Tournament 1v1PL VII - Finals [Won by Big Baller Barraskewdas]


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Courtesy of the amazing Ticken
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Big Baller Barraskewdas (5) vs (2) Playful Panchams
SV 1v1 Bo7: eblurb vs delemon
SV 1v1: Leru vs Kaif
SV 1v1: maki vs plunder
SS 1v1 Bo7: Potatochan vs bored_glitch
SS 1v1: Nick vs Mishlef
SM 1v1: Squirtell 1v1 vs queso
ORAS 1v1: Santu vs Inkreativ
BW 1v1: Taka vs neomon
Monopoke: bea vs luser

Big Baller Barraskewdas (0) vs (0) Playful Panchams
SV 1v1 Bo7: eblurb vs delemon
SV 1v1: Leru vs Kaif
SV 1v1: maki vs plunder
SS 1v1 Bo7: Potatochan vs bored_glitch
SS 1v1: Nick vs Mishlef
SM 1v1: Squirtell 1v1 vs queso
ORAS 1v1: Santu vs Inkreativ
BW 1v1: Taka vs neomon

The deadline for this round is Sunday, September 10th at 11:59 PM GMT-4.
Big Baller Barraskewdas (8) vs (0) Playful Panchams
SV 1v1 Bo7: eblurb vs delemon
SV 1v1: Leru vs Kaif
SV 1v1: maki vs plunder
SS 1v1 Bo7: Potatochan vs bored_glitch
SS 1v1: Nick vs Mishlef
SM 1v1: Squirtell 1v1 vs queso
ORAS 1v1: Santu vs Inkreativ
BW 1v1: Taka vs neomon
ggs go barras11!

Monopoke: The Strap vs luser
dawn of the final week, hopefully i get all of these right like last time

Big Baller Barraskewdas (4) vs (4) Playful Panchams
SV 1v1 Bo7: eblurb vs delemon (10-0)
SV 1v1: Leru vs Kaif (leru's clicking is far more nuanced than i ever thought it would be, i understand why they haven't lost yet)
SV 1v1: maki vs plunder (mish didn't play sv in the entire tour idk why i thought that would be a thing but either way delemon support just gives plunder the edge here)
SS 1v1 Bo7: Potatochan vs bored_glitch (thanks glitch for the qc help you're aweosme)
SS 1v1: Nick vs Mishlef (bite hard)
SM 1v1: Squirtell 1v1 vs queso (man i wish frosty could still be playing, but queso has been playing well so we'll see)
ORAS 1v1: Santu vs Inkreativ (it is happening again)
BW 1v1: Taka vs neomon (takatk is 100% the biggest surprise player of the entire year, good job man)

Monopoke: bea vs luser (CLASH OF THE TITANS)

i actually have no clue on who is winning tiebreakers so good luck to both teams.
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it’s time for zackary predicts. this field looks strong and I’m looking forward to u sissies playing 80% of the games on sunday.
read-along music

Big Baller Barraskewdas () vs (5) Playful Panchams
SV 1v1 Bo7: eblurb vs delemon - this is both a safe easy one lost the other won predict and an assessment of the series. eric is undoubtedly hungry for blood after losing to lumi in semis but I cant really name an instance when eric’s persistence amounted to a win. delemon is gonna coast off the fact that he knows how to play the game and has the confidence to act on his impressive intuition. sv doesnt seem to award out-of-the-box thinking that much but even if it did I dont favor barras>panchams in that department. 30:70
SV 1v1: Leru vs Kaif - most are gonna favor leru here both for record diff and being an overall stronger player but I favor kaif’s/panchams’s ability to grab+execute strong MUs. barras are not known for deviating from what works and for that reason I give a slight edge to kaif. 40:60
SV 1v1: maki vs plunder - I think the player gap here is a bit too large if I’m being honest. plunder did have a series that impressed me but maki is a significantly more experienced pilot. 80:20
SS 1v1 Bo7: Potatochan vs bored_glitch - glitch has been more impressive both throughout this tour and his approach to building imo. Neither is a slouch playing wise but potato is both demotivated and somewhat inconsistent. This MU is far from a blowout in my head but I favor glitch. 40:60
SS 1v1: Nick vs Mishlef - nick is a strong player but I defo think mishlef has a deeper understanding of the videogame. As long as mishlef doesn’t psyche himself out with shadows and realize he is playing nick I favor him. 30:70
SM 1v1: Squirtell 1v1 vs queso - squirtell is known to troll from time to time but he has the clutch gene and is obv the more experienced player. I think queso is fine but squritell is just a hard opp. 80:20
ORAS 1v1: Santu vs Inkreativ - if this was main season I bold santu as he’s a very strong player with the best oras support in the tour but I think ink is better in the clutch. The prep advantage will also be dubious in finals where both players are having things thoroughly qc’d. Ink is also a very strong and confident player as well with good record in poffs. Highlight MU to me. 40:60
BW 1v1: Taka vs neomon - I have no idea how this is gonna shake out honestly. neomon has a slight edge in playing imo but it’s rlly not much especially in this tier that has leniency. This tier can be memed very easily by prep and especially looking at neomon’s tb games he seems quite susceptible to being memed. Kaif will likely be more thorough with prep that doesnt spawn dubious MUs this time around but idk, taka can COOK. Very interesting MU. 50:50

