AAA nerfed? (Zamazenta-Crowned) [QC: 2/2] {GP: 1/1} (Done)

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IronPress (Zamazenta-Crowned) @ Rusted Shield
Ability: Dauntless Shield
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Body Press
- Iron Defense
- Heavy Slam
- Substitute / Stone Edge

Zamazenta-C is an excellent setup sweeper with its naturally high defenses, offensive prowess with Iron Defense + Body Press, and high Speed tier. Zamazenta-C comes at the cost of exclusively being able to use Dauntless Shield, which boosts its Body Press and gives Zamazenta-C immense physical bulk, Substitute blocks status and Dragon Tail from Garchomp, while Stone Edge hits Flying-types like Talonflame and Zapdos as well as Skeledirge. As Zamazenta-C has high Speed and forces out Meloetta and Alolan Muk, special wallbreakers like Hoopa and Hydreigon pair well with it, and they remove some of Zamazenta-C's checks like Unaware Cresselia in return. Scream Tail is another good partner with its ability to pass high HP Wishes to Zamazenta-C. Entry hazards, a lack of reliable recovery, and a nerfed Dauntless Shield mean Zamazenta-C cannot repeatedly switch in freely, which makes Corviknight a good partner with Defog and a slow U-turn, allowing Zamazenta-C to come in safely; alternatively, Corviknight's dual screens set gives Zamazenta-C an easier time setting up.

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IronPress (Zamazenta-Crowned) @ Rusted Shield
Ability: Dauntless Shield
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Body Press
- Iron Defense
- Heavy Slam
- Substitute / Stone Edge

Zamazenta-C is an excellent setup sweeper, (Remove Comma) with its naturally high defenses, offensive prowess with Iron Defense + Body Press, with its blend of both offense and defense with Iron Defense and Body Press, and high Speed tier and versatility. Zamazenta comes at the cost of using exclusively Dauntless Shield, which boosts its Body Press and gives Zamazenta immense physical bulk which is a blessing in disguise as it helps to power up its Body Press. Heavy Slam hits Fairy-types like Scream Tail and Enamorus-Therian, Substitute blocks status and Dragon Tail from Garchomp, (add comma) while Stone Edge hits Flying-types like Talonflame and Zapdos as well as Skeledirge. As Zamazenta has high Speed and forces out Meloetta and Alolan Muk, Hoopa can be partnered with Zamazenta, appreciating the neutering of its drawbacks while removing some of Zamazenta's checks like Unaware Cresselia. Scream Tail could also be mentioned as a good teammate as it can wish pass to Zamazenta, providing it with longevity. Hazards, lack of reliable recovery and a nerfed Dauntless Shield means Zamazenta cannot repeatedly switch in freely, which makes Corviknight a good partner with Defog and a slow U-Turn allowing Zamazenta to come in safely.

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QC 1/2
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IronPress (Zamazenta-Crowned) @ Rusted Shield
Ability: Dauntless Shield
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Body Press
- Iron Defense
- Heavy Slam
- Substitute / Stone Edge

Zamazenta-C is an excellent setup sweeper, (Remove Comma) with its naturally high defenses, offensive prowess with Iron Defense + Body Press, with its blend of both offense and defense with Iron Defense and Body Press, and high Speed tier and versatility. Zamazenta comes at the cost of using exclusively Dauntless Shield, which boosts its Body Press and gives Zamazenta immense physical bulk which is a blessing in disguise as it helps to power up its Body Press. Heavy Slam hits Fairy-types like Scream Tail and Enamorus-Therian, Substitute blocks status and Dragon Tail from Garchomp, (add comma) while Stone Edge hits Flying-types like Talonflame and Zapdos as well as Skeledirge. As Zamazenta has high Speed and forces out Meloetta and Alolan Muk, Hoopa can be partnered with Zamazenta, appreciating the neutering of its drawbacks while removing some of Zamazenta's checks like Unaware Cresselia. Scream Tail could also be mentioned as a good teammate as it can wish pass to Zamazenta, providing it with longevity. Hazards, lack of reliable recovery and a nerfed Dauntless Shield means Zamazenta cannot repeatedly switch in freely, which makes Corviknight a good partner with Defog and a slow U-Turn allowing Zamazenta to come in safely.

