Tournament Pet Mods Premier League II - Commencement Thread


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Gotta give anaconja a taste of his own medicine and do an euology of how the WUoG and the Think-a-Ton Crew didn't even make it to semis:

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Okay, as we can see here, it's quite clear the TaTC didn't spend their budget quite well. A good start was around their leaders in decently known Pet Modders Sticky Fingaa and Lord Zorz (the latter which formerly gave leadership to the Turn 1 Booomers in the previous PMPL), and from there they managed to get Earl, who is a good strategist and player even beyond the tiers he mains, but beyond that, some basic research from the past PMPL sheet shows that they overpaid a lot on players with questionable precedents, which isn't helped by some of the players being newcomers this PMPL round, and thus one can claim at least some had difficulty getting customized.

From here, it's clear some of their most expensive players got significantly more Ls than Ws, and it sure isn't helped by activity Ls being called on them multiple times, which implies that their leaders didn't do a good job moderating their players to at least push for a substitute in such cases, and so overall there were problems everywhere, but at least Earl didn't get hax'd to death like the past PMPL.

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Now, onto the Union Workers of Gensokyo, Anaconja (who led this team the past PMPL) + Adem apparently is a potent combination from what I've heard, and so the two being the managers of the team sounds good on paper, they also managed to get into their team a variety of decently known users from the OM and Pet Mods communities, but from there the issue is clear, not only were they unable to pick some of the better players they had last PMPL as other teams got luckier, it also seems the Earl curse went on to G-Luke instead, who apparently was suggesting stuff to this team, and let's just say that didn't fare well...

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From weird choking to IMO wasting the potential of some of the players they picked (MFW IsoCon never played a game), it's clear the WUoG lost the mentality and some of the resources that made them win the last PMPL.
top tier analysis, well done :thumbsup:


is a Tiering Contributor
I'm gonna give myself a taste of my own medicine and do a eulogy of the greatest PMPL team ever, the Pantomire Gourgeists AKA The Gourgs AKA GG PG Money Gangz.
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Now, looking at the initial draft, I think we all have the same question, 'Why is zxgzxg so goddamn sexy? And how did such a cracked team lose so fucking hard?" Now I think this can be boiled down to a few subtle but deadly flaws:
  • In their M4A slot, absolute goats Lasen and Ara unfortunately passed away in a tragic flood while trying to find out what the fuck Mega Mismagius does. We'll never know now.
  • The FESV slot zxgzxg, as previously mentioned, is unbearably sexy and was too busy getting bitches and investing in crypto to actually play well. He also has no idea what Regenerator does.
  • shiloh , the Alternatium SEX main, it burns when I pee. Like reeeeeally burns. Is that supposed to happen? Am I gonna die?
  • Cao Jie, bless his heart, got haxxed every week, so I solely blame God for that one.
  • On Week 3, Curse+Rest Snorlax broke into bekama's home and shot his 28 Gourgillion times, rendering him unable to play. Quite sad.
So despite TTTech and pokology winning every game of Gen 6 RU they played,
Apologies, there was a spider on my keyboard and it pressed the Enter key for me. Lil' fucker was banished to the shadow realm of my stomach for his transgressions.

Anyways, despite TTTech winning all 15 weeks, the weight of my sins forever curses me, allowing me to never feel joy. I pray that someone may break my curse of immortality, freeing me from my hellish punishment. I hope the Gourgs have better luck (and better support, looking at you Beaf Cultist) in 10 years, when PMPL III is being hosted. Until then, here's another Discord screenshot of @anacooma I find quite humorous:
View attachment 529369
Lmao, ana is pooping!
wow looks like I was forgotten by my managers.. anyways thanks zxg and tttech for drafting me and helping me out in the tier I've never played before (+ beaf ana as well) and hopefully I can do better next year

Fluore of the Phantomire Gourgeists, each being extremely skilled NatDex players making their JolteMons debuts.
I've only played like total 5 natdex games in my life so I kinda always questioned where you got this from but thanks for the game analysis you wrote. Those were very interesting to read :blobthumbsup:
Gotta give anaconja a taste of his own medicine and do an euology of how the WUoG and the Think-a-Ton Crew didn't even make it to semis:

View attachment 529210

Okay, as we can see here, it's quite clear the TaTC didn't spend their budget quite well. A good start was around their leaders in decently known Pet Modders Sticky Fingaa and Lord Zorz (the latter which formerly gave leadership to the Turn 1 Booomers in the previous PMPL), and from there they managed to get Earl, who is a good strategist and player even beyond the tiers he mains, but beyond that, some basic research from the past PMPL sheet shows that they overpaid a lot on players with questionable precedents, which isn't helped by some of the players being newcomers this PMPL round, and thus one can claim at least some had difficulty getting customized.

