Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v3

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well i am not really going with hazards cuz i need a real good counter to the uncommon webs team , cinderace has a positive matchup against both ribombee and gholdengo , since pyro ball isn't a contact move it fearlessly spams it in the face of zapdos and corviknight without the fear of paralysis or rocky helmet . Also as you mentioned glimmora's mortal spin is a poision move so it does nothing against gholdengo , also the common specs users like dragapult (pult has stab shadow ball so nvm) and enamorus usually run flamethrower so gholdengo isn't really gonna have good time switching especially with u turn support . Since kingambit is in most of the teams , it is like the premier gholdengo counter resisting both stabs as long as it doesn't use focus blast(miss). It always fears a sucker punch as long as it doesn't tera fighting with is complete dedication.

Cindrace doesn't like being paralyzed tho. Also Pyro Ball is 3HKO against defensive Dos, so it's not like you put on as much pressure as you expect on Zapdos, given its 8 PP and 90% acc.
Pult has to tip-toe around whether the Ghold runs Scarf or not, and Enamorus cannot clean OHKO Ghold unless tera Fire.
well, the simple answer is that we didn't. this is not "full-on stall" and i'm still primarily seeing offense. for that matter, gliscor didn't turn the tier into a stallfest either—it was a bigger buff to offensive teams for its ability to toss three layers of spikes onto the field whenever it wanted, and that made stall worse because it was forced into stuff like "6 boots" or "5 boots 1 clef" or "4 boots 1 clef 1 gliscor". calling the current meta stall-heavy is an incredibly uninformed take