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QC 1/2
implemented, thanks!
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IronPress (Zamazenta-Crowned) @ Rusted Shield
Ability: Dauntless Shield
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Body Press
- Iron Defense
- Heavy Slam
- Substitute / Stone Edge

Zamazenta-C is an excellent setup sweeper with its naturally high defenses, offensive prowess with Iron Defense + Body Press, and high Speed tier. Zamazenta comes at the cost of using exclusively Dauntless Shield, which boosts its Body Press and gives Zamazenta immense physical bulk, Substitute blocks status and Dragon Tail from Garchomp, while Stone Edge hits Flying-types like Talonflame and Zapdos as well as Skeledirge. As Zamazenta has high Speed and forces out Meloetta and Alolan Muk, Hoopa can be partnered with Zamazenta, appreciating the neutering of its drawbacks while removing some of Zamazenta's checks like Unaware Cresselia Other special breakers like Hydregion and do somewhat similar and pivot ZamaC in to break so they can also potentially be mentioned under a more generalised statement. Scream Tail is another good partner with its ability to pass high HP wishes to Zamazenta. Hazards, lack of reliable recovery and a nerfed Dauntless Shield means Zamazenta cannot repeatedly switch in freely, which makes Corviknight a good partner with Defog and a slow U-Turn allowing Zamazenta to come in safely. Could mention Zama-C can partner well with Prankster Screens lead and fit well on HO teams.

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IronPress (Zamazenta-Crowned) @ Rusted Shield
Ability: Dauntless Shield
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Body Press
- Iron Defense
- Heavy Slam
- Substitute / Stone Edge

Zamazenta-C is an excellent setup sweeper with its naturally high defenses, offensive prowess with Iron Defense + Body Press, and high Speed tier. Zamazenta comes at the cost of using exclusively Dauntless Shield, which boosts its Body Press and gives Zamazenta immense physical bulk, Substitute blocks status and Dragon Tail from Garchomp, while Stone Edge hits Flying-types like Talonflame and Zapdos as well as Skeledirge. As Zamazenta has high Speed and forces out Meloetta and Alolan Muk, Hoopa can be partnered with Zamazenta, appreciating the neutering of its drawbacks while removing some of Zamazenta's checks like Unaware Cresselia Other special breakers like Hydregion and do somewhat similar and pivot ZamaC in to break so they can also potentially be mentioned under a more generalised statement. Scream Tail is another good partner with its ability to pass high HP wishes to Zamazenta. Hazards, lack of reliable recovery and a nerfed Dauntless Shield means Zamazenta cannot repeatedly switch in freely, which makes Corviknight a good partner with Defog and a slow U-Turn allowing Zamazenta to come in safely. Could mention Zama-C can partner well with Prankster Screens lead and fit well on HO teams.

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implemented, thanks!

GP Team :3
Amateur gp check again (defo no gping only nats analyses noo...)

IronPress (Zamazenta-Crowned) @ Rusted Shield
Ability: Dauntless Shield
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Body Press
- Iron Defense
- Heavy Slam
- Substitute / Stone Edge