I hope all the players have fun and this will be very exciting as a spectator. cheering for panchams
Big Baller Barraskewdas (5) vs (3) Playful Panchams
SV 1v1 Bo7: eblurb vs delemon emil needs an ego boost
SV 1v1: Leru vs Kaif man of steel
SV 1v1: maki vs plunder mainer diff
SS 1v1 Bo7: Potatochan vs bored_glitch potato doesnt throw in finals surely
SS 1v1: Nick vs Mishlef mishlef is not doing well this tour
SM 1v1: Squirtell 1v1 vs queso better teams, better picks, more experience
ORAS 1v1: Santu vs Inkreativ w1 repeat
BW 1v1: Taka vs neomon good match
Monopoke: bea vs luser
expectations: a squad with a bunch of mid players whose ceiling was a semis appearence
reality: a semis tb exit who was a pretend threat after getting randomly hot in the regular season. lacking top players (which was a criticism of their draft) really ended up biting them in the tb where even with a panchams bw slot throw they were outmatched. also the jadburgs farmed bw because like really, who would stop them? his offspring maybe?
now the pad:

Big Baller Barraskewdas (5) vs (3) Playful Panchams - yk it's bad when bw 1v1 ladder is more entertaining holyyy
SV 1v1 Bo7: eblurb vs delemon - xellymon has been a very fortunate man this tour. he's had some interesting game sevens (1, 2) and even faced season on the line uxie from the jadburgs in semis tb while down? his opponent, eggsbuns has invented a fascinating sv bo7 formula of choking twice per series + spamclicking thug mons like bax pult gren and shifu. while it was stellar in the regular season vs players who simply build and play worse than him, it did not translate to a win vs his previous ironopponent in semis. perhaps emilio can call out xellymon for playing more safe in neutral/bad mus than you would expect?
SV 1v1: Leru vs Kaif - this may not make sense to anyone, i will be bolding the 8-0 player over the dude who was at one point 1-5. im wondering if gronky's playstyle will make kaif hyperventilate? expect 4 minutes in between games btw
SV 1v1: maki vs plunder - while plunder may be feared by sv3 goombas all across the globe, maki has been doing pretty good this tour. i honestly can't remember a single game or series he's played so far, i think the one vs tyler was bad?
SS 1v1 Bo7: Potatochan vs bored_glitch - bored glitch has momentum from semis + tb while jacob has been "surely i win this time"ing and failing the entire tour in a pretty impressive manner. maybe this will be a zoomer passing the torch to the zoomlets moment?
SS 1v1: Nick vs Mishlef - not like he was even remotely close to being bolded here, but maxwell losing to nick last year in semis is the cherry on top of the mishlef is ass sundae.
SM 1v1: Squirtell 1v1 vs queso - unironically if we are talking about who has been more impressive in the 1v1 premier league seven, it's gotta be queso. muhfucka saved kaif's legacy once, can he do it again?
ORAS 1v1: Santu vs Inkreativ - skewdas oras is 7-1 this tour. at a turning point in the oras metagame, grucify has discovered you can just farm wins with cheap players by simply using better pokemon than opponents. impressive!
BW 1v1: Taka vs neomon - whiteboy taka gotta be the favorite after neobum embarrassed himself with a forced egoslot in tb then losing. my favorite part of that series was how both players basically brought the same team game 5, cool meta!
Monopoke: bea vs luser - if i'm luser i 3-0 bea in monopoke then start a heated political discussion in the walrus server to make my presence known in 1v1.

