Tournament NDOTSL I - Commencement thread


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6th: Pokerich Cliques. I just dont know what they were doing with this one. Like what is the end goal here? Im so sorry, but this team name isnt good at all Maybe theres an inside joke Im missing, but I cant say its the best Ive seen. 2.5/10

5th: Glorious Ginkals. Its just kind of a meh name Like I dont mind it but its not particularly satisfying, not does it roll of the tounge well. Again, probably an inside joke but this doesnt do it for me. 4/10

4th: Tokyo Gholdengo's. Something about this name annoys me and I dont know what it is. Not much else to it, pretty basic name. A bit funny that the two people who live in Europe pilot the Japanese team but keep ballong I guess. 5/10

3rd: Pondering Phiones. I like the pond pun. Was it intentional? Probably not, but I still respect the pun. Otherwise a tiny bit lacking in terms of creativity, 6.5/10

2nd: Heehee Heatrans. Good name, I like how it just rolls of the tounge. Tiny bit basic but if it aint broke dont fix it. I think its better than Phiones for one reason, that being that I keep thinking of Heatrans with that one hat that Michael Jackson had. Like a 7.5/10

1. Slacking Slakings. Lmao. 8.5/10


What a kind young man
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while im digging for diamonds here to pop out of the mine to apologize to all pokerich players who were so fouly soul grabbed by Pettyboy Paul and ScamScam77. also all phione players congratulations on being signed to the most wonderful team
while im digging for diamonds here to pop out of the mine to apologize to all pokerich players who were so fouly soul grabbed by Pettyboy Paul and ScamScam77. also all phione players congratulations on being signed to the most wonderful team
Thank you for your timely contributions Hidin. Hope you get ungrounded, recover your google password and find the diamonds you are looking for. Oh, and have a nice trip.


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slakings out so it's shoutouts time.



first shoutouts to my co-man, Velcroc. you put up a fine showing, won important games and supported half the slots. you were calm and collected throughout the tour like a true slaking and honestly i dont know what i would have done without you lol. thanks for agreeing to manage with me. oh, and you deserve the rank of Leonardo(daVinci)God lol just cuz of this masterpiece:
A portrait of a Slaking Polymath at an Andalusian Court c. 1162 CE Author: Lost to History | Source: Britannica Slakings, despite their lazy demeanour, have been responsible for numerous intellectual advancements. Pictured above is a Slaking polymath in medieval Spain ruminating about alchemy, legal conventions, aqueduct engineering and the necessity of the Truant ability. However, this burst of creativity was not restricted to the medieval era. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs have noted that Slakings were the architects for numerous monuments including (but not limited to) the Valley of Kings, and the Temples of Edfu and Luxor. Some say that they even constructed the Pyramids of Giza. However, modern Egyptologists agree that the rudimentary architecture of the Pyramids indicate they were constructed by Vigoroths who had not yet evolved their true intellectual potential. This consensus is supported by archaeological evidence that dates the arrival of Slakings into Egypt at 18th century BCE.

Lialiabeast MY FAVORITE PLAYER (mutual feeling apparently :pimp:). you were a beast... except when you loaded rough skin carvanha but it's aight cuz the season was basically over for us anyway. u were v enthusiastic and always ready to sub in when melody says she couldnt play. hats off. i hope we meet again in some teamtour someday.


MuffinMelody i can never forgive you unless u give me a muffin for making me pick up lc... anyway i hope all ur irl problems get solved cuz i think ure a genuinely nice person. and im not a dumbass.


kitty cat speakspacers always larping n meowing in the chat. our aaa slot had a rough time but i know u did ur best. change to a dog btw (this is like the 3rd time im shouting u out LOL no more)


Scholar dont worry bout jobs director.. our profits gonna be huge. u were doing great pre-change gg but unfortunately they were like... "yeah lets screw with players and change mechanics; whoever gets his broken in first wins wooo". so here we are. u still did ur best in games and i appreciate that. lets gloriously accept defeat (fallen warriors :firedog:) and drink up tonight (ill let u decide if we invite the jerk TTTech or not)


TTTech the perverted overconfident dumbass of the gang. although u have all the shitty habits in the world (hence why u are forever single), ur skill in the game is actually good (:vomit:) and had it not been for ur character.. and shit luck, you could have gone undefeated but oh well. ur presence in the chat was only next to my own (:sunglas:) and its commendable, i suppose. (lol dont take me seriously im just kidding) (u asked me 2 shitpost)


FadedCharm we didnt talk much but you were a great helper, especially with tests. you were a nice person to have on the team and i am sorry that you could only play 1 game this season.