Actually, Ghold is the reason for the boots stuff. We have good options for hazard control, but one pesky Ghold, and it's tough to break, leading to big chip, and quite often. Hence the higher need for boots on pretty much everything. Would love to run leftovers on Blissey and Dozo, but the threat of Ghold prevents that. And it wasn't Glisc's fault for that. Before Glisc, we had to handle Hamurott. Before Hamu, we had to handle Ting Lu, Garchomp and Glimmora. Corv forces Glisc into a losing PP stall war. We didn't need 6 boots last gen, cause we could clear hazards in a pinch.
Tusk and Ace can only take things so far, and I respect them for preventing us going complete gen 4/5 hazard hell. Give us Corv, where it isn't setup fodder for Ghold, and we're talking.
garchomp also isnt common in general, let alone chainchomp? as a hazard setter chainchomp is only found on offensive teams as a lead that can counter samurott-H, and even then chainchomp is not super common as a lead anymore. samurott-H cant SD on corviknight lest you want to eat a body press, or it can whittle you down w/ rocky helmet chip as it continously heals back up with roost. if you try setting up another SD anticipating another roost then you risk eating another body press. even then SD samurott-H isnt the most common variant running around so its not something the corv user should be expecting. also no, glimmora does not "pressure" corviknight, and definitely not without power gem
Most Glimm sets already run Power Gem already. There's no point in running Energy Ball just for Tusk if it means you cannot do anything against Corv. Also I have seen Tera Ghost H-Samurott because it is also good against Spin attempts from Tusk.
well i am not really going with hazards cuz i need a real good counter to the uncommon webs team , cinderace has a positive matchup against both ribombee and gholdengo , since pyro ball isn't a contact move it fearlessly spams it in the face of zapdos and corviknight without the fear of paralysis or rocky helmet . Also as you mentioned glimmora's mortal spin is a poision move so it does nothing against gholdengo , also the common specs users like dragapult (pult has stab shadow ball so nvm) and enamorus usually run flamethrower so gholdengo isn't really gonna have good time switching especially with u turn support . Since kingambit is in most of the teams , it is like the premier gholdengo counter resisting both stabs as long as it doesn't use focus blast(miss). It always fears a sucker punch as long as it doesn't tera fighting with is complete dedication.
Smart webs players aren't going to stay in on cinderace with bee, in addition, cinderace is not bulky in the slightest, yeah it clicks the button real good but it can't come in on an opposing button very well at all. And kingambit isn't an argument to keep gholdengo in the tier because kingambit should have been checkmated a long time ago. It's also hard to justify a prediction like you want on Ghold with enam because Enam is not bulky and has a mediocre at best defensive typing. Gholdengo on paper isn't banworthy, but it's more than the sum of its parts and is banworthy in practice
Actually, Ghold is the reason for the boots stuff. We have good options for hazard control, but one pesky Ghold, and it's tough to break, leading to big chip, and quite often. Hence the higher need for boots on pretty much everything. Would love to run leftovers on Blissey and Dozo, but the threat of Ghold prevents that. And it wasn't Glisc's fault for that. Before Glisc, we had to handle Hamurott. Before Hamu, we had to handle Ting Lu, Garchomp and Glimmora. Corv forces Glisc into a losing PP stall war. We didn't need 6 boots last gen, cause we could clear hazards in a pinch.
Tusk and Ace can only take things so far, and I respect them for preventing us going complete gen 4/5 hazard hell. Give us Corv, where it isn't setup fodder for Ghold, and we're talking.
Have you considered the fact that last gen also has Lando-T, Torna-T, Zapdos and many more? A lot of them can easily threaten spikers like Ferrothorn, so it isn't really hard to stop Spike Stacking.
All of the defogers this gen are passive mfs who applies no real pressure outside defogging and then trying to switch out.
Actually, Ghold is the reason for the boots stuff. We have good options for hazard control, but one pesky Ghold, and it's tough to break, leading to big chip, and quite often. Hence the higher need for boots on pretty much everything. Would love to run leftovers on Blissey and Dozo, but the threat of Ghold prevents that. And it wasn't Glisc's fault for that. Before Glisc, we had to handle Hamurott. Before Hamu, we had to handle Ting Lu, Garchomp and Glimmora. Corv forces Glisc into a losing PP stall war. We didn't need 6 boots last gen, cause we could clear hazards in a pinch.
Tusk and Ace can only take things so far, and I respect them for preventing us going complete gen 4/5 hazard hell. Give us Corv, where it isn't setup fodder for Ghold, and we're talking.
"Corv forces Glisc into a PP Stall war" is kind of dumb, cause that also means you let Gliscor having time to recover back to full and then switch out. You make no actual progress outside wasting time and becoming a momentum sink because the Gliscor suddenly switches out.
Have you considered the fact that last gen also has Lando-T, Torna-T, Zapdos and many more? A lot of them can easily threaten spikers like Ferrothorn, so it isn't really hard to stop Spike Stacking.
All of the defogers this gen are passive mfs who applies no real pressure outside defogging and then trying to switch out.
Maybe it's something since the jump to 3D where every generation that is divisible by 3 will have a lot of trouble with hazard removal. We have a sample size of 2 right now but I think that's enough to prove my conspiracy theory.
Cinderace, Great Tusk, Corviknight, and Mandibuzz alone would make the hazard game much more manageable. Also more niche options like Geezing, Conkledurr, Cyclizar, and Scizor become a heck of a lot more appealing with Ghondenjoe out of the picture.
Please. Just read all of the things above. This is not gen 8 anymore. We are not dealing with slow bricks like Ferrothorn anymore.
Please. Just read all of the things above. This is not gen 8 anymore. We are not dealing with slow bricks like Ferrothorn anymore.
It's not exactly difficult to account for these hard hitters that take advantage of the defoggers in teambuilder. Building smart in addition to the removal of Gholdanshower will let people who want to use these defoggers answer the things that switch into your passive defoggers
Maybe it's something since the jump to 3D where every generation that is divisible by 3 will have a lot of trouble with hazard removal. We have a sample size of 2 right now but I think that's enough to prove my conspiracy theory.
I love how GF feels like they suddenly want to make Hazard much stronger this gen. Gholdengo, more limited distribution of Defog, more distribution for Spikes setters.
It's not exactly difficult to account for these hard hitters that take advantage of the defoggers in teambuilder. Building smart in addition to the removal of Gholdanshower will let people who want to use these defoggers answer the things that switch into your passive defoggers
I feel that back in gen 8, outside the cases that a random Magnezone comes in, Defogging feels much safer because you also have a lot of options to also threaten the incoming things. Like Tornadus-T, Zapdos, Lando-T being able to actually put on some offensive pressure is also something to account for.
Meanwhile, Mandibuzz and Corv aren't likely to be able to threaten a lot of things, so most of the times they will just switch out.
I will not abuse the 19th tera type when the dlc drops, i will not use future low tier pokemon because raging bolt is so strong when the dlc drops,i won’t use raging bolt when the dlc drops, i will leave the 1500s alone when the dlc drops, i won’t be hard stuck in the 1600s after the dlc drops, kingambit will still be viable when the second dlc drops
Cinderace, Great Tusk, Corviknight, and Mandibuzz alone would make the hazard game much more manageable. Also more niche options like Geezing, Conkledurr, Cyclizar, and Scizor become a heck of a lot more appealing with Ghondenjoe out of the picture.
galarian weezing will drop without hazard stack, its main niche is “defog without gholdengo switching in to block”
Please. Just read all of the things above. This is not gen 8 anymore. We are not dealing with slow bricks like Ferrothorn anymore.
Which hazard setters abuse the “passive” mons in question. None of them want to be knocked/Toxic’d by Mandibuzz, and Corv eats mons like Ting-Lu and HRott with Body Press. Honestly, Ferro is better into these passive defoggers then the current hazard setters.
did someone just suggest defog conkeldurr? what would that even accomplish, im genuinely confused?
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I will not abuse the 19th tera type when the dlc drops, i will not use future low tier pokemon because raging bolt is so strong when the dlc drops, i will leave the 1500s alone when the dlc drops, i won’t be hard stuck in the 1600s after the dlc drops, kingambit will still be viable when the second dlc drops
It's time. Bulky Tera Fairy Thundurus-Therian WILL be hardwalling raging bolt and doing NOTHING to it in return but it WILL be funny.