this feels like the 2009 nba finals. will a young dwight howard (delemon) and jj reddick in the corner (queso) stop the favorites of kobe (leru) and pao (taka)? who knows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EYE will predict because 16 posts for a pl finals is no way to end this tour

Most broken retains in the tour (0) vs (1) but they have glitch + delemon
SV 1v1 Bo7: eblurb vs delemon: as much as it pains me to predict against my own blood, my rock, my pokemon idol, blurb is heavily nerfed in this matchup by being worse at pokemon than the deer dude. while I'm actually almost wholly unimpressed by delemon's wins vs. blurb's, I think in a 0-0 vacuum I'd still be predicting for delemon here.
SV 1v1: Leru vs Kaif: haha bolding vs. for the 8-0 vs 3-5 matchup, but kaif randomly showed up last week and leru's sv accolades have been thrashing eeveekid, fancy, and bernian. like, it's not a surprise to me that crucify threw eblurb to the wolves and kept leru in sv2 to farm. in cg, kaif is 3-1 over a much more impressive roster, but I do think leru is definitely a better player this tour (again, 8-0). excited to see the game but mad we didn't ensure at least one iron man cracked
SV 1v1: maki vs plunder: I do not know this plunder fellow but unlike the eblurb game, my other own blood, rock, and pokemon idol maki's fox is actually very good at pokemon and thus will not get farmed. looks like plunder is 4-4 but he seems to lose games when he comes across any sort of resistance, with notable victories being over bernian, mrex, and eeveekid10. it's not as if maki has faced the gauntlet himself, matchup-ing bandit twice and taking down clementine, but my instinct says maki gets fed and clicks better.
SS 1v1 Bo7: Potatochan vs bored_glitch: I've preached this to everyone who will listen, glitched is the truth in ss 1v1. outside of a random loss to xanderurboi, glitch is on an actual rampage and has probably the most impressive record I've seen this tour when factoring in opponents and luck involved, except maybe lumi's. potato's no slouch (sometimes he kinda is actually) but even at peak prep I'm saying that 2023 glitched is a level above potatochan. no bias ofc but this is obviously the series I'm looking forward to the most.
SS 1v1: Nick vs Mishlef: every week I watch mish play like his opponent has intimate knowledge of each of his teams' moves, evs, and nicknames. this should come as no surprise, but against 90% of the playerbase you really don't need to be doing all that. luckily for mishlef, nick is a sentient player that thinks before he picks and does not assume charizard y beats zygarde, so mish has a pretty decent chance here to get lost in nick's head instead of his own. unfortunately, he got packed by glitched in week 1 and I don't assume the hidden techs are coming out now, so I expect mish to matchup him every game and throw one for fun.
SM 1v1: Squirtell 1v1 vs queso: I'm sorry cheese555, great sm record and some impressive wins but this is where it comes crashing down. squirtell is obviously the most impressive non-thwackey sm mainer this tour; he has faced absolutely zero resistance in the tier besides sansho but there really is not much to be found in this pool regardless. queso has had some good but not great games, and I'm not impressed enough to imagine he can take down the mt everest of sm right now. I expect to see 3 zeraoras, 2 diggersbys, and 4 charizards.
ORAS 1v1: Santu vs Inkreativ: I think this is close and I wouldn't be too surprised to see it flip here, but ink showed santu the hands week 1 and I don't feel like that much has changed. santu's warpath has consisted of zo, spoo (the goat, played oras for a grand total of one day before the series), and 1-4 urfgurgle. ink has had a pretty solid record against the whole squad, with more impressive wins and mainer knowledge to boot. tour players are still tour players, but if ink allows himself to click the 1-2 3 times in a row I think he's got it covered
BW 1v1: Taka vs neomon: already happened, I like to think I would've bolded neo
If eblurb has a million fans, then I am one of them. If eblurb has ten fans, then I am one of them. If eblurb has only one fan then that is me. If eblurb has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against eblurb, then I am against the world.