From here, it's clear some of their most expensive players got significantly more Ls than Ws, and it sure isn't helped by activity Ls being called on them multiple times, which implies that their leaders didn't do a good job moderating their players to at least push for a substitute in such cases, and so overall there were problems everywhere, but at least Earl didn't get hax'd to death like the past PMPL.

lul I grabbed cool folks I wanted to play with and make a groovy team and aimed to grab newcomers so they could jam out in a PL, top tier post
This thing on?

I'm gonna quickly reflect on PMPL2 as a whole (every angle) and give a pretty honest take on how I perceive things on this site after sticking around for a couple of years. I'll keep it short as my interest in things here is just as drained as the energy that half of this post will give off.

The Good Stuff

The energy given off during this tournament, overall, was awesome. Spirits were high, and a lot of people seemed to be having fun. The memes have been absolutely exquisite, like this, that and these. On top of that, specifically, I have no idea wtf was going on over on the Daves' server but it seemed like you lot were tearing the damn roof off of this place :blobwizard:

Also being involved in this tournament without having a proper horse in the race meant that I could talk shit with little repercussion. Specifically for my Hoenn Gaiden VRs, I put Jimothy at #1 while slotting in the tournament's MVP, SEA, 5th out of 6 players. This was an earnest ranking - Jim came out of winning two double elim tournaments without losing a single set, into this tournament while SEA hadn't played a proper game of HG in his life (citation needed???) - and it was an honest ranking that I could only really make as a bystander not having to worry about what people think.

I'd imagine these tiers have had a lot of metagame development thanks to this tournament. Hoenn Gaiden is in a much more grounded position thanks to these games, and while it is ultimately one which is hard to progress from, I'm glad that it did eventually come to this. I can't talk much for most of the other tiers in the PMPL but I'm sure they benefited to a similar degree.

The Bad Stuff

This and the next section are why you're really reading my post I imagine.

Being a tournament host is a pretty thankless job. Outside of people I've become friendly with in Pet Mods, the only person who's said anything good about me for hosting is, interestingly, the captain of Dave's Dachsbuns. The main team manager who actually has no direct connection with Pet Mods at all.

People who host tournaments on this website are not thanked enough. It's a lot of work man, respect your tournament hosts more for Pete's sake. Any Senior Staff members reading this -- offer more appraisal to keep your tournament hosts around. You simply aren't doing enough in my opinion.

The Ugly Stuff

The current gold standard for dedication for team tournaments is honestly appalling. I simply don't believe that I'm in some quiet minority of people around here who are adverse towards joining tournaments because of the sheer length of these things. I do not know (and simply cannot know) if I will be free for the next 9 weekends of my life and if I will helplessly be paired up with someone halfway across the globe who cannot make a time work with me.

Like, the fatigue is real from how long these tournaments are drawn out. Week 3 of the PMPL was the most unhype thing ever. All teams drew with each other and on top of that people were literally just less engaged. I got bored of writing GPT posts, despite how little effort they take, because of how much of a nosedive generally the excitement had dipped from weeks 3-6.

And to drive the point home further, people also just zoned out and stopped downloading their replays a few weeks in. Like if there's any stronger sign of people getting bored, it's that they stop following the rules of the PMPL and mindlessly do what they do in all the other tournaments they spam join lol

I'll offer a suggestion on how I think this could be addressed, though I simply don't expect this to gain any traction whatsoever because people's minds are too ingrained in how things work. There should be quickfire team tournaments more often. I'm talking tournaments that go on for like 2 weeks (3 at a stretch when tiebreakers are needed) with tighter organisation and a specified availability window for sign-ups to offer to play their sets over the weekend. This isn't something I'm suggesting should replace the current format, but my goodness, would it make scheduling so much easier for some of us.


That's about it really. I'm never hosting or even participating in any group/team focused event on this website unless there are huge changes made to the tournament structure. The current method of running large-scale tournaments is hilariously outdated.

Have fun y'all, I'll see you around elsewhere maybe :blobthumbsup:

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