did someone seriously suggest defog conkeldurr? what would that even accomplish, im genuinely confused?
tbf they did say it was more niche but to theorize a useful position for it: team that struggles with ting-lu and also needs ultra role compression.
I even remember that at a time, I was tired of using legendaries so I used Flygon as an offensive Defogger. And hey, turns out that when the spikers are mostly slow passive things, it is much easier to deal with Hazard in general.
Which hazard setters abuse the “passive” mons in question. None of them want to be knocked/Toxic’d by Mandibuzz, and Corv eats mons like Ting-Lu and HRott with Body Press. Honestly, Ferro is better into these passive defoggers then the current hazard setters.
Any encore mon that can switch into them. Are you gonna click Toxic and then switch out without being able to defog or defogging and switching out, being afraid that opponent may click Encore?
Any encore mon that can switch into them. Are you gonna click Toxic and then switch out without being able to defog or defogging and switching out, being afraid that opponent may click Encore?
Encore from what?

No Encore mon other than Clef wants anything to do with either Knock or Toxic. Also if I click Defog anyways, I am not gonna leave my Mandibuzz in on a fucking Valiant, I’m gonna switch into my check to it, so I don’t get the Encore argument.
Encore from what?

No Encore mon other than Clef wants anything to do with either Knock or Toxic. Also if I click Defog anyways, I am not gonna leave my Mandibuzz in on a fucking Valiant, I’m gonna switch into my check to it, so I don’t get the Encore argument.
So if you switch into Mandibuzz in the middle of a bunch of Hazard and I cannot threaten Mandibuzz, do you expect me to stay or what?
Also if I switch a Valiant into your Mandi defog, I may as well fucking click Calm Mind or Sword Dance in the next turn.
did someone seriously suggest defog conkeldurr? what would that even accomplish, im genuinely confused?
In some fairness I can see it as more of a "this makes sense on paper and flounders in practice" than a bad idea at base. Conk's Fighting STAB and high Physical bulk means in theory it threatens the Dark-Type Spikers like Ting-Lu and Hamurott, as some miscellaneous stuff like Kingambit that likes to pair with it, with threatening the Hazard setters being a major benefit to a theoretical remover to prevent them going back up.