Giga-Chandélure we didnt talk much too but you were an invaluable part of the gang. apologies that u could also play just 1 game this season.


LordBox u carried our AAA, thanks.
Atha for suggestions when box betrayed us
ponchlake THE LAKE PONCH thanks for providing insights on gg.
SBPC for helping me with nfe

people i invited for support but ended up larping instead / joined for fun

RoFnA dude u just shitposted :sob: but its ight u were a key member of the SlakingsCord
Yoru97 TrainerGoldAlt about15guys Despacito87 Runo R8 TheRuffletKid Orangex

i hope i didn't forget anyone :p. good luck to all the teams in (semi)finals, ill not root for any team. it had been a fun run. cheers.
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back to the lab again
is a Pre-Contributor
I believe we are due some eulogies, and I shall be the one to dish them out.

I think before we get into the semi-shitposting I'm going to preface this by saying that this was one of the most tense and exciting final weeks of regular season in any team tour I have been invested in (of which there are 4 lol). Grats to the 3 teams who made it through, but also to the 3 teams who are unfortunately knocked out: this was extremely fun, and certainly had me hooked to the very end.

Onwards to the eulogies...

:slaking: The Slacking Slakings
Managed by zastra and velcroc, two fairly experienced members of the NDOT community and two solid players in their own right. Having self-bought themselves for NFE and STAB respectively, they then bought TTTech for 14000, the second most expensive BH player (excluding Clas who self-bought). TTTech is an extremely experienced and good BH player, and has recently been on a hot streak in mons so 14000 honestly sounded like a very good deal. Next they bought SpaceSpeakers for 8000 and Giga-Chanderlure for 7000 to fill their AAA slot (with Giga-Chandelure also able to play GG), both decent players, although the Slakings thus decided to forgo buying a more expensive player in what was a very stacked pool. They bought Lialiabeast as their LC slot (with muffinmelody as support) and rounded up the team with Scholar for 6000 in GG (since GG is a mainly fundamentals tier, this is more than ok) and Faded Charm for 4000. Overall a solid draft, perhaps one could argue not overflowing with star power but certainly a draft to be very proud of. (Also apparently ponchlake supported GG hi ponchlake)
The Slakings started the tournament with a 5-1 win over the Phiones, unfortunately it went downhill from there. The only other point they managed to get was in week 4 against the Cliques, leaving them with a record of 1-3-1, and -4 differential. So what went wrong? Unfortunately, the AAA slot fired blanks this time around, with the solitary AAA win coming from SpaceSpeakers: it was a tough pool this time around. The GG slot also fired on empty, with one win from Scholar in week 1. Slakings unfortunately couldn't get a grip on the GG metagame this time around, with a lot of secret brokos lying around waiting to be used. The LC slot went negative as well, but as I don't play LC I don't know what comments to make /shrug. TTTech notably only went 3-2: given the BH pool only really had 3 big hitters (with Chessking opting to support) it was always going to be a tossup as to which slot came out on top, and unfortunately TTTech dropped games against Clas and Anaconja, although by no means was his performance bad. In fact quite the opposite, TTTech had a very strong showing. Likewise for Velcroc and Zastra, who also went 3-2. Unfortunately, good performances in 3 slots were not enough to outweigh poor showings elsewhere, and this is why the Slakings found themselves at the foot of the table. Undeservingly so, one might say: the Slakings (alongside the Ginkals) really provided the lore and the spark that lit this tournament alive, and they continued to light this tournament up. Even though they find themselves out now, they can rest easy knowing they helped get this tour off the ground and gave it their all. Commiserations :slaking:

