I've submitted by far the most aggressive voting to this date. I actually enjoy the meta quite a bit rn and as a dedicated balance player I'm thrilled to see it at the top again after a rather difficult year. Still I can see why things would need to change and why others might not enjoy Gliscor mirror matchups.

5/5,The mon that single handedly pushed balance into S rank. It is to meta warping rn though. It forces everything to run boots. Everyone is running the same Tusk set. Mons like Zamazenta are forced to run Ice Fang. We've seen stuff such as Sub Torn-T pop up which is just ridiculous honestly. Its also murdered Ting Lu and is pushing a lot of more interesting or niche picks into unviability cause they cant get past this thing.

5/5, Contrary to popular opinion I dont think this mon can be blamed for all our hazard issues as quite franky it's really only blocking Corvi (and I suppose Mandi as well now). However it's clearly not helping the matter either and the mere fact that Corvi could reliably remove hazards would make the whole playstyle less popular already. The main problem with this mon is thats its also just hella good. It has to many sets all of which are good. It makes fantastic use of Tera to turn would be counters such as Ting Lu into set up fodder and to prevent RKing. Its a huge pita for balance to deal with and the drop in usage for Samurott has only helped it. It provides a ton of defensive application via its typing and ability alone even if you run an offensive set (eg vs Amoongus, Sneasler or Hawlucha). On the flip side defensive sets also provide a ton of offensive pressure and are actually quite underrated. I've been running a defensive spread with twave, hex, recover and np and its been serving as a wall, status spreader, wallbreaker, late game wincon and emergency stop to dangerous sweepers.

3/5, the only set that really looked over the top so far in my humble opinion was tera poison with tail glow and acid armor in sticky webs. We definitely need to revisit this after banning Waterpon but it seems fine for now although the diversity of sets and potential coverage make counterplay somewhat inconsistent. It also appreciated the RM ban. I'm definitely keeping an open mind regarding this but I havent had much issues with it yet.

5/5, I'm tired of this thing. As long as this is on your opponents team the game could always slip away from you at the last moment because you guessed its set wrong and lost a mindgame. Sometimes I make intentionally bad plays just to bait my opponent to use his tera on something else. Maybe its not outright broken but it requires to much prep in the builder and leads to unhealthy game situations in my opinion because you do not know what you need to preserve to deal with it.

4/5, the only thing holding it back from taking over the meta is the prevalence of hazards which we happen to be trying to tackle right now. If we succeed at that we definitely need to take a long hard look at this thing. Even still this severely lacks reliable counterplay aside from very specific defensive teras, amoongus (ew) and just having a team thats offensive enough that it doesnt need a reliable switchin to this. Between knock off and rocks this thing already beats a lot of its supposedly would be answers in the long run.

2/5, the only set thats worth suspecting is unburden. It would be perfectly fine if it wasnt for Tera of course. Admittedly between Tera Flying acrobatic and Tera Ghost shadow claw it can be a bit of a pain in the ass to deal with this. The Rillaboom buff was obviously also great news for it - giving it 50% defense increase and removing its EQ weakness. Again I'll keep an open mind regarding this but it seems the least problematic of the bunch and I've been able to play around it quite consistently so far since its reliance on Terrain makes it act in very predictable and sometimes exploitable ways. It also doesnt love how Gliscor bullied everyone into running ice spinner.
Tera Blast: 1/5, I'd really rather not half ass our Tera suspect with this. I really dont think Tera Blast is the problem. Who even uses this move rn? The biggest offender is how it can completly flip the defensive type chart of a set up sweeper thus allowing it to get free boosts in as well as providing an additional stab to blast past would be walls however this is very often done without even relying on TB such as with Sneasler, Moon or IVal who are jsut taking the 50% boost on Acrobatic / Shadow Claw / Lash Out / Shadow Ball / Thunderbolt etc.
Banning Tera Blast doesnt solve the underlying issue in my opinion and I dont see a big difference if a potential sweeper has a weak and without tera unviable coverage option in shadow claw, fire punch etc. or whether its reliant on tera blast.