It just flounders in practice because Conk is so slow as to cut into its bulk alongside its Guts power like Ursaluna, and has much bigger 4MSS for coverage without trying to fit a niche utility move into its kit. I see where they're going with it even if it's not going very far
Cinderace, Great Tusk, Corviknight, and Mandibuzz alone would make the hazard game much more manageable. Also more niche options like Geezing, Conkledurr, Cyclizar, and Scizor become a heck of a lot more appealing with Ghondenjoe out of the picture.
I could legitimately see Conkeldurr being niche as a hazard-clearing wallbreaker that nails Samurott-H and Ting-Lu and Scizor as a nice anti-Aurora Veil measure, but I don’t see Cinderace staying OU in a Gholdengo-less meta. Especially if Kingambit gets banned too.

Teams would prefer having actual hazard-clearing over switching them and with Great Tusk being practically everywhere to force Cinder out, it’s gonna struggle to make itself an appealing option compared to the hazard clearers that can come in safely multiple times a game.

Even Cyclizar seems like a better option than Cinderace in a Gholdengo-less meta due to Regenerator, a much better defensive typing and Knock Off / STAB Draco Meteor for threatening what would be the best spinblocker in a Gholdengo-less meta (Dragapult). It could even run an Assault Vest set to make up for its poor bulk cause of Regenerator, unlike Cinderace.
Watch as Conkledurr becomes a meta defining Defogger in the wake of Ghold ban, lol. I was just listing mons off the top of my head that could, maybe work in OU without Gholdengo. Wasn’t really a “yeah these are now viable” statement.
So if you switch into Mandibuzz in the middle of a bunch of Hazard and I cannot threaten Mandibuzz, do you expect me to stay or what?
Also if I switch a Valiant into your Mandi defog, I may as well fucking click Calm Mind or Sword Dance in the next turn.

so your opponent brings in mandibuzz to defog hazards, you switch into iron valiant expecting what? first of all what if it doesnt even go for defog, are you gonna risk eating a toxic on the switch? second of all even if mandibuzz defogs as iron valiant comes in, its not uncounterable for the rest of its team either. i think youre slightly overestimating how threatening iron valiant is for bulkier playstyles, since its not too much trouble to pivot around for fat. even if you force mandibuzz out and setup its still not an instant win, far from it in fact
I feel that back in gen 8, outside the cases that a random Magnezone comes in, Defogging feels much safer because you also have a lot of options to also threaten the incoming things. Like Tornadus-T, Zapdos, Lando-T being able to actually put on some offensive pressure is also something to account for.
Meanwhile, Mandibuzz and Corv aren't likely to be able to threaten a lot of things, so most of the times they will just switch out.
I mean a lot of these mons don't even run offensive investment at all on their defog sets. They put on a tiny amount of pressure from their base offenses just by being legends, but its not like they are that much better themselves. There really isnt anything that wrong with just passive defogging and getting out. Undoing 3 turns of spike stack in one move is enough. Meanwhile Ghold still is quite problematic even with all of these threats having access to defog again. Just look at NatDex they had to ban Gholdengo over there too and they have many more defog options than us.
so you bring in mandibuzz to defog hazards, opponent switches into iron what? you gonna risk eating a toxic on the switch? even if it defogs as iron valiant comes in, its not uncounterable for the rest of its team either. i think youre slightly overestimating how threatening iron valiant is for bulkier playstyles, since its not too much trouble to pivot around for fat. even if you force mandibuzz out and setup its still not an instant win, far from it in fact
Valiant is just one example. There is also Rockpon/Waterpon too. The former is likely to rise if Ghold is axed.
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