal Groudon and physical Arc Ground. Normally I'd prefer more broad mentions of roles and/or types that complement, rather than going too direct with the examples, but the meta is quite small in terms of viable stuff anyways so this shouldn't matter much
  • Fairyceus is more that if you want to build a balance with this set it is quite hard to build one that doesn't get absolutely shredded by LO Yveltal otherwise if you're unable to remove it w/ NDM since it can't switch in. You're likely starting w/ Pdon / Hooh / NDM. These three are fairly weak to Marshadow and offensive Pdon so you add Zygarde which handles both of them. You then have the issues of the darks. Zygarde stalemates v Arceus Dark and importantly doesn't make progress nor forces it out. Ho-oh can via sacred fire burn but is likely to eat a toxic and chip that leaves it unable to answer zacian/xerneas. Also nothing at this point actually switches into LO YV besides zygarde if it has and is willing to tera fairy. Arc Fairy immensely alleviates the pressure of handling the darks which otherwise require incredibly precise if not near perfect positioning. Its access to wisp also helps in the matchup v DD Taunt Groundceus (ghostceus as well but that is not common enough to mention) which otherwise sets up on Zygarde and Unecro which may view it as a free switchin. It also means that DD NDM doesn't need to fear being picked off from sucker unless it is low hp. This compression frees up the last two slots quite a bit. My thought process anyways

Also you may be removing the notes for proof-readers / QC after this, they're archived in this post if needed or something.
Yet another amcheck. Don't implement until approved.

The analysis as written feels a little stilted overall. It mostly lacks transition words, which is objectively fine but makes it feel flatter. I entirely abstained from addressing this, since it's my understanding that I should generally avoid this, but I find it frustrating nevertheless.


Name: Dragon Dance
Move 1: Dragon Dance
Move 2: Sunsteel Strike
Move 3: Earthquake
Move 4: Stone Edge / Photon Geyser
Item: Solganium Z
Ability: Prism Armor
Nature: Adamant Nature
EVs: 132 HP / 252 Atk / 124 Spe or 20 HP / 252 Atk / 236 Spe

  • Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM is a ferocious wallbreaker and cleaner which that finds a home on bulky offense and balance teams. Necrozma-DM is able to leverage its bulk, typing, ability, and the ability to parallelism bluff the threat of Ultra Necrozma to force a switch or absorb an incoming attack such as Primal Groudon's Precipice Blades or Arceus-Dark's Foul Play and then use Dragon Dance.
  • If Ho-Oh is sufficiently covered, Stone Edge can be substituted for Photon Geyser. This move still hits Ho-Oh hard while enabling Necrozma-DM to beat Dondozo, add comma which would otherwise wall it. It has the added benefit of OHKOing Eternatus without the need to spend a turn stat boosting.
  • Solganium Z allows Necrozma-DM to OHKO common switch-ins with +1 Searing Sunraze Smash mid-game such as Arceus-Dark, Yveltal, and Zygarde with +1 Searing Sunraze Smash mid-game, clearing the way for its teammates.
  • The extra bulk provided by 132 HP EVs allows Necrozma-DM to avoid OHKOs from some hits it otherwise wouldn't whilst still hitting important Speed benchmarks. For example, Necrozma-DM will survive Life Orb Marshadow's Poltergeist after Stealth Rock, defensive Primal Groudon's Precipice Blades after a single layer of Spikes, and defensive Primal Kyogre's +1 Scald.
  • Alternatively, investing in 236 Speed EVs allows Necrozma-DM to outspeed fully invested base 120s at +1. Arceus-Ground and Mega Salamence are the main targets Necrozma-DM is looking to outspeed. If Necrozma-DM uses Dragon Dance on the switch-in, add comma it retains the ability to OHKO Mega Salamence with Searing Sunraze Smash with minimal chip after Intimidate removes Necrozma-DM's Attack boost.
  • Due to a lack of recovery, Necrozma-DM needs to be cognisant of its HP, add comma as any chip is permanent. Necrozma-DM frequently absorbs large hits while setting up or revenge killing certain threats, add comma and taking chip may render it unable to do so. For example, Necrozma-DM always lives defensive Primal Groudon's Precipice Blades after a single spike, but can be OHKOed if Stealth Rock is also on the field.
  • Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM should not be used to fulfill the defensive duties typically associated with Necrozma-DM such as switching into an unscouted Xerneas or Zacian-C, though it can revenge kill them. It excels when used as a secondary check with teammates such as Ho-Oh and Primal Groudon serving as primary checks.
  • Necrozma-DM struggles heavily against offensive Primal Groudon, Marshadow, and phyiscal physical Arceus-Ground. Offensive Primal Groudon is able to OHKO Necrozma-DM with its STAB moves. Marshadow is always able to revenge kill Necrozma-DM with Shadow Sneak and OHKO with Poltergeist. Physical Arceus-Ground OHKOs OHKOes Necrozma-DM with Tectonic Rage and is a threat to sweep if given the opportunity to use Dragon Dance. Zygarde is an excellent teammate on balance teams which that can switch-in to switch into all three of these Pokemon and provides valuable paralysis support which allows Necrozma-DM to outspeed the entire unboosted metagame. Giratina-O is a good teammate on bulky offense teams which canswitch-in to that can switch into Primal Groudon and Arceus-Ground. Necrozma-DM appreciates the Defog and status support provided by Giratina-O.
  • Arceus-Fairy provides a Dark switch-in on balance teams, add comma which helps mitigate the downside of misfiring Searing Sunraze Smash into the wrong target. It is a good Life Orb Yveltal check check to Life Orb Yveltal ambigious subject, which is very threatening to balance teams is this part relevant to the analysis? and can revenge Necrozma-DM with Sucker Punch. Arceus-Fairy can also provide Stealth Rock and status support in the form of Will-O-Wisp and Toxic to chip opposing pokemon Pokemon into range of Necrozma-DM's attacks such as Primal-Groudon Primal Groudon, Zacian-Crowned, and Arceus-Ground.
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1/1 GP Team done credit both of us; adding transition phrases is definitely good yeah especially on bullets where you're talking about multiple things

