Hey by any chance is there a tutorial on how to go about making these? I am quite interested in helping.Who said it's over?
There's not a lot of people who are able and willing to do these 3D renders, so a lot of it falls on the shoulders of just a couple people, including mine. As a result, this project is always at the mercy how much free time we have in any given moment, and if we are willing to dedicate the free time to work on this. This means that there will always end up being some dead time for projects like this since it's mostly just me and one other person able to dedicate time to this.
Anyway, the fact that there's been not much activity lately doesn't mean it's over. I want to get back into this, but I am spread quite thin with some other projects, as well as my job that is also in a similar field. Time will tell when I will find the time, but acting defeatist over inactivity doesn't help motivation, so stop.