:gholdengo: Tokyo Gholdengos
Led by two very experienced players seroo and pannu, the Gholdengos perhaps looked like one of the stronger teams going into the tourney. Pannu self-bought, giving them one of the strongest STAB slots in the tour and one of the more consistent and versatile players. They started by securing Atha for a whopping 23000. It may seem like a lot, but Atha was probably the biggest name in the AAA pool this time round and for good reason. Next they bought Roldski for 19500, another heavy hitter in the LC slot. This was by far and away the biggest purchase in that pool. They settled on Xurkiyee in GG for 8500, meaning they had not a lot of money left and 2 slots to fill: NFE and BH. They bought RTM for 5000, Hisui Guy (who I know, HEY!!!!) for 3000, Axzel for 3000, and ghostlike for 3000 (which all things considered was a fucking steal and secured an AAA sub). This was a decent draft with a strong STAB slot, possibly the strongest AAA slot, a strong LC slot, a decent GG slot (because the tier is generally fundies), but no apparent NFE slot and no BH slot. Another issue was the fact their team had only 8 players leaving them with only 2 possible substitutions per week, which might have come back to haunt them.
The Gholdengos went 1-2-2, with a neutral differential. Notably, they gained no wins in BH as was to be expected with no BH main drafted. The STAB slot also went negative: pannu switched over to NFE in week 3 and stayed there, and Axzel couldn't pull out the stops there, notably losing in week 4 to an activity call. The GG slot also unfortunately went negative, although Xurkiyee did get two good wins. Roldski went positive at 3-2 which was the second best record in the LC pool, but this was probably only on par with expectation (idk i don't play LC LOL). NFE also went positive for the team, with 2 wins from pannu and a win from hisui guy, so good stuff for making that work. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the AAA slot went 5-0 so that will at least be something for the Gholdies to celebrate. Unfortunately they ran out of steam, with losses to the Cliques and the Phiones in weeks 3 and 4 denting their opportunity to qualify massively.

And finally, an extra eulogy I didn't think I'd have to write...

:phione: Pondering Phiones...
A group of players that I have enjoyed playing with this NDOTSL. I hope to play with you guys again, but that message is for another post. Led by hidinn, NDOT leader, and Orangex733, prominent OM and NDOT community member, interestingly neither decided to selfbuy. They started their draft with a 19500 purchase for STAB slot Amstan, a very good player in general. Next they bought perhaps the second biggest name in the AAA pool in Greybaum for 15500 (perhaps one could consider this a steal?). With two heavy hitters in two slots, they bought 3 LC players in anique, Greedy, and teamo, for 20000 combined. db was next purchased for 8000 in the NFE, leaving only GG and BH left to sort. They bought C.A.T for 3000 in the BH slot, who is a solid player who could definitely pull out wins, and bought BoingK (that's me!) for 4000 in the GG slot. They rounded up the draft with concept everything, cyril, and sundays. All things considered a fairly large draft with some heavy hitters in AAA and STAB, with a very active LC slot. A decent GG slot with orangex able to support me, and a decent NFE and BH slot.
The Phiones only really got going towards the tail end of the tournament: 2 wins on the penultimate and final weeks seemed enough to do it, until the devastating news broke that the finals would be 3 teams only, leaving us out on differential. 2 losses of the 5-1 margin was enough to guarantee this.
First of all, I fired on empty in the GG slot, and that's completely on me. Although concept and cyril managed to get good wins, this wasn't enough to salvage a positive score (sorry guys). The AAA slot also went negative. Although Greybaum went 2-1, he was unable to play 2 other games, and unfortunately we couldn't win those. Our NFE slot also went negative but db put up a good showing regardless. The LC slot was perhaps the most unfortunate: only one win was acquired in this slot. The BH slot also went negative: C.A.T unfortunately couldn't pull up any answers against the big three, but certainly would have gained wins against Nashrock and RTM if he were able to play those games: I was able to nab those games in lieu of him. One success for the Phiones was the STAB slot, with amstan impressively going 4-1.
The Phiones possibly looked the most out of it, but 2 late late wins reignited their hopes of a playoff spot: although they have a much worse differential, they seemed to get their wins in the right places which is why they sit on 5 points. Unfortunately, it was differential that came back to haunt them, as it was this on which the Heatrans qualified over them. However, the Phiones gave a really good performance towards the end, and if they have not contributed anything else then at least they gave us the funniest GG team preview screen in existence.

Commiserations to the Slakings, the Gholdengos, and the Phiones: NDOTSL 1 was unfortunately not your tour. But thank you for giving us one hell of an exciting tour, and I hope to see lots of you for when the series eventually returns next year. GGs all, and peace!