Name: Dragon Dance
Move 1: Dragon Dance
Move 2: Sunsteel Strike
Move 3: Earthquake
Move 4: Stone Edge / Photon Geyser
Item: Solganium Z
Ability: Prism Armor
Nature: Adamant Nature
EVs: 132 HP / 252 Atk / 124 Spe or 20 HP / 252 Atk / 236 Spe

  • Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM is a ferocious wallbreaker and cleaner which that finds a home on bulky offense and balance teams. Necrozma-DM is able to leverage its bulk, typing, ability, and the possibility of bluffing bluff the threat of Ultra Necrozma to force a switch or absorb an incoming attack such as Primal Groudon's Precipice Blades or Arceus-Dark's Foul Play and then use Dragon Dance.
  • If Ho-Oh is sufficiently covered, Stone Edge can be substituted for Photon Geyser. This move still hits Ho-Oh hard while enabling Necrozma-DM to beat Dondozo, add comma which would otherwise wall it. It has the added benefit of OHKOing Eternatus without the need to spend a turn stat boosting.
  • Solganium Z allows Necrozma-DM to OHKO common switch-ins with +1 Searing Sunraze Smash mid-game such as Arceus-Dark, Yveltal, and Zygarde with +1 Searing Sunraze Smash mid-game, clearing the way for its teammates.
  • The extra bulk provided by 132 HP EVs allows Necrozma-DM to avoid OHKOs from some hits it otherwise wouldn't whilst while still hitting important Speed benchmarks. (what is the speed benchmark for this set? it's not explained what the speed evs do so add that) For example, Necrozma-DM will survive Life Orb Marshadow's Poltergeist after Stealth Rock, defensive Primal Groudon's Precipice Blades after a single layer of Spikes, and defensive Primal Kyogre's +1 Scald.
  • Alternatively, investing in 236 Speed EVs allows Necrozma-DM to outspeed fully invested base 120s at +1, such as Arceus-Ground and Mega Salamence. Arceus-Ground and Mega Salamence are the main targets Necrozma-DM is looking to outspeed. If Necrozma-DM uses Dragon Dance on the switch-in, add comma it retains the ability to OHKO Mega Salamence with Searing Sunraze Smash with minimal chip after Intimidate removes Necrozma-DM's Attack boost.
  • Due to a lack of recovery, Necrozma-DM needs to be cognisant of its HP, add comma as any chip is permanent. Necrozma-DM frequently absorbs large hits while setting up or revenge killing certain threats, add comma and taking chip may render it unable to do so. For example, Necrozma-DM always lives survives defensive Primal Groudon's Precipice Blades after a single spike, but layer of Spikes but can be OHKOed if Stealth Rock is also on the field.
  • Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM should not be used to fulfill the defensive duties typically associated with Necrozma-DM such as switching into an unscouted Xerneas or Zacian-C, though it can revenge kill them. It excels when used as a secondary check to them, with teammates such as Ho-Oh and Primal Groudon serving as primary checks.