Zamazenta-C is an excellent setup sweeper with its naturally high defenses, offensive prowess with Iron Defense + Body Press (Rc) and high Speed tier. Using Zamazenta comes at the cost of using exclusively Dauntless Shield, which boosts its Body Press and gives Zamazenta immense physical bulk, Substitute blocks status and Dragon Tail from Garchomp, while Stone Edge hits Flying-types like Talonflame and Zapdos as well as Skeledirge. As Zamazenta has high Speed and ability to force out forces out Meloetta and Alolan Muk (Rc) makes it a good partner for special wallbreakers like Hoopa and Hydreigon. can be partnered with Zamazenta while also helping in removing some of Zamazenta's checks, (Ac) like Unaware Cresselia. Scream Tail is another good partner with its ability to pass high HP wishes to Zamazenta. Hazards, lack of reliable recovery and a nerfed Dauntless Shield means Zamazenta cannot repeatedly switch in freely. (Rc) (AP) which makes Corviknight a good partner with Defog and a slow U-Turn allowing Zamazenta to come in safely. (AP) alternatively, Corviknight's Dual Screens dual screens set allows Zamazenta to have an easier time setting up.

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1/1 GP Team done
IronPress (Zamazenta-Crowned) @ Rusted Shield
Ability: Dauntless Shield
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Body Press
- Iron Defense
- Heavy Slam
- Substitute / Stone Edge

Zamazenta-C is an excellent setup sweeper (remove double space) with its naturally high defenses, offensive prowess with Iron Defense + Body Press, and high Speed tier. Zamazenta-C comes at the cost of using exclusively being able to use (clarity) Dauntless Shield, which boosts its Body Press and gives Zamazenta-C immense physical bulk, Substitute blocks status and Dragon Tail from Garchomp, while Stone Edge hits Flying-types like Talonflame and Zapdos as well as Skeledirge. As Zamazenta-C has high Speed and forces out Meloetta and Alolan Muk, special wallbreakers like Hoopa (do you mean Hoopa-U? just Hoopa refers to the ghost psychic one and i assume thats not good?) and Hydreigon can be partnered with Zamazenta while removing pair well with it, and they remove some of Zamazenta's Zamazenta-C's checks like Unaware Cresselia in return. Scream Tail is another good partner with its ability to pass high HP wishes Wishes to Zamazenta-C. Hazards Entry hazards, a lack of reliable recovery, (AC) and a nerfed Dauntless Shield means mean Zamazenta-C cannot repeatedly switch in freely, which makes Corviknight a good partner with Defog and a slow U-Turn allowing U-turn, allowing Zamazenta-C to come in safely; alternatively, Corviknight's Dual Screens dual screens set allows Zamazenta to have gives Zamazenta-C an easier time setting up.

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1/1 GP Team done
IronPress (Zamazenta-Crowned) @ Rusted Shield
Ability: Dauntless Shield
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Body Press
- Iron Defense
- Heavy Slam
- Substitute / Stone Edge

Zamazenta-C is an excellent setup sweeper (remove double space) with its naturally high defenses, offensive prowess with Iron Defense + Body Press, and high Speed tier. Zamazenta-C comes at the cost of using exclusively being able to use (clarity) Dauntless Shield, which boosts its Body Press and gives Zamazenta-C immense physical bulk, Substitute blocks status and Dragon Tail from Garchomp, while Stone Edge hits Flying-types like Talonflame and Zapdos as well as Skeledirge. As Zamazenta-C has high Speed and forces out Meloetta and Alolan Muk, special wallbreakers like Hoopa (do you mean Hoopa-U? just Hoopa refers to the ghost psychic one and i assume thats not good?) and Hydreigon can be partnered with Zamazenta while removing pair well with it, and they remove some of Zamazenta's Zamazenta-C's checks like Unaware Cresselia in return. Scream Tail is another good partner with its ability to pass high HP wishes Wishes to Zamazenta-C. Hazards Entry hazards, a lack of reliable recovery, (AC) and a nerfed Dauntless Shield means mean Zamazenta-C cannot repeatedly switch in freely, which makes Corviknight a good partner with Defog and a slow U-Turn allowing U-turn, allowing Zamazenta-C to come in safely; alternatively, Corviknight's Dual Screens dual screens set allows Zamazenta to have gives Zamazenta-C an easier time setting up.

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the baby is an ok pokemon, anyways implemented, thanks!

ready for upload!
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