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:sv/heatran: :heatran: HeeHee Heatrans Eulogy :heatran: :sv/heatran:
[shitpost alert]

BoingK did a pretty good job with eulogies, and i am now taking over. presenting: the HeeHee Heatrans Eulogy-

Let's talk about the manager pair first. The Heatrans are managed by the users kinzo and giyu. The former is a known clown in the NDOT society, with knowledge of basically 0 tiers so it's safe to say he could provide little-to-no support. Giyu on the other is on NDAAA council, so he can act as a good support option there.
Neither manager self-bought, which was probably a good decision because 1. Kinzo doesn't play anything 2. Giyu is good but his tier(NDAAA)'s pool was stacked, meaning there's no guarantee of finding success and it was a risk to spend 15k. So, they were left with the most credits out of all the teams (full 80k damn). They bought a big name in anaconja for 22k, which solved their BH slot cuz ana inarguably was the #1 player in the pool. Next they bought Tranquility, a renowned AAA player for 21k, and, with Giyu support, the AAA slot seemed very promising. Next in line was The Dragon Master, whom they bought for 11k, a good STAB+GG player, capable of pulling out wins in whichever tier he gets placed in. Their LC slot is none other than the tier leader rarre, and though he found himself without support (not sure about external support), he was not someone to be underestimated. Their NFE slot is none other than the newest council member Cao Jie, and surprisingly, they got him for JUST 4K, which was a steal considering he was easily one of the best players in the pool. Then they bought cat, ARTYMASION, and Seraphz, which could act as clickers, and in cat's case, AAA (and other tiers too, maybe, because cat is involved with OMs) support as well. Overall, it was a solid draft, so what went wrong?

anaconja didn't disappoint, going positive and winning important games. rarre also proved himself as a top NDLC player, ending up with the best record in the pool. Their GG slot saw multiple changes but it managed to have a good record. Now, their AAA slot: it unfortunately didn't work out well considering they spent 26k on it. Their STAB slot too saw multiple inconsistencies and could not get enough wins. Lastly, their NFE slot(s), just didn't have the best record. (this is set in future)
every player was amazing, the L is a result of karma cuz kinzo badmouthed the other teams

Overall, the heatrans put up a fine showing, with the managers having a good draft, but unfortunately when you have a manager like Kinzo Ketchum...
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ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I am here with something exciting- NDOTPL AWARDS: brought to you by the NDOTPL Awards Development Council.
zastra (Leader)
Runo (Ginkal)
BoingK (Ginkal who gave up his citizenship)
anique (resident clown)
Click here to access the form. Vote for / nominate your favorite player(s)!
prize for the winner(s): bragging rights and...TBD!


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awards are here.

  1. :Phione: Phione
  2. :slaking: Slaking / Ginkal / :Gholdengo: Gholdengo
  3. :Heatran: Heatran
  1. National Dex LC
  2. National Dex STAB
  3. National Dex NFE / GG / BH
  1. Aera
  2. rarre
  3. kayzn
  1. Tranquility
  2. Maybca / anique
  1. Greybaum
  2. Runo
  3. Ghostlike
  1. zastra
  2. anique
  3. db / Arishem / Cyril tbh
  1. tranquility / rarre / SpaceSpeakers
  1. Clas
  2. Velcroc
  3. pannu / sealoo / zastra
  1. Not zastra
  2. anique
  3. zastra / anaconja
  1. Aera / kayzn
  2. Atha / teamo / Sundays / anique
  1. anique
  2. Charis_Akins / rarre / zastra / Sundays
  1. zastra
  2. anique
  3. teamo / Clas
  1. Charis_Akins vs anique
  2. Maybca vs Cyril tbh
  3. Arishem vs Ghostlike / zastra vs Hiusi Guy
  1. R8 renaming NDOTPL to NDOTETTand 5 million others--> NDOTSL / zastra's power rankings
  2. zastra's prophecy / Slaking-Ginkal War / anique playing LC
  1. rarre
  2. Flou
  3. Roldski32 / Charis_Akins
  1. Amstan
  2. Ainzcrad
  3. pannu / Velcroc
  1. Atha
  2. Greybaum
  3. kayzn
  1. sealoo
  2. db / pannu
  3. zastra
  1. Aera
  2. cat
  3. Maybca
  1. anaconja / Clas
  2. BoinK
  3. TTTech


and the player of the tournament award goes to... Atha! grats!

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