  • Necrozma-DM struggles heavily against offensive Primal Groudon, Marshadow, and phyiscal physical Arceus-Ground. Offensive Primal Groudon is able to OHKO Necrozma-DM with its STAB moves. Marshadow is always able to revenge kill Necrozma-DM with Shadow Sneak and OHKO it with Poltergeist. Physical Arceus-Ground OHKOs OHKOes Necrozma-DM with Tectonic Rage and is a threat to sweep if given the opportunity to use Dragon Dance. Zygarde is an excellent teammate on balance teams which that can switch-in to switch into all three of these Pokemon and provides valuable paralysis support, (AC) which allows Necrozma-DM to outspeed the entire unboosted metagame. Giratina-O is a good teammate on bulky offense teams which canswitch-in to that can switch into Primal Groudon and Arceus-Ground. Necrozma-DM appreciates the Defog and status support provided by Giratina-O.
  • Arceus-Fairy provides a Dark switch-in on balance teams, add comma which helps mitigate the downside of misfiring Searing Sunraze Smash into the wrong target. It is a good Life Orb Yveltal check check to Life Orb Yveltal ambigious subject, which is very threatening to balance teams is this part relevant to the analysis? and can revenge kill Necrozma-DM with Sucker Punch. Arceus-Fairy can also provide Stealth Rock and status support in the form of Will-O-Wisp and Toxic to chip opposing pokemon Pokemon into range of Necrozma-DM's attacks such as Primal-Groudon Primal Groudon, Zacian-Crowned Zacian-C, and Arceus-Ground.
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Necrozma-DM is able to leverage its bulk, typing, ability, and the ability to parallelism
This is correct, but I think considering different phrasing like 'the possibility of bluffing' or similar to avoid repeating 'ability' in two different contexts so close together.

whilst still hitting important Speed benchmarks
'Whilst' is British English, which we don't use. 'While' is the equivalent and should always be used to replace whilst.

For example, Necrozma-DM always lives defensive Primal Groudon's Precipice Blades after a single spike, but can be OHKOed if Stealth Rock is also on the field.
Pokemon don't 'live' attacks; they survive/take them, so using live in this context is incorrect. 'spike' should be layer of Spikes; moves should always be capitalised.
Commas before and / but / or are only used to connect two independent clauses, not one independent and one dependent clause. Here, 'can be OHKOed if Stealth Rock is on the field' isn't an independent clause because it doesn't work as a standalone without the other part.

Marshadow is always able to revenge kill Necrozma-DM with Shadow Sneak and OHKO with Poltergeist.
Both parts of this sentence need a subject attacked, so this should change to 'revenge kill Necrozma-DM with Sadow Sneak and OHKO it with Poltergeist.'

Zygarde is an excellent teammate on balance teams which that can switch-in to switch into all three of these Pokemon and provides valuable paralysis support which allows Necrozma-DM to outspeed the entire unboosted metagame.
Which clauses should always be separated by commas.

is this part relevant to the analysis?
The point is about using Arceus-Fairy on balance to check Yveltal, so it is relevant to say Yveltal threatens ba;ance (and Necrozma-DM) otherwise.

can revenge Necrozma-DM
Revenge -> revenge kill.

Zacian-Crowned -> Zacian-C; forme names are truncated, and the full list is on the first point of